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Advertisements & Notices

... - lMSi;4S ,LA 'RKEh'S ESTABLISJM'ENT Y.t 101:r Ladies, lRX-OPJNS on TuasisnkY, - T-, . f tfj , t8; ''lt i l i s R A ?? TI ,. D~ih o' s M icc elli be RESiTIVIEiP PLS-TMAS, EAR VFL.JNISHIRE. ; ., i ) i ~ ?? l iy h ?? iroitc! 5 tat the 4c , i'!'I.Ssi.c ?? II lie RD15- JA.NVARY, UtIM. Te..s m..y v.1 JdR efs3I T.L. ' 1' , . - ,, e will b ose Ill ?? , :..Ie V ACAN.:lL;E for XL1 It id ECRJAXtXet., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? Throw physic to the ?? note of it'- Sakispea-re. 17WOUBr THE Pi- AND IstLyOZAr OF Tlw ?? VA -rPA QUEMN ~ ? * / ' NoBILITY. OP ER'S ROYAL B a3TII PLASTERS i'91, Supersede tlte use of Inwvard' tedtiine for Coughs. Asthna, l-Ioersenesq, fndinestioll'Pailpits- tion of the Heart, Croup, Iloopit Cough, Infl uenza Chronic Strainis, Biuisps, Lu:nibigo, Spinal and Rihtiintitic Affectioiis, Diseases ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WELSH EDUCATION INSTITUTION, LLANDOVERY. Thomas pklilhlps Foundation. V ACANCY OF THE OFFICE OF HEAD v MASTER, &c.-In consequence of the Re- Signation ofthe Ven. the Archdeacon of Cardigan, the Office of Head Master of the above Institution is vacant. The Head Master must be a Clergyman of the Established Church, in full Orders, thoroughly acquainted with the Welsh language in its colloquial ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. .A& Voice from the Society shall have the earliest possible attention. The lines from Holywell are not exactly up to our standard of criticism. The letter signed Presbyter, being written on both sides the sheets of paper, and being received only on Wednesday afternoon, necessarily stands over till our next. s Hilar shall also then have insertion. We find that we were ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Eduscation. HOPE COTTAGE, PEN-Y-MAES, NEAR HOLYWELL, FLINTSHIRE. M RS. ASTLE respectfully announces that the MIL Duties of her Establishliment will be RE- SUMED on the 21st JANUARY, 1853. Terms may be had on application. A CARD. GRAMMAR SCHOOL, ST. ASAPH. TEAD-MASTER, J. J. H. HARRIS, M.R.C P., J and of St. John's College, Cambridge; Author of The Genealogy of Welsh History, The School- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Throw physic to the ?? none of it'- Skakspeare. RONAGEOF TIHE PRINOCIAL 1J OPER'S ROYAL BkTHlI PLASTERS R Supersede tile use of Inward Medicine fli Coughs, Asthma, Hoarseness, Indigestion. I:lpitt: tionl of the Heart, Croup, Hooping Cough ,Iat1iieh7s'a Chronic Strains, Blnises, Lumbago, Spinal and Rheumatic Affections, Diseases of the Chest, and Local Pains, ll 3olfee IVonhlid Cares, selected ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Carnarvonshire County Works. NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN, T HAT the Rebuilding, Repairing, and keeping in IRepair for Seven Years of a certain BRIDGE called PO NT-FAEN, In the several Parishes of Lbanwnda, and Llanfag- dalen, in the said County. And also the Rebuilding, and keeping in Repair for Seven Years of a certain other BRIDGE, ?? PONT-FAEN, NEAR HENDRE BACH, In the Parish of Clynnog, in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... An Apprentice .Wanted. W ANTED, a respectable-Youth, from 14 to 16 W years of age, as Apprentice in the TEA TRADE and GEN ERAL GROCERY.1 For Terms, &c., apply at the Carnarvon Tea Corn- I pany, Bridge-street, Carnarvon. To Parents and Guardians, rnHERE will be Vacancies in MARCH next for T TWO APPRENTICES in a first-class DRA- PERY Establishment in LivERPOOL. A small Premium will be required. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TU R xKE:Y. 7TANTED, a TURNKEY, in the GAOL at W RUTHIN, in the County of Denbigh; he must be unmarried, and his age not to exceed 35 years. Salary, £50 per annum, without rations. He must be able to converse in Welsh and English, and must know some trade; he wvill be required to sleep in the Prison. Testimonials to be sent to my Office, on or before the 4th February next. The Xisiting ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Respectable YOUTH, as an APPRENTICE A -will be treated as one if the Family,-At the 'Ei aiicl ITALIAN AVAREHOUSE, London Plcee. C stle Strict, B On or. 3Ir. Tnos. MThKExT'r, Proprietor. A ImimsteV.iss Waated l3IIMMEDIATELY, FOR lbs Girls' department if the National School, F RITI-IITR, l)Dinbighshlire, Salary, £49 per annul,. exclusive of (3i|vernmnnt Aid. A pply to the Rev. D. L. Winuaas t, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Throw physic to the ?? none of it'- Sohalspeare. U1NDED TSE rA 7 AND nONAOE OrETI THE PTlINGlJ'AL QUEEN ~NII~Y VOPER'S IROYAL B TEI PLASl'ERS . Sluperseile the use of In nerd 2iedivine hitr Coughs, Asthma. lloarse:ne5S, iiestio.lilpite- tioti ottie Rlealt,Cloup, lloojinlg Cough, Ilfluemza, C-hronic Strins, II 0isv, Ijlifblgp, Spin al and Mltlleuinltic AllfccLittts, Discases of the Chest, and ...