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... LITER AT U RE. Witi -&et e ecffYrnst and Homilie's of 1?plireimsn Srits. Trans- by lated from. the original Syriac. ~:With an Introduction, and thu Philological NoteS. By thle REV. HENRYe BURGESS, Pit. D. of Huo Gottingon, a; Presbyter of. th~f Church of England, T'rhnslator lII% of the Lettcrs of Athaniastue from ln Auoient Syriac Version. jud London: R. B. Elackadder INe looking into this ...


... LIT ERA UHE. A Sermon. Preached before his Grace the Lord High Cen.t- al missioner and Members of Assembly, at the opening of the pros General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, May 17, 1853. TAh fly LEWIS W. FoRBES, D.D., minister of Boharm, the re- tiring Moderator. Edinburgh: B aton & Ritchie. THE TeeS sermon has been given to the public by request of some Mon who -heard it preached; and ...


... - POETRYs MEMOUIAL TO DBELLOT. (Fror7 PunA.) One noble heart the-more bath ocean stilled, A beart tbat tbrobbed-witb brave-humanity And generons fortitude, which inotbiug Ailled Bufttheo rirliivater~of the frozen sea: Down to the deep, in doing well, went he.. :No son of England-yet shall that be esaid, k such kindred ,with the.bero as we claiin?- . For we all mourna brotber .in the-dead, - ...


... Thlis Society held its third meeting for the season in the As- sembly Roons, on Wednesday last. Exhibitors were fortunate i obtaiiljll a plecasant morning, and their specimens came for- varid in fihe condition. A gay throng of visitors crowded the room (during the whole day, and were evidently gratified with thle sight. As a whole, this show has been the moet successful of the season, both as ...


... THE OLD wV_&SirRU'OX1AN. 1f REV, CIIARLcS T. BROOKS, OF SEWPORT, RIHODE ISLAND. BEHlOLD her busy with her linen, You ancient dame with silver hair, The briskest of the washerwomen, Though six-and-sevelity years are there So she has followed, year by year, The honest toil at which you find her, Filling with diligence the sphere Of useful labour God assigned her, In her young days, (for she is ...


... WINTER. F 0 Wi ater, ruiler of the inverted year, a5 Thy scattcrd hair with sleet lilko ashes dfll'd, c Thy breath congealld upon thy lips, thy cheeks Fring'd with a beard, made white with other snows Than those of age, thy forehrad w-app'd in clouds, A leafless branch thy sceptre, and thy throne A s'lding ear, indebted to no whels, e But urg d by storms along its slipp-rvy way, wa I love thec ...


... TALENT AND GENIUS. Talent convinces-Gonius but excites; This tasks the reason, that the soul delights. Talent from soberjudggmeut takes its birth, And reconciles the pinion to the earth Genius unsettles with (issires the mind Contented not till earth bo loft behind Talent, the sunshine on a cultured soil, Ripens the fruit, by slow degrees, for toil; Genius, the sudden Iris of the skies, On ...


... LITER AT URE. Daily Bible Iilsestrations: being Origtnal Readings for a Year, Set one guliebts fromn Sacred History, Bliograpihy, Ge A n- c tiquitiee, and Theoloeyy. By JOHN KITTO, DD vBmening bo1 ,Seriee. Vol. TIT. Life and Death of our Lord. Edin- stri burgh: W. Oliphant & Sons. COT Tuls volume, the third of the Evening Series, and the seventh col of the Daily Bihle Illustrations,' ...


... PO E T R Y. H E I G H1.}1 0! Tell mea Maiden, tell me truly, Host thlou, lost thy heart or no In the cbarming month of July Hearts will go a wandering so; Is it so, Aye or no ? Hearts will go-with a-heigh! ho ! Dew bespangles mead and mountain, Sunbeams kiss, and flowerets blow By the shady fell and fountain Lovers will a-wooing go; Is it so, Aye or DO ? Hearts will go-with a-beigh ! ho I Ope ...


... COMPETITION AND SHOW ROYAL NORTHERN AGRICULTURAL SOCIEtY. -~~~~~~ :: - THE Eighth Annual Compttition and Show of ivo 'Stock; &C., in connection with the Royal Xorthern AgricuilturZel Society, embracing the' district of Aberdeen, BaufF Kinar dine, and East Forfarsbires, took place on Thursday and Fari- day, the 4th and%5th inst. The animas&cfo hbitoj were taken to the Show-yard on Thusay ...


... LIT ER AT U RE. ,flag North Briiiil Rleviete, Edinburgh : W, P. Kennedy. AaoiNG thle otrrisety ilsat-tices contained inl thite O moth'sT mnuttler is Odle (li tire pri'spcrts of France and the dattgers ofin En~glenet, which would be welt worthy of the consideration of Tin The more zealous inohrebr of tite Penice Conigress. The writer tasies, on most pibntstt, what stuns to nas to be a very ...


... LITER AT U l E. The Enepcfspadiee flritteoiea. Eighth Edition. Part 1. Vol. roil I1. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Blatk C WE have bore the first part of a new Edition of the Eneyclo- to 1i ptcdia Britannica. The seventh edition was completed in 1842; hod and it is very gratfying, to think that there should so coon again and he a demand for a new imipression of so expensive a work, any There is, ...