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Freeman's Journal



Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland


Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Freeman's Journal


... I I Lady Hort, Mr. Creighton and family, Mr. Monkton and family.Mr. Whiteside, MP., Mr. Cogan, M.P. Mr. O'Flahlrty, M.P., Bon. Mr. Trevor, Mr. Wilcox and family, Doctor Hunt and family, Mr. and Meg, Aylmer, &c., &o., sailed from Kingstown for Holyhead, on yesterday, per the railway steamer. Rev, Donald MacPherson and family, Mr. Max- well and family, Colonel Levingston (New York); Captains ...


... FASHIONABTE INTLLIGBENCE l . a - . -- r. A1 fl- . Colonel De Vere and family, General Driscol, 8toD, Capt Vitterne (Frenoh marine), Lord A Hay and Monsieur La Grange and family, Col Knox and family, 3ai LeCO'e and family, Count Von Haffazla and suite, Rer Dr 1e~~r and family, itut laziere, it N; Messrs Graydon, 70lIagnion (two, Dabr}9 (two), Halnn (three), Cololongh, &o, , arrired in Kngetown ...


... iZ T&BJ14RATiVE. r ,, ; 1 'LAYEI 1501 BEFiigs aY' Hawv LiNODOuN.(L- do and DtsJin: kicliprdsoiii ?? ;967 .1 ESSAYs :AND.DR' '1yf5,OHIE'' one Tuonn', OUITI AND SoCIALISM.! By 0. A. BoeowzsoN, LL.D. (Mfew Yor'k: D. 'ccc? J. 4adile' and do. LDublin: J ?? These two remnarkable. look& present thenmslves for our consideration. together,.and although there are many things~ III which they are strongly ...


... I The following is the official return of the visitors admitted yesterday:- Season ticket holders ,. . .. B,355 Number of persons admitted at 2s. 6d. each 850 Total . .. ., 4,205 Their Excellencies the Lord Lieutenant and the Countess of St. Germane, accompanied by some members of their family, and attended by Major Bagot, Captain Cost. and several ladies of the court, visited the Exhibition ...


... The number of visitors to the Exhibition yesterday amounted to 11,416. It will be seen by the above return that the attendance yesterday was the greatest, and we may add the most varied, since the opening of the Exbibition. All ranks and classes of our fellow-countrymen were represented there, from the wealthy peer to the honest peasant; and nothing could be more interesting than to witness ...


... THE GRlEAT EXRiBITiuN-HORTICULTURAL I INDUS iRY. TO THE EDITOR OF THE FRE YUN. DEAe Sin-When the eyes of not only Europe but of he whole civilised world are turned on us in admiration of our rative industry, contrasting so strikingly with what was for a long time and unil lately believed, or at least re- presented to be, our native apathy or indifference-if not idleness and ignorance-and when ...


... i - . I During the past week the theatre has been graced by a succession of numerous and fashionable audiences, and the entertainments have been as naual judiciously diversified and cleverly represented. It is at once the result of well directed exertion on the part of the manager, and a teat of true merit in the performers, that the dramatic and musical pieces produced by the stock company ...


... The Duke and Duchess of Leinster have returned to Carlton-terrace, from a visit to her Majesty at Windsor Castle. Lord and Lady Cremorne and family have left Dartray House for Thurlestane Castle, Lauderdale, Scotland. L9rd and Lady Edward Fitzalan Howard have arrived in London, from the Duke of Norfolk'a, Arandel Castle. The Marquis of Londonderry will be raised, it is said, to a Dukedom. ...


... |If ?? THE GREAT EXHIBITIOQ.1 Tmbaer of persons who visited the Exhibition yesterday, 99,719. ?? : The attendance yesterday was numerous, and the receipts st jhe door a fair average. We noticed in the building the lalbourer and teautry. of J. Wilson, Esq., Daramnoa, counaty M atb; also all the men employed on the Dundaik and Enni=2iion Railway, besides sixty o the labourere Srom the Dundalk ...


... Fy jgIONABLE JNTELLIGENCR. ?? - _ A:)-lh.,qd maamnl oA W -..A _ AF- _ I - p he and ibucness ue rtemours, accompanied by Thbe yr, nfl family, have arrived at Claremont. t gei dsr tnaide has lelt the Neal Park for Gaulston House. srl daine arrive( at Gaulston in the early part of the L0s is quite convalescent. feeet captain 3.B Yelverton arrived at lazle Rock on lhe 1 1lg-Uayo Constiturtion. ...


... FASHIONABLE INTELLIGERNCE., The Earl and Countess of Rosse have been On- tertaliog, during the past week, at the Castle Parsonstowvn, a large oumber of the gentry of the town and neighbourn!oa Since the commencement of the Christmas festi. ,ities ijilldburough Castle has been the scene of a successiou of f.hionable visitors, who have been treated to theatricals, SBu. teiutd by amateur ...


... LITERA TURE. KEY TO UNCLE Tog's CABIN. By Harrse Beechser Stowe. (London: Clarke, Beetass, and Co.>-This volume composed of what the French would call the piccee justifca- t9/es of ?? Uncle Tom's Cabin, or the original facts and do- cuments upon which that world-famous story is founded, is scarcely less attractive to the imagination than the story itself, while in point of enduring value it ...