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... ?? THE SEA BURIAL, t] Dark and deep is thy grave, brother! a In the vast heaving sea: a Dark and deep as thy slumber t] Beneath its wave shall be. t; In the solemn watch of midnigh') 1s By the torches burning dim; l We lay thee in the wvatersl And chant thy burial hymn: t Sleep, brother, sleep, In thy grave dark and deep! The battle and the storm, brother May idly o'er thee sweep; a They will ...


... j1oettp. THE ROSE OF ARVON. Where the Menai's glancing waters, f Lasv the Arvon's pleasant Vales, 1 Blooms the fairest of the daughters f Of the mountain land of Wales. f Rose of Arvon! blooming lonely- t Many a wild flower gems the vales; But this heart is thine, thine only, Daughter of the land of Wales! Long, alas ! I've been a ranger, Long had braved misfortune's gales, When I came a ...


... rrs YSBRnD0oN ANUNa' gan Iorie,'tlb Glan AIed. I It There are four or five points which should never be l slost sight of in estimating the merits of any poetical a scompo ition. As poetry is a very powerful moral 1. agent, exercising great influence for good or for evil, t h and forming, as it generally does, an index to the , n moral condition of society, it is of the first importance tnto ...


... YSTORAI TIBERIAS. A X -11 - v- - l - ?? Y A WELSH ORATORIO. 1 This is the title of an Oratorio, composed by 1 by the Rev. E. Stevens, of Dwygyfylchi; the words _ by the Rev. R. Parry, t Gwalcinnai) ; the subject m( taken froin the 8th chapter of Matthew, 23-27 yn verses. We were much gratified at being present Di at a performance of the above Oratorio, at the a c Bethesda Independent Chapel, ...

Litarary Varieties

... 'iterhary Miet es. oN THE DEATH OF GENERAL SIR C. NAPIER. (ri om the Dablin 7Unive7,sity Mfagazine. '1ould War were dead! . . Yet when a Warrior dies Likc this one, to his knell a pulse rebounds _ Our world is poorer by a noble man. Ss-'ERt is ?? conqueror of Scinme And righteouS ruler. Through a sickly frame, ?? with war, thle spiritual fire Biaeed tcrblike on the battle's vanward surge; And ...


... 'IIIC GREAT INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION I' FOR IRELAND. l Wle gave in onr last, an account of the authorized ceremonial at the opening of this Exhibition in Dublin on Thursday, hut our report of the pro- ceedings could not ihe forwarded in time. Availing ourselves of the invitation which we hadn received, we visited Dublin by the special ex- press, which ?? have already noticed, and imnine- diately ...


... docttr. THE NATIONAL ANTHEM. P EFLLYCHIAD. b 0! Dduw ein HargIwydd da, t Cadw Victoria, t! DOW cadw hi;i Bydd iddi 'a dyner Dad, a Er lies a Iiavydd ein gwlad ; Rbag y derfysswal gad Duw cadw hi. p A'th ddwyfairj waewffon e Chwfll ei gelynion, P Na chlyw eu cri a Alltudia 'n chwyrn o'n gwladt Bod camwedd, lhid, a brad: d Ein trugaroccaf Dad, a Duw cadw vhi. c Teyrnasedi hon yn hir, I gynal ...


... Silks of chequered patterns are, at present, extremely fla- shionable, and nearly all the newest silks of tbis aescrption have the squares large and formed of thres different shades of the same colour. A dress composed of white and green che. qured silk has just been made up. The pattcrn comprises four or five different tones of green. This dress is intended for a showy style of out-door ...

Our Library Table

... our libratp Zable. 1TAIT'S MAGAZINE for June contains the 1 usual number of articles, and there are two clever littll fictions now continuing in its pages.-, A Chirist- g1k inas Vacation in Jutland, and Joe -Loclksart's Sal Dreams, by Will. Carlton. The article entitled. ihe South African Repu~blic;-hsow to keep. a Colony, o contains some valuable information relative to the pie, Cape ...

Our Library Table

... OuT libratp sabit. ti A few weeks ago, we noticed a modern drama, Si ANNE BLAKr, by Westland Marston,-a play tl which has given us more pleasure than any vwe have perused for some time. We have now before li us three plays by the same author,-1 TIlE HEART b AND TIlE WORLD, STRATHMORE, and PuIt- b LIP OF FRANCE and MARIE Dr MERANLE , and a dramatic poem, entitled GERALD. The plays d ...


... I v THIE ADVENTURES OF A SALMON. A comical title this for a book leading people to wonder whether the experience of some subaltern in one of her Majesty's regiments, or those of a veritable fish of the species indicated are to be nar- rated. To relieve the doubt thus excited, eve will at once state that the best of all the finny tribe is the cherished topic of the author, and that he not only ...


... oc-=: := LINES ON THE DEATH OF AIRS. SARAH DREW. Farewell, dear friend, thy sand's short race is run, The storms of life have ever ceased to blow; Thy warfare's past, the glorious victory's Won, And thou hast bid farewell to all below. And now, methinks, I see thee, clothed in white, Before the throne of Heaves's Eternal King; There with the first-born sons of purest light, To GOD thou dost ...