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Fashion and Varieties

... Tyaltont ant FavTrtics. THE COURT. Ifrn 'Majestv and Prince Albert, attended by the Mar- chioness of Ely, Lord Alfred Paget, and Lent.-GoI. the Hori. A. Gordon, honoured the Baron Marocehoti with a visit at his -studio in Onslowe Square, onl Satur- day afternooni. The Queen hiadla dinner party on Saturday at Buck- ingham Palace. Thiefollowing hai~dthielhonourvof being, ?? Duke of Cambrid-ge, ...


... llrbirw?;. No. 09. Tite DODD FArILY ABROAD. By Charles Lever. Part IX. London: Chapmizan and Hall; Dublin: M'Gls/shan. Tjiis serial-which is undoubtedly MIr. Lever's chef d' aucrtve-progresses vitls undiminished spirit. 'The part before us contains three specimens of the Dodd corres- pondence, which further develope the characters of the writers-Mr. James Dodd, Mliss Mary Anne, and Miss Cary. ...

Fashion and Varieties

... 5,15bloll alib yariftir,5. THE COURT. Tr r Queen and Prince Consort arrived at Balmoral on Tuesday evening, about seo cn o'clock. The Princess Royal andc tie other youthful reom- bers of the Roval Family had previously arrived from Holyroori. | HiU RMAJESTY AT 13ALMORAL.-Hefr Majesty and Prillce Albert walked out on Wedneslxy forenoon by Bridge of Crathie: and as they were passing the cot- ...


... vartru. NATURE'S TEACHINGS. On! ye bright birds winging Home your joyous flight, In your rapture singing Strains of wild delight, Th'%rb are human voices Dearer to our ears, And the heart rejoices When such strains it hears- Hark! for strains excelling Those are heard above, Saints their praises telling To the God of Love! Oh! ye lofty mountains, With high grandeur crown'd, Whence a thousand ...


... ,l PARIS FASh[IONS FOR FEBRUARY. I I _ (Ft'ot thn Cozt;, t ~et'i I Po unitlos lw, more vI Variey iln lfashion] dri'lo-g the late ?? 'ye iittve bilelll fori thle Whole (If tite pie- Vitalis vit'trter' quroa'ir. Gold audt silver, althoughl still l'Pgriigtraluoritc, are heoiriuiirig' to criggest rii vlkhipl - ant other maitterits ioals uliot thou'. Spltildor', anld sot'l- e ltisstitn themin ...


... arotrp. 'WIFE AND HOME. LErT rakes extol a roving life, Of freedom prate, and all that, Of noisy brats and scolding wife, And doctor's bills and all that; Though fools may rail, and jest, and scoff, A wife's the thing for all that; The time, they'll find, is not far off When so they'll think for all that. 'Tis true, when youth and fortune smile, And health is firm, and all that; When wine, and ...


... ac t rI.I . P it ES ENT 'M E 1lh C I E.S. Tlii Vuoice which I did more ?? Than 3Music in her swveet.,t ht.i; The eves which unto mue did seem 31ore cuinfortablo than the day; Those now, by me, as they have been, Shal l ne vcr me re be heartn or seen, I'nt what I nco (r erjoyed in theie Shall seen hereafter as a d reattt. All earthly comrfutrts vanish thus; So little holdl of themi havo we That ...

Original Poetry

... orighlat loortru. ?? ? THE SONG OF THE BLACKSTAFF. I CANIE from the mountains, pure and bright, Through flowery fields I strayed; Gladly I danced in the sun's clear light, And with the sunbeams played. In music and mirth the happy hours Of the Summer dlays wvere passed; Oh! green were the fields, and bright the flowers, In the place where my lot was cast. One day the wind came wanderin.g by, ...

Fashion and Varieties

... JIarnton alib rarictis. THE COURT. Tira Queen held a Court onl Saturday afternoon, at ]Buckinghtam Palace. 'The Count Collovedo, Austrian Minister, Ihail an autlience, and delivered to her Al a- jesty an autograph letter fromn the Emperor of Austria. tier Majestv and Prince Albert, accompanlied bY thle Prince of Wales, tire Princess Royal, Prince Alfred, thle Princesses Alice, Helena, and ...


... ortru. SCORN NOT:THE HUM1BLEST. SAMUttE DANTEL-ASNO 1649. Wnnus right is weaek, and wrong encountering strong; When mightier do assault than can defend, The feeble oft endures enforced wrong, And silent sees what 'plaints-cannot amend; Yet power must think-in pain though it repine- Its sun may set, for little stars to shine. While pike are out, the silly tenhs must fly; Crouching in nooks are ...


... :i@ctr P. TfHE ANGELS TO THE DYZING ONE. COMP! Come! In the bowers of the earth, Where the jessamine breathed on the summer air, And voices wvere round thee of love and eil'th, We guarded thee safe from secret snare; From the serpent gliding slow, Where perfumed flowerets blow. Come! come! When sorrow wild, Like a blighting East-wind fiercely blew, We sheltered thee thenr, poor weeping child, ...


... THE G:ilhET EXIIHIUITliN. (-Promx I/tt Dublinz papers.) Amoxes'r the arrivals oit I'ejtiesday wvere further portions of thet Gorman and French consigilmelits,I the latter including, jowellery from tiwe em1incit 551:1- blishinent of 31. Rodolplti, and ?? be~aitiful hbroniz casting-s by 31. Miroi' and Madamne Glilni, OF' Paris. In tile coursge of thle e-vening., considerable Curiosity an~d ...