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... GLASCGOWV EASTWOO)D CLUB. I'Ihe urnial medtilug of this charitbile institution took place on V ?? I;st, iln tlie Globe Ilotel. Alter the ?? of their noiv l b sij tss, the c mobers dhiiel togetler---J lsiee luobertA(on, Eolq., bniner, in the cloair, soipprtedd by tile Itev. Mr. (ieipholl of Eastwood, P'rovost t orlett, licv, All r. Blokce ?? i'cllolltkacw3, muill 'VIIiamin Plhleli, E'sq., oti ...


... THEATRE ROYXL-)DUNLOP STREET. MIt. OLOLESB'S IIF.NEI'IT. On Friday itight Mir. Glover, the manager of the Thleatre J'oyal, took his benefit, on the occasion ot' the closing of the season. The house, as we anticipiated, was crowded it, every p irt by a most brilliant audience, oiid IhC eute VteinII~ntS-were ofi a very Superjior chiaraeter indeed. Wi.t of' space prqvclits its pailiCelarIizieg, ...


... (From the Dublin University Magozine.) n O)h 1 whly did you go when the flowers were springing, it And winter's wild tempests had vanished away, When the, swallow was come, and the sweet lark was singing, ts From the morn to the eve of the beautiful day ? g( Oh ! why did you go when the summer was coming, 4E And the heaven was blue as your own sunny eye; When the bee on the blossom was ...


... L NEW CLAIMANT POR THE AMERICAN -_— (From te Daily News) The fis vs, of the Galph of St Lawrence and res, the Bay of Fundy, about whieh so has been said, and. in she all the e+ sts of the British American provinees, are not put but private property. y belong, we are told to an who is please to the designation of Earl of g, and who claims thom i ol a grant James VI. of Seotland, and First of I ...


... SACI MUSIC. ro R. A. Surrn's Sacrep Harmony. By James 8 Geikie. Paris 1st and 2d. Edinbargh: A. Robertson and Co, Me R. A. Suirn’s Sacred Harmony has long been regarded as the principal text-book for churches and chapels in Scot- land. But of late, the lack of peculiar measures adapted to the hymns so frequently used, especially in Dissenting con- gregations ; and the want of many beautiful ...


... LITERATURE HOUSEHOLD WORDS, Tae claims of this journal to the first place in the front rank of our serial literature keeps pace with its growing popularity. The present part is an excellent specimen of the tact and ability with which it has always been conducted. It is to difficult matter often to discover the gifted pen of its distin- guished author, and, with such an attraction, we need not ...

The Willing Lass, which from for lia on Thursday at noon, encownt-red a severe snow in the course of the

... night, and was driven over upon the Irish coast. (n the snow clearing off, she was found elose in shor 5 and in putting about, her keel tonched, and round. she again struck on the forepart of her keel, remaining fast This happened at Ballywater, about thirty miles from on Friday morning at two o'clock. The latest news that she has suffered no material injary ; and it was expecte: she would be ...


... COURT OF SESSION—FIRST DIVISION. —_— | JURY CAUSE SITTINGS. | The sittings will commence on Saturday the 23d July, and will continue until the list of causes is exhausted. The trials will be taken as nearly as ible in the order in which the causes are sect down in the subjoined list, and parties must be ready to go on when their causes are called. But, with a view to the convenience of parties ...


... POETRY, AN AUTUMN EVENING. ,Queen Autumn now makes progress through tho land, That loyally hath spread along her way, A golden carpet, prankt with many a band Of bxoidered flowers and leafage clustering gay. The tapestries of the tissued clouds on high, Ruich with the changing glories of the heaveu, Mass round a vaulting of the purest sky, That elen to festal season can be given. AInd tall ...


... PO ETRY. * - ~ FAME_ FROM SCHILLER. What shall I do lest life in silence pass ? And if it do, And itever prompt the bray of noisy bras;.; What need'st thn rue ? Remember aye the Ocean deeps are mute, The shallows roar; Worth is the Ocean-Fame is but the bruit Along the shore. What shall I do to be for ever known ? Thy duty ever. This did. full many who yet sleep unknown- Qh.! never! never! ...


... GLASGOW A1RT UNION. ?? annual meeting of the neisaber; of this Society was held on Wednesday in the Merchants' Hall. The attendance Mas r- numerous, and amongst those present was a large assetblage of ladies. On the platform wye observed G. L. Walker, Esq., id Charles Wilsone Broun, Esq.; Willam Davidson isq. of Ite uchill ; Dr. Aitken ; Andrew Orr, Esq.; Councillor Harvey, 't J. Wylie, Guild, ...


... C A T T L 1 S 1l ) W S, &c. hefirst open show of tihe ilryltill Agricultural Society took pla0ce onl Fihl-tfy thse 20th, in at field near tile village, gi-antod for tlhe per- roseby lexclde M~tite, Eq., )alholt. The Show ailtoigether ito pr~~t~teca 'i'1,eetoeto rought ~c~ccrdwoo tonuneron, ,atel generally of frst-oteijocity 'lie frst ric coina T le anit of tile classes, bejeg the very boot of ...