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Foreign Intelligence

... Forciqnu Lntelliqence. — INDIA. In our last we published a telegraphic despatch from Trieste in anticipation of the Overland Mail. The following is from the letter of the Zines correspondent at Bombay, dated De- cember 3 :— “Our latest accounts from Burmah extend to the 18th of November. Everything remained in statu quo. * The General- in-Chief was still at Rangoon, and Sir John Cheape was com ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EsrAuALoliHo IN 1807. GLASGOW Tilrll;STL AND ROSE SOCIETY. T iM ASNlAI-AL IMiN N ER ,f this Society takes plaicill T tbe Tonitine IlItel oil Friday, 21st January current, at 5 o'clock i'ii. s A.,EiX ANI)ER II 11tELL, Esq., President, Chairman. ROIIER,1'I' LO,6CIIRE, 2ctriis, 1.1q., Tircasrer, Crou pier. Mlinler Ticket, including Dlrains, XVWlic, and Music, Gs. Gd., to be had at the ?? of thc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N O T I CE. SALE AT GBILSTON, CARDROSS. IIE SALE of FURNITURE anl EFFECTS advortised T to take place at Geilston House, Cardross, on ''llesdhly tbe 4Lb of January next, is hereby POSTPONE]D till further Notice. JNO. DEWAR, Auctioneer. Dumbarton, 31st December, 1S52. LOST, On Friday last, 31st December, in London Strect, A BLACK TANN'1 SPANIEL DOG, about 6 months A old. Whoever will return himn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T ( LIET', FU RNISlEl), A II OUSE, coorntaing 3 Rooirs arnd Kitcheln, ?? irk a . healthly part of the city, onr the South side, with Water :loset arid other coFlveiicicecs, Concealed ?? in Parlour and Kitchen, French anid Tent letds irs front and back 13ei Ilooris, arid othlrrwise w ell furnished. Errtry immnciat ely. Terors moderate. T Address J. N. H ., Herald Office. TO J3E L ,T, I. Entry ...


... Desper & ArgsroatH Week ending Dec. 26. Passengers, 682i—Receipts, £222 1 7 i £436 18 Corresponding week im 1851,. 454 5 Duspgz, Peseta, & Aserperen Rartway Week ending Dec. 26. Passengers, .. eee £219 3 9 eee nes 453 911 £702 13 Corresponding week in GUS 19 | Peets, & Raitway, ‘ Week ending Dec. 26. —— £2385 18 , Passengers, 16,761— week in 1851, 2129 12 Scortisu Week ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. FrHE BOOKS OP THE CITY OF GLASGOW LIFE ASSUJR- 'I -T ANCE COMPANY WILL BE CLOSED, FOP. THE I ANNUAL INVESTIGATION AND DIVISION OF PROFITS, C UPON THURSDAY THE 20TH JANUARY CURRENT. N.B-All se/o are Assured be-fore the above date will im7me- diately participate in the Bonito then to be aserlainect, and this Boniuo sna either be added to the Policy, as an additional As- entrance, or the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. hM commutnications, and articles of Intelligenee, intended for, e publication, require to be authenticated by the name and i address of the writer. Unless this is attended to, Corres- e pondents may rest asstured that no attention will be paid to their communicatious. } M~t. ~ . -- - ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Aberdeen Railvwray Company. LOANS. I 'lll.FCTORS are prepared to receive LOANS onl the V ',l'i'l~l' De lenturres, at 4 per Cent. Iciterest, for periods -' ,-,':1'i upwards. The Interest will ie muadc payablec . c-tv. in kberdeeir, Edinburgh, or London. 'I,], to titc t;eVrctarv. ' Bv order, CEO. REITIH, Scey. Stirdees, 14th Dec., 1S52. Bitch Found. :lT1, easte to JOIbu PEANrts, Dnbston, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE ATHEN~iIUM READING ROOM, S ITUATED in thes Elegant Building fronting Castle Street Z3and Union Street. The number of Newspapers, Periodi. quali ,cal Publications, and Books of Reference, is ample; and the ac- POR commodationas of every description, for the use of the Readers, Vint are splendid, as well as convenient.: Annual Subscription, Xi 10s. Strangers, who have not the desec facility ...

Foreign Intelligence

... Forciqn FRANCE. The Moniteur of Sunday gives an account of the receptions at the Tuileries. e representatives of the Foreign Powers which have recognised the Emperor were present, and the ‘oniteur does not Pope’s Nuncio made a short s h, but the publish it, We are merely told that it was a speech of congra- short. He said tulation. The reply of the Emperor was vi that he hoped, with the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _ ?? i..JSI I THLE ]tICLI'AsT A NDVI) W OF IRI'ELAND JU ,CTlI IIN RA LNVA V COMPANV, CAP l'ITA 1L, X250,(00, thin I 10,000 .S'keres eflX2.5 riwci .m ?? 1h, la rpit ?? I 0s. cii ealih tim' Share, 0mm4 allotmmemm 1. Liallmfy limimtedl o thlle (Iuimmmt ?? thme I'IlO17181ONAT COCMM ITTIMiC L~ord RO.95MUOI I, Lorml-I~je~jutemmimt oif the Icounmty of Meo- , SAM :IT I. 1 GI EA'II,' Fl'ICNT'CmN, J.P. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i3UILDING GROUND IN LOW GREEN STRMEET. Ills11 PRIOMERTY having been Disposed of, by Private L agil ivill 24t be Eqiolled, to Pubici Bole onl thle 12th lust. as ettieil. A. & J~. GRAHAM. 42 George ?? ?? 5)th Janl., 1853. Onl Wedne10sday last, A LADY'S ISmall GOLD. LOC0KET, in the l'orrn of at heiart. Ani) person finditig the camec, and returning it to thle 0111cce of this Paper, will he ...