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... FASHIONABLE INTELITGENCE. REPORTED APPROACIrNG MARRIAGE OF THE PseCNOSS MARY OF CO.3IBRIDGE.-Tih &oazetot di Genmva of the 19th instant, copying from the Parliamento, of Turin, announces the approaching marriage of H.RHI. Princess Mary of Cam- bridge with Prince Napoleon, Bon of Prince Jerome Bona- parte. We cannot, of course, ctr:ify the correctness of this report, nor should we insert it bad ...


... The number of persons who visited the ExhibitioO Yde- day lwas 16,117. The following circular has been issued by Mr. Jo. Robineon to the members of the several musical 50c' Dablin, and we have no doubt but it will be OpIW to cheerfully;-, DDE=R Sta-The Committee of the Dublin Exhibibia being desirous of giving as much .das to its dosiag diy is possible, have requested me, in connection with ...


... ac t rI.I . P it ES ENT 'M E 1lh C I E.S. Tlii Vuoice which I did more ?? Than 3Music in her swveet.,t ht.i; The eves which unto mue did seem 31ore cuinfortablo than the day; Those now, by me, as they have been, Shal l ne vcr me re be heartn or seen, I'nt what I nco (r erjoyed in theie Shall seen hereafter as a d reattt. All earthly comrfutrts vanish thus; So little holdl of themi havo we That ...

Original Poetry

... orighlat loortru. ?? ? THE SONG OF THE BLACKSTAFF. I CANIE from the mountains, pure and bright, Through flowery fields I strayed; Gladly I danced in the sun's clear light, And with the sunbeams played. In music and mirth the happy hours Of the Summer dlays wvere passed; Oh! green were the fields, and bright the flowers, In the place where my lot was cast. One day the wind came wanderin.g by, ...

Fashion and Varieties

... JIarnton alib rarictis. THE COURT. Tira Queen held a Court onl Saturday afternoon, at ]Buckinghtam Palace. 'The Count Collovedo, Austrian Minister, Ihail an autlience, and delivered to her Al a- jesty an autograph letter fromn the Emperor of Austria. tier Majestv and Prince Albert, accompanlied bY thle Prince of Wales, tire Princess Royal, Prince Alfred, thle Princesses Alice, Helena, and ...


... ortru. SCORN NOT:THE HUM1BLEST. SAMUttE DANTEL-ASNO 1649. Wnnus right is weaek, and wrong encountering strong; When mightier do assault than can defend, The feeble oft endures enforced wrong, And silent sees what 'plaints-cannot amend; Yet power must think-in pain though it repine- Its sun may set, for little stars to shine. While pike are out, the silly tenhs must fly; Crouching in nooks are ...


... :i@ctr P. TfHE ANGELS TO THE DYZING ONE. COMP! Come! In the bowers of the earth, Where the jessamine breathed on the summer air, And voices wvere round thee of love and eil'th, We guarded thee safe from secret snare; From the serpent gliding slow, Where perfumed flowerets blow. Come! come! When sorrow wild, Like a blighting East-wind fiercely blew, We sheltered thee thenr, poor weeping child, ...


... THE G:ilhET EXIIHIUITliN. (-Promx I/tt Dublinz papers.) Amoxes'r the arrivals oit I'ejtiesday wvere further portions of thet Gorman and French consigilmelits,I the latter including, jowellery from tiwe em1incit 551:1- blishinent of 31. Rodolplti, and ?? be~aitiful hbroniz casting-s by 31. Miroi' and Madamne Glilni, OF' Paris. In tile coursge of thle e-vening., considerable Curiosity an~d ...


... TIHE GREAT INDUYSTRIA L EXH-IBITION. ri,, nuiblier of persons admitted to tile building on 'l'uesday was 9,207. The attendlalllce during the day was InIlIllel)cls and reslpectable. 'ihe interior of' the build itig presented, duri a g the day, a most lively ap- pearance, and was filled with a host of Li gilish tollrists, as also With a Vast no1ruber of our Own1 ?? peasantry, all of swlhom seemc ...

Fashion and Varieties

... ifasbion antr Yarictico. 'I'TIE COURT. I aVINI)soe, THURSIAY.-Thi Roval linner party ves-- teiday iniclulded the Royal visitors of her Majesty, the Belgian and Auisti'ian Ministers, the Earl and Countess of Clarendon, Count de Lamnoy, Colonel de Moerlerke, Baron Prisse, M. Ricken, &c. The Queen and Prince, with the Roval visitors, went to London this morning by a special t'rain of the Great ...


... I I '11111, Pe'iqlllit/tliOS Illljli'el', of tile 22und Novembriw., conitains a, gloWinlg~ ;IitIotlt of thle ill1101' eill.' Cure- nosonies ccmituoted with tile ijvjing ao' till co'ner lS' to ll' of tile nosy Masonici Temlple illI Ji'iIj:lIl~iphili, oil 2Joii- tiltS, the 21cr Novembflerl' a~t. h 'Isi@ 5( 1st the building is, IIl Clmellilt Street. Ns'mt Oci Serentil, hul tilitiher oili eilte ...


... l3outrU. A IJ T U AI N. TrIE bud of Spring is softly seen Full bursting through the icy sheen That Winter left upon the green- Its last departing tear; But, oh! the bough of russet brown, Unbent to Winter's coming frown, Where gentle airs blow leaflets down, To me is far more denil. I love the shadow onl the path, The moonbeams on the olden rtath; To me the Auituimin ever hath A magic of its ...