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... B3ELF'AST POLICE COURT. V;:-ox:.:sA.Xw J'flef'orC J. UtAMUwe Esq-, 4 . ASc)A2.21.T AIND TrlZEl*ATI2NliNIN!A' 2 .7,ricsi lco 1rlhio was cimr:-&dl ?? a 11121 Ii, 22011100 Cemllpiaiiient, exant'ined hy Alr', s~tud hoit im L Vwls 2 lepelliliker, ill thle (t~IliplI 122 lL. lii J'I' i''1 Abbtilt., with whoml lie had ''In fo Iiil 1W Ii.0.2 2 Vn2il'5 th whel~in. al lie 20d iii' of'iL1 i ill' ...


... COUNTY OF DOWN PIRESENTMENT SESSIONS. TnE Presentment Sessions for the County at Large ?? held on 'l'Tesda y in Dolnipalrick. T'ho inais- trates presiding witre John S. Crawford, Esq., chair- mlin, Ani(ldrew N ugen t, William Keuiio , W. R1. Ankletell, and D. Harrel, Esqrs. The applications approved at the different Baronial Sessions wvere gone through. 'T'he SEltCUTAlYV said there Nvas an ...


... TH11E ASSIZES. IT Will bO ?? that Lthe Crown business of thre Antiim Assizes termiairstedl on Situlo(ra v. lbe Nisi Plrilis business will, hl :vvorw, in all pri babilit v, oc- uplly the greater part, if not the whole, of the preseiut wook, not more than ?? of tire Records having been, for so Fill, disposed of. It is wvith painl we observe that oite of thie rimil trials has resulteid ill a ...


... BELFAST POLICE COURT.-IlVl)EDNEDAY. lel'rore the MAYOR, and V. S. FAkcv, Esq., ]tMJ] '[iiTa list of ofierices to-day was untisially short, and few of' the cases u orithlv of being recorrded. Ali IM [ret) CllitjiiuiI. Betefs Sales, alias Kstemala, a fiolorn-loonlg' crea- turey, albout six-andI -t:irYiv yea's of a ige, Was ?? with having trown lhers el5f into i pit in a brii ohfield, svitib the ...

The Press

... E. bc Tjcm5. THE CHAJIGE AG'AINST TIhE_ FOREIG-N (IFroni tA- Press.) Jx Out' hLaS number we made a serions ebar'gcagainstI Lord Clarentdon. It was one which, whatever die w-ian of its communnication, could scarcely be left, Ln- 110tijedr, or- UlIefu.ted, Wex'Ci it un1true0. It attratctd consith'rable attention, and the 11itt..icUS friends; or tile 6civerniiietit ma;12 Ii ii-otivenon et ...


... A IP.-~ T-. ?? ---v I A FATAL LEGACY-&DuT1av FRON 1XCoESeUE DahKx- ?? John Eil ctt'Htundms;n', Eaq., city coroner, ?? an inquest at the house 80, Church-lstreet, on the body of Mary Anne Foster, aged 22 years. Mary Kirwan deposed that she (witor.s) lived In the room in which the inq4est iwas being then held; deceased was her sister-in lav,' and had resided at 28, Monck-place, Phibebo- rough; ...


... LAW NTEzLlGENCE. . 1. . .. II COURT OF CHANCERY-YESTERDMA. The Lord Chancellor, with Mr. Justice Ball and Mr. Jus- tice Moore, eat in this court yesterday to bear the argurieats of counsel in the cause of I - Circrry v. Cox. The question to be decided turned upon the construetion to be given to the residuary clause in the will of-Mr. Richard Keatinge, of Durgarvan, who appointed Mr. A. Cox his ...


... | MAS1ZES INTELLIGENCE. l MONAGGHAN. (FROat OUR CORRE21PONDtET.) MURDER OF MR. BATESON. (Continued from yesterday's Freeman.) Patrick Brennan examined by the Attorney-General-I am a tenant of Lord Templeton'e, in the towniand of Drums- gelvin; I heard of the murder of Mr. Bateson the day after it occurred; I remhember three men coming to my house one evening ; I do not know whether it was ...


... (FROM OU O1 M 0 CW1 O RSPONDEN T.) Mo bghan, ?? aU1, July 9. 17E sri~ltEB 9 it TSSON. , At nine o'clock Ithise orning th slon. Justice Jackson entered the crown court, and the. following business of the day was at once proceeded with. Bryan Grant was cta e1, - ith the murder of the late Thomas Douglas aat ?? Coomey was charged With being an accessary iof the same crime. The prisoners pleaded ...


... COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH-YisTERDAY. MANDAMUS MOTION. Mr. Henry MacDermott applied, on the part of Mr. G. S. Wybrants, for a mandamus against the Ecclesiastical Commis- sionnrs, to compel them to return to the Lord Lieutenant a cir- tificate of valudtion, as required by the 3 and 4 Wmi. 4, c. 87, t section 13b. It appeared that in the year 1823 a DIr. Lewis, who held under an interest which was ...


... C OROQNERS INQUEITM. , - 'Pnt! FATAL ACCtrBENT itS, CiAi'iO sTiitr. -YeSteirday, ad,; urnrnenct, Cite inqueat tunctinng tbh ,d-sth of El zibetb Gallagher A as resuified in JerviS-31reet H>ospital, : bufor- John E illyndrnau, Esq., city coroner. Owinig to theabsence'of a joror,; Mr. Patrick Byrne, 4, Ahbev-street, the inquiry, which bad been fixed lor twelve o'cluk. did not take ...


... DUBLIN PoLICE-SATURDAY. COLLE6E-titHEET OFFICE. RoBBeRY OF PLATE, &c.-Juobn Ferris, Winnifred Woods, Maria Lyoch, and Thomas Dolan, were brougbt up in cus- tody of Sergeants Spencer and Allen, G division, charged under the following circumsetaticr:- lady named Deborth Freetvwood stated tbat about tbrse months back she left her residence, 122, Srephen'a'greea, West, to spend some time in the ...