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Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ng. j iL 2S TBEAM for ST. PETERS- BURG and COPENHAGEN, (Carrying Post-Offlea Letter Bags), The EMPEROR, CEZARLES FRO8T, Commander, is Intended .o sail for the above Ports on FRIDAY Evening, the 1at July, after Nine P.M. GEE St CO. Hell, 15th June, 1853. F OR ELSINORE and STOCK- F HOLM, the fine A 1 British Barque, SYKES, GOo. BRAITHWAITE, Commander, will Sail early in July. GEO. MALCOLM & ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4J{U£ellaantou% . LAIR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC p PILLS. fhe following extracts from Testimonials are proofs of the great efficacy of this Medicine. That from G.rrett Foster Gill, Esq., 157, New Bond-street, Lon- don, concludes by saying- .Whenever I feel any symptoms of the disease approach- iogt have instant recourse to this medicine, which to me is , valuable that, were It not that the days of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jftirtle~anr~1I% E ER R & ST RA NA, PERFUMERS and K WrJ MAKERS, 124, Leadcnball-Streetl London, respectfully informs the Nobility and PUiWic that they have invented and brought to the greatest perfection the following leading articles, besides numerous others: -Their Ventilating Natural Curl; Ladies and Gen- tlemen's PERUKES, either Crops or full Dress, with Partings and Crowns so natural as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SAL, OF P'APERt IAN'GINGS. lepsirs. II,1EI'Ri k- DARKEl will SELL BYV AU WI o Vvesdsfs ?? the Fourtseen(I it,slan , at their Cor ?? Rooms, Sterue's-baiilings, Leeds, I APARCEL of PAPER HA GING A ~~~in suitable Lots for buyers. Thle satie to commence ait eleVenl. VOI)M MltCIA L SALE ROOMS, It( STEIRNE'ii-IUILDINtGS, LEFEDS. AItOtSN ~llt~tl1,) FURiNITURiE. pt AN FOCItTE-t N ILE LII~ilN (CLASSES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ire antl Riftf Oftc REFDS AND YORKSEIRE FIRE ArND ELIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. Established 1824.-Capital, uOneMillion. ,,rurersyae respectfully informed that the Renewal Receipts 1'elicies falling due at Ladyo-day, or Mlarch 25th, are now foI dliA r.FIRE INSURANCE. ~The three ordinary classes of inaurance are charged after _e respective rte of Is. lid, 2s. Wi., or 4s. Oct., Premsium 1,1 cet.ariual ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REMOVAL. SLOCOMB11E, Boo~scELLER' AND STA.TIONER, RjJ*begs to infvrnm his friends and the public, that he bas Ifor thle presvi,'l ItE51OVSD to the, Shop No. 5. BOND- sgtiNT, LE.EDS, which he line Re-opened withwnll entirely i~w And cacelully selected STUUiK of liOJ iS, STATION- EitY, &c./ R0. i-1,LOCONIBE embrahes this opnorte ?? returning his -grnieiae thasnks to the many frieada Zlr ii hoe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 111E WEST-RIDING HOME MISSIONARLY- .3- ~~SOCIFETY. nie Thirty-third laniversaty osf the above Society cvill be 5eld at lendas, onl Msualui, Tuesday, and W~ednesday, the 41k, ,I Cith51 Of April, 5113. IOr. 11otiday, Evening, a United Missionary Prayer Meeting will be, held at Salem to begin at seven o'clock. 0Va ',1l'sdaii Evei-inte, the ANNUVAL MEEl11riNG will be hold at T1 IGcen ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 10, PhltjV, VNGIE1 tV1.vil) SALEoIJ lebei fCr, Fufl NITI~TiE, Tw ,Lnrgo tION SAFES, C;ui'YING III'IiSS, clipitati Eighit- Day T1~IMEP'IECE. eC. Messrs. Ii'l'1:ll & it ?? ftavkited with joistrtctioufS to SELL by,, A UCTION, oi oso ?? tiap Mo, 7av flhitt tII(, ?? of tlhe lateo G. W . reomrio Er, 10%,, Perk- row$I, L eeoda, 4 LL tilo EXJE.LLEINT FultNITU11E and oU ttrom~riotg iltlifftny dlouble ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GREAT ATTRACTION. RE-OPENING OF CO.MMERCIAL HOUSE, 52 & 53, BRIGGATE, LEEDS. ESTABLISHED 1i,26, I rF111 largest and cheapest Stock of IMANTU1ES ever offered. An inspection is r spectfullY solicited.I ,fl. Ea~clTS from 14. lid. t, Four GliloAs; thoseat;213. Id., 2;s. ld., :i3. Wid. are beautiful a~i? elegant in design. R. & u. J- SMsIIETON gralefully acknowledge and tblanlk the ladies for their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO MERCHANTS AND OTHERs. '-RITING PAPERS of all descriptions maybe purchased at the Hull Packet Olic e, 22, Vlltefriargate, as Cheaply as at any Establish viernt inHull. ACCOUNT BOOKS MADE TO ORDER GRATIS. Just Publialied-A New Discovery In Medicine. FE£W WORDS ON THE RATIONAL A. TREATMENT, without Medicine, of Sper- Sfnatoithea, Nervous Deblliy, Low Spirits, Lassitude, Weakness or the Limbs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JEniurance .oticefs. ANNUITIES. THE ATFIENAUM LIFE ASSUR- I ANCE SOCIETY offers highly advantageous terms to purchasers of Immediate Annuities. Tables have been specially caloulated for this purpose, on new and scientific data; and each proposal will be treated according to the health and expeoled longevity of the annuitant. HENRY SUTTON, Manager. SO, Sackville.Street, London. KENT MUTUAL LIFE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NCWETER IRE OFFICE. q~I~h-.OE MLLION. 1-. n cibrs. Rate modeate. Annual return WOO0D; 9i, Whiteftiorgate, Hull. IMPO rANT CAUTION. Tr HE many spurious Imitations of Stiven's JLoriginal Green-Gitiger Wine which are now offered to the Public render caution necessary on the part of purchasers desirous of procuring the original articles which has on the neck of each bottle the name of John ...