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Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland

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... TYPHUS AND CIIOLIERA.-AN ECLOGUE. I V i- r I (Froim the Timeiics.) SCliC.-A Loo)o0XC-lousiX. Tjrtt'VU5 HfOVERS OVER A CROWD 01 SLEI;IltIs. CilowtlA (without). Sister! Sister! c Tvcit us, I ciii here, ),inig my work for to-morrow's hier, 5 Nile acd seven lie Cacih ill a r ow- TIwo 11e gone, anil two will go. Cnoiakltlt (enters). 'Sister! Sistcr ! yon work too slw;w For here, wvhere the tidc ...


... AR'T IN CHlINA. Mr. Sirr in his China and the Chinese gives the following account of a series of illustrations of the Progress of Ophutn Smoking, which he inspected in the atelier of bum-qua, a celeb'rated artist at Canton. If thie ide-a of these pictures were not ederivedi front E'uropeanu 0eu-rtvill~s imported into -Chinla, they ex- Ililbit at singuilar ide~ntity of design with tha of ...


... POPULAR ElNTI.E',RTAINMENTS. .. . ?? . - . -- _ . IIl.-_LL ?? .- ?? _ ~)iolnpStret Teatr.-Sicethe last notice lin cur paper of thi esablshlleittil Nerybenitiuldraina of' Uncle T1omn' Caibini Ii s been iiigbitly played to deliglhted audiences. It is nlot often that it is lis sor psui' to speak of' a new play cci 11being 'it the oasis timl sretl loilili languiage, positions, t and teachinigs, ...


... LIT E R AT UII E. Ua'cCLr Toar's CAnIN. By iaillriet Beecher Stolve. New illustrated Edition. Edinburgh: Adam & Charl]es Black. Oaall the varied foris in which tite celebrated story of Uncle Tom lias been premestted to the public, this is by far the most graceful and attractive c antd when wc consider ho1y cxtensively the art of the typographer aind the ptcneil of tin artist heave been) ...


... LITERAT UREE TiE AUSTRALIAN AND C.T.irORiAN GOLD DIPCOVEAIIure AND TIIEIR PRoltOINLE CONSEQUENCE;S. By Patrick Junl.; Stirling, ?? Author of The Philosophy of Trade.' Edinburgh: Oliver& Boyd. 1853. IT is not at all surprising that the recent discovery of gold i,, California and Australia, in connection with the rapid progr c; of emigration from Great Britain towards our own colon!g, should ...


... DUNLOP STRiEET5 THEATRE. Since our last notice of M[r. Glover's establishment, several new pieees have been brought forward, and haive met with com-r ple e sunccess. Signora Rita Favanti has also been delighting the audiences with selections from operas, and which have been uniformly received with much applause. Indeed, general opinion in Glasgow in that this lady is a first-rate artist. It is ...


... CIIRYSTON AND SADDER CATTLE SHOW. The annnal show of this society took place at Ilishopbriggs, ol the 9th currenot. Tho entries of cattle were unusually large, and the show ofldrvaght bOI rse verysuperior. T'I ejuldges-Messrs. Samuiel Clark, Manswraesgs John Black, Easterhousei o anidtobert Clark, Calderbank -awarlded the prizes its followo,- Class 1. For the best 31ilch Cow-Ist, Mr Alexander ...


... ruin IOI1t . Those who would wvish to see what, a great artist can do with ias a subject, whlen lie is iii earnest to do his best, Should visit the 5'l gallery of Messrs. .31 Cties & Son, Iluehanlan 'Street1 where nI), there is at Isresent 555 view peurhapts thue mjost remarkable Oil pi ctr ever exhiibited its this city, anid whtichl as filuislied Lin aibout itwo years age, by AL 1'otl ...


... HER AIAJEFSTY'S D)RAWING-ROOM. (irrom the Times.) The Queen held a Dr'awirg-roorn (the first this season) yes- terday atternoo llin St. James's Palace. Upwards of 200lndies were presented at the reception, which was very numelously t attenided. The Queen wore a train of blue and silver cloth, with gold stars, trimmed with gold braid and silver blorelc. ' The pretticoat was wlhite net over ...


... I NO. Ky. By SHNxax tEM I NISCE NCES. ?? my communtication to you, of 28th February last (No. 12), I stated hz~w I had beatsia very bad boy ain olden time, and had stolenl a piots tif liquttrice-root froms i garden of a druggist, whoseo name I hadl forgotten, and that the place where I corn- initted this depredation at prusetit forms thle site of our Sheriff's Court. I now understand from you ...


... SUM:NEBUI)Y'.S ST'ORY. t'b'e luive dilrilg thle past tltrepo years, givets occttsitnal ex - att. t tracts frout D1 ?? ickens' admittralle wrehkly Serital, Uoshl lold, he Wors ist I it is whiti tnuelt gratiflicationt that we refer tot, atit Al (julote froni, lith last part, whitch hals appen~dedl to thle misitn wteekly ottatbers a otptetet ltyte, cotttaittitg a ll oundtt ovume of first-tate ...


... LIT ER A TU R E. NARR~ATrVE OF TUlE UNrrFD STA'TES., Exrconixo, EXPEnnIION. ~Y C~iASES WILKS, United States ~Navy, Commnln der of be the Expedition. London: Ingram, Cooke, & Co. 227, Ile Strand. IT- IE, we except the effinrts of British enterprise in the Arctic Sees-ever memorable from the disastrous fate, it is to ble heC fea-redl or'i1,tatiklinttdl lis oiptls~ttiiitoi-titecredit beloings to ...