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... BIRMINGHAM POULT1iY EXHIBITION. The exhibition of the many kinds of Domestic Poultry, in H connection with the Birmingham Cattle and Poultry Show, H noticed in last week's Mercury, is stated decidedly to have been altoge ther unrivalled, and the largest spectacle Of itst kind ever yet witnessed in any, portion of the world. We at take the following account from the Midland C'oaatieasHerald wit ...


... PoTRTE. - - a D1ULCE DOItAM. P (CosirOUtE ) O} Ar4 hornelessr Ubt o gbet all Bad 1a1di low, b. l1 & Vfoice that telteth Of want and woe'. el 0h , D ole, Julce Domaum! f So dth many a maiden gay, tF As her fingers light o'er ner hau 5rt)'trg play; BFt her glad eoes speak to the intetnia g throng, m And Say, she hath Fyet to learn her song, b. 0 1 Duke. Dnuke DOMUxn! 111 So slth many a ...


... POFTRY. THE ROSE AND THE DAISY. (coN?TaEs.) A crinmsm rose of odour rare In jl ly's bower bloomed; A 1'i~v h-, t o endI TF, !iv? 'I'getl recee . oi was er innedI , r-e, o fade on ldyv's breast, &-as torn from ;rolli~sel bower The modest daisy 'neath the hedge Enjoyed its tranquil hour. NIGHT. Mysterious night! when our first Darent knew Thee, from report Divine, taid heard thy nsme. Did he ...


... y Iu/gazncl. D OOrs yoa Rxvntw.Bok.Msc oyEgavin;-, y &C., intended for review. left at thle establishment of Mr. hi C. MITCHELL, Red Lion-court, Fleet-street, London, 10 addressed -to the Editor of thle Derby Mereury, vs ill be forwarded and receive attentl on. 7The Poetical Works of Alexriadel' Pope. Edite by RoaazRTg CA9917THERS. la four volumes. London : IxNGANai, r, COOKE, and Co. ki The ...


... ,'r)ETRY. She dwelt mrnong tioe untrodden seatS Beside the Fp: injos of Dove, A ?? i.0 1541 ereC i1lw zu :- .Aii N cry feiv to hitVo: A Viole. byt 110es50 stone hoa bidd:; ?? the ?? 1Z ?? . a stav. v. ll iI etly velI 1 shiiltz4 ill the sliy. Sbh' lived uniknownl a11d few eould knoiv t'lcil Luey ceased to be; put she is us her gr'lve, ;ti.t, oll, Tne dutlerene to nhe' ON OUR DI(oG JOt Ii. A ...


... - Blackwood's MaJazine. The flourishing town of Bradford has been celebrating, by an appropriate musival festival, the opening of St. George's- hall-a handsome Palladian building, of the Corinthian orAer, built at an expense of 21,000L., and devoted to music. The performance began on Wednesday week, with the oratorio of St. Paul. On Thursday The Messiah drew animmense audience. On Friday ...


... , Boors FOR REviEw.-Books, Music, New Engravings, as &C., intended for review, left at the establishment of Mr. lar C. MITCHELL, Red Lion-court, Fleet-street, London, bu addressed t to the Editor of the Derby Mercury, Will be co forwarded and receive attention. COt Pill Moa's Isle, and other Poems. By T. J. OUSELEY. London: trit WOODFALL and Kintsoxr, Angel-court, Skinner-street. ?? Many of ...


... A NtGHIT ITON MOST BLAN]C. Al INt till L i ?? - . - . . 11oarSUD BY AfslhDING ALBERT SXITIIS LZOCTUZI. Night fell uppon the mountain, And m11oonlight glory shone, Not as on dale, and fountain, lint dazzling snows aloue. A chain of ventitures weary, Asceahing on their way, pausing, 'uidst features drea.y, Till dawn should lend its grq. On high. amidst the aznre, Sharply defin'd the sky, The ...


... lX.'L'ERAI'' U RE. BOOKS YOR REVuEW. -Dooks, Music, -New Enlgravings. Ste., intended fur revtew, lett at thle estahlishmet at'f of ll ~ C. MITCH-A.1, R-ld Lion-court, F'leet-street, Londn addressed - to the Editor of the Derby Mercur-y, wilb forwarded and receive attention. Ce Autographs file Freedomt. By c. ItARRiFTt 1EFECH th Seowc, and thic~tv.five other EinetWiesOeVl l pag. 192. Leadon; ...


... POPERY TRIUMPHANT AT THE DUBLIN c~lads f ~~EXHIBITION. 'this (From the John' Bull).,pn I'd When, two years ago, the Great Exhibition in Hide Park W .te as opented by her Majesty in peirsontepoedng ee tss be inagt~urated by a religious ceremony, conducted by -he Arch-cae lea bofo Canterbury. A similar course, it ap~pearshtd been add last week, by the Lord-Lieutenant. But or. unexpected d'r if- ...


... Tat!A!-- - -- - -- -- AL- z -rileI This Interesting Exhibition came off on the 17th and 18th hsigh inst., and as a whole surpassed the most sanguine an ticips- tlona of all Interested in its Success. Tbe majority of the Thei birds were in splendid condition, and there were very few know empty penes. The committee must have had every reason to atsket leave been gratified With the numbers, as ...


... LITERATU R E. ~.Boows Fop. ?? Bot'ks, Music, New Engravinis &c., intended for review, left ait thle establishfletit Of Mr.T C. MITCHELL, Red Lion-court. Fleet-street, London, addressed 1to the FEditor of the Derby Mercury, will be forwarded and receive attention. V Expos'itor.y Lectures or. St. Paul's Epistle to the Colossisans in which the Apostle's aruetrespecting the errors on the subject ...