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Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland

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... LI T ER I A T U R E. LECTURES ON GOLD. London David Boguc, Fleet Street. AT tile piesen t tiele, when almost cvcry one has his thoughts and his longings ii rected towards the wonderfully ris h oblden lands of Australia and California, and when so manly thousands are leaving their homes to go in search Of those fields where gohl is gathered by the toll eight, we tliik this volu nie of moire ...


... NE\V MUSIC. A GOO0) OLD ENG.ISHI CHEIIR. Words by S. P. Goddard. Alusic by J. Emery. London: D'AInaine & Co. Af 1DENnBEAUTY. Words by Clarles Swain. Mlusie by George Simpson. D'Alinaine & Co. Tim LOeNDON QUADnILLE.S. By T. E. Spinney. D'Almaino & Co. Bu~tuTIFur. ERi. Words by Mis Wellington Boate. Music by Stephen Glover. London : Robert Cocks & Co. PATRIICK. Written and Composed by George ...


... LEAV1S FROM TIM NOTE-BOOKC OF A NATURALIST. I TURTLES. i (Froim Fraser's Magazine.) ap After a Short account of the hawksbill, Catesby says of the leggorhli~Lds, that tliey are the boldest, the moat voracious, anti] to the fouilest feeders of all the turtles. C ?? Try range (says lie) the ocean ovor;- an instance of whichi, th amongst Many that I havo known, happen'ld the 20th of April, ne 1 ...


... THlE ART UNION. Wo understand that the stubseriptimit lists for tile next year are now open, anrid wo need not say that it is the dity, as it should he the pleasure, of all to do all that ill thoetm lies to smsist ill its support. Every admirer of art should beco(ic a seller of tickets of miemobership. Every one who would vish that a taste for the noblest productions of the pencil asd the ...


... CAMPSIE, STRACTIlI1LANE, AND BALDERNOCK CATTLE SHOW, &C. The annoiil exhilbitian of this long-estnblished snciety's best spo- c;lowns of live stock aid batteO wios hold; at Claclian of Oalltpeic, on Tuesday the 7th iestant, and, ItIS tisil, attracted miulh interest in the district. Terio qumity of the eiiihls brouight forward ens admitted to be very excllelit, And soich is to denmonstrate ...


... LITER AT UR E. A 'VISIT TO MIEXiCo, by the 'West India Islands, Yucatan, and F nited States, with Observations and Adventures on the 1aA y. 1y WVmr,. Parishi Robertson. InI 2 vols. London iljnkin, MMarshall, & Co. WfR . I'AI:ISIH ROIEaTSOX, and his deceased brother, are slr(lqtjy well known to ill interested in South America, and to a - eiderable extent to the general public, by their ...


... AY I N T E R. c10 Oh, Winter ! old Winter! for many a year IC You and I fiave been friends, bet I samly fear That your blustering n iglts and stormy d!ays sill have no more of illy love or lily praise. ce There wvas a time when I used to look You fill in the face on1 the frost-limed brook o- Wlheni I laughed to see you loek hl) the ale, Alid fetter the miop to the housenmaid's pail. ce It was ...


... THsEREvFORlATlONiNENGLAND. ByJJ.II.b1ElLED1AUB1QNE, D.D. Translated by H. White, Cambridge. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd. Tnis forms the fifth volume of Dr. D'Aubigne's General His- tory of the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century, and is wholly devoted to the ecclesiastical annals of our own country. It may seem strange that the History of the English Reformation should be written by a foreigner; ...


... MEARNS. This show took place, oni Friday the 20t ullitimo, at Newton, and proved a most eucefsful one. The jadges were Mr. John Morton, Cleughearn, East 1l0bride; Mr Robert Hamilton, Gallowhill, Car- munnock; and Mir Robert London, Hairlaw, Fenwickl, who awarded the prizes as follows e- Class 1. Best Cow in Milk-Ist and 2d, Mr Robert Young, Rys- land; 3d, Mr Arthur Rather, Nethorplace, 4th, ...


... L I T E 1' AT U I' E. Excrccl or0i)lA BRtITANSICA. Vol. I. Messrs. A. & C. Black, jfdinburgh. Oun readers will remember that about thrce moliths ago0wo noticed the first part of this great work, which contained Pro- (essor Dugald Stewvart's eloquent essay ol the Progroes of Metaphysical and Ethical Philosolplly, since thoe levival of Letters iu EuLope. Since that time two additional parts ...


... M E L R O S E L A M B F A I R. lll-l A- 10 FAIDAi AAUG. 12. : (Frolm the Comrint.) e This imeportant miarket wes held to-day on the Eildon lils, siotu- atedt bobe the toe- of Mlrosoc. The weather being uncommonly P favournble, tile stock beld 1 very excellent appearance, being strong e ii tilw bone, and other-wise in good condition. Nevet- waS such an ex- r tmisive show soce here the iinnibers ...


... PICTURE BY MR. MIAIANUS. The following extract from a letter, by a Ghisgow gentleman visiting Dublin, will be interesting to the filonds of Mr. M'lIassus il this city:- c Mr. MBarnus took me to see a large historical picture that E he is exhibiting in a house that lie built for the purpose. It is a aclever picture, being a historical incident representing. St. Patrick illustrating the ...