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Bristol Mercury

Parliamentary Proceedings

... . f -1- IHOUSE 0OF LORDttS.-F~iDAY, April 8. T~h lari of ELLENI5OROU01H presented a petition from the urnerO Ilartlepsol, complainsing of the proposed alterations ,,ier portion of British and foreign seamen employed in i th p bou~ft service, and praying that those alterations might the t0Inc nitted to become law. The noble earl warned the housc ris alienatinlg the affections of British seamen ...

Published: Saturday 16 April 1853
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 5947 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... SATURDAY, SEPrEMBER 10, 1853. ei' The SUPPLEMENT to this day's Mercury contains Foreign and Irish Intelligence; the Royal Fami4y; NewActs of Parliament; the riehest Aeqieto fthMbneeParo Army; the Secession of Lord Charles Thynne;,Mr. Msacaulay on Jenius;` a Day with Pitt; the Lawson Observatory; Mr. Roebuck at Sheffield; Departure of Mrs. Beecher Stowe; Bristol County Court; Law, Railway, and ...

Published: Saturday 10 September 1853
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 4212 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 


... TOTAL' ABSTINENIJ 'SOOCITY. The annual Whitsuntide'festiVal 'of this soiety took place o Tuesday, in the Zoo1lo ial-gardens. V¶ar~lous'causes contrsbuted to diminisbh ithe numter or the company;- but thereWaB, nelver` theless, a large 'aisemblagb, some 80OO t sr~ooot persons ,being present. Theweather proved-hap, lYdfl5n.although tle 'greca sward havinig, during the rains of theprevious day, ...

Published: Saturday 21 May 1853
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 1669 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... WESTON-SUPER-MARfl HORTICULTURAL FETE. The annual show of the Weston Horticultural and Floricul- tural Society took place on Friday last, and passed off most satisfactorily. The weather was delightful and the attendance numerous. The tent under which the exhibition took place was manufactured by Messrs. Watts and Son of' Bristol, expressly for the Gloucester show this week, and is, we believe, ...

Published: Saturday 16 July 1853
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 2280 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... BRISTOL AND CLIFTON HlIBERNIAN SOCIETY. The annual meeting of the abovesociety was held on TYpesday, at the Victoria-Rooms, Clifton. The audience, as usual, con- siated for the most part of ladies, The chair was occupied by The Rev. J. EBSWORTH read a letter from the Rev. E. Totten- ham, rector of Bath, stating that, owing to the unexpected and dangerous illness of his father, he was obliged ...

Published: Saturday 19 February 1853
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 1095 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... First Somerset militia.-Henry Cornish Henley, to be ensl n. North Gloucester militia.-John Jones, Gent., John Frederick Lees, Gent,, to be lieutenants. Glamorgan mllitia.-Wiliam Erame Abbot, Gent., to be second bieuteluant.' Commissions signed by the Lord-LTentenantofCornwall.-William Morshead, Esq., and William Carpenter Howe, Esq., to be deputy. leutenants. BANKtRUPTS.-FRIDAY, FEB. 11. John ...

Published: Saturday 19 February 1853
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 498 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... THE ADVERTSEMENT DUTY. TnE government resolution to reduce the advertisement duty was subjeoted to some strange freaks of fortune on FrIday ss'nnight. It was aproposition to cut down the duty from Is. 6d. to 6d. Mr. Miner Gibson had In April last carried a motion to abolish it altogether. To that the Chancellor of the Exchequer demurred on the ground that au obligation-lay upon him to raise ...

Published: Saturday 09 July 1853
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 951 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... ASSAULT ON THE IORTUGUESE CONSUL BY A ROMAN-CATHOLIO PRIEST. The Reverend William Cullinan, 10.0. priest of, the chapel Of St. 1'icholas, Poennywell-road, Brietol, and Martin Foley, sur- rendered to answer a bill of indictment preferred against them for an alleged assault, by the Chevalier Antonio Baran de Mas- carenhas, POrtUgUEse Consul-Geuieral at the port of Brietol. M~r. D. W. Nash ...

Published: Saturday 09 July 1853
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 3832 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... EVANGELICAL CONTINENTAL SOCIE TY. A publio meeting In furtherance of thte claims of this society, forme with the objeot of aseisting and encouraging evangelioat Tt societies on the COntinent in their endeavast poaaethe D gospel, was held at King-strelet Chapel on Monday evening wi last, when'the spacious buildlingwas filled to overfilowing. The chair Was taken by Robert Leonard. Esq., to A ...

Published: Saturday 19 November 1853
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 2613 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... |FA.TAL RAI.WA.Y 'ACCIDENTI ON THE BRISTOL -AND GLOUCESTER LINE. A fearfal collision took place on Wednesday morning Dear the NMinsgtsfield~station of the Bristol and Gloncebter railway, Lbetween a detabhed engine returning froos Gloucester (to whiich P city it had gone thhspreviouzs night to. help on a liesovllk-48deu goods train) and the, morning down mail, which arriVes in thisy city at six ...

Published: Saturday 12 March 1853
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 4222 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... WESLEYAN REEORILMOVBMENT. A public tea meeting, in aid of the funds for the erection of a New Wesleyan Reform chapel, in Milk-street, took place at the Broadmeiid-lROOms, on Tuiesday evening. There wes a large attendance, the room being filled in every nart. After, tea a pulcmeigwee held, at which Mr. J. Wf. tlall presfded. A h~ymn having been aung, and prayer offered, , The .CHAIRMtAN in ...

Published: Saturday 15 January 1853
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 812 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... It is said-that some general announcement of the in- bentlions of the new government were made at a City meeting on Thursday. They were to the effect that it was the intention of the oabinet to prepare and Submit to the legislature Ia large measure of electoral reform,; to bring forward .a bill for altering the tbrm Of oath taken by members of the House of opoommons; and to propose at once, ...

Published: Saturday 01 January 1853
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 2376 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News