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Advertisements & Notices

... SHOP AT PRESENT TO LIT, rp]1.AT Licensedl DOUBLE S110P, 5 end 7 BRIDGE- I G ATEi, wvill be fitted upl to suit a respectable Tenaint, Also, additional Accommiodationi may be hadl if requirell-Ap- Ilyto Ai drew Stewart, 44 St. Andrcw's Squiare. GROCERY AND Plf(VJSFON SHOP TO LET, Entry Inimedliately. HAT1SHOP, 1.4 WVilliama Street, Coweadtlons, lately T ocuppid by . William MIGougan, and doing a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHRICISTMAS RECESS. L nG ANC'S L 1 A S S E S for ARITHMETIT, uLALGEBRA, ; E1 ITIY &7RA c ?? , w c., eill be RESUMED A on WEI)NESDAY. A *n JAN JARY ,A, 1 ,1854.1 GETEEN-.TI ?? lificrst £ lili C/'ionics'. C/ea UnS'11tion.~ n LAISLADIEcS-10 g;leni Jyloc. '~tC T ESSONS hi LATIN, GAIREEK, and MATIH ATIICS, a at 379 St. Vincenit Street, or assistanice to those att end d ing Classes for theso ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, I)DUNLOI STREET. Tits EVENING, MONDAY. 26TII DECENInsaL Thice admired Colimedy of . it A It ll l E 1) 1, I F E; To conicltide vitil The New Grand O(; MlI, l'ANfTOMIME, called WIiiIrTiNGT( ON ANI) IIIS CAT; or, HARLEQUIN AND YLi lORD MAYOR OF LONDON. A visit to tel( I)OItRAMA will be the great treat of the n-1 season, to young and ?? Guaordian. I pi ARRANGEMENTS FOR 'Ill E NEW ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TWO POUNDS REWARD. IMIZEAS, orn the Night of Monday or Morning of r Tucsday last, there was Stolen front a Grass Field Olt the ?? of Shiels, about twvo miles west of Govan, a Brown and White Flecked Ayrshire MILK COW, with longish upset 1-1orns, calved about a month ago. Whoever shall give such information as shall lead to the conviction ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PLASTERERS' STRIKE. TV 0yprevent misunderstanding' or misapprehension on the .1 part of thie Public vitl regard to this miatter, the lasters 4ould beg to submit the following plain statement of the facts o connected with it:- r The wages paid by them to their Workmen during the Summer Months vere 25s, per week, for the day of 10 hours. t, The Operatives demanded in Winter, wheni they could ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ITuTCHrsONTOWN GARDENS. H1ORTICULTURAL EXHIBITION. T H lER~wiII ea PUBLIC EM IlI3ITION \of F'LOW1ERS, T&e., in the Ilall of Ilhitclhesoiis'l1lospital, Crown Street, on Saturday next, July 30th, fromt 2 to 7 ip.%. also, a PUB- LIC PROMENAD)E in thc G AlRENS at 6 o'clock Evening (weather perminiting). *The Gurbals Instrumental Band, will ho. in attendance. Particulars in) handbills. NOTICE. AGEN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EID 1, C AT IO N ?? MRli. OLIPHANT's SCHOOL, 33 CHARLOTTorE SQUAREi, jIIIE'-ermid( Quarter of tlhe Sessiojiicomimences on TIUIRS- T AY the 15th of DECEMBER. 11 0 A It 1),. Mr. CiliphllAst reeeives intlt Ilila Faminly, at his hloilse, 28 Chatrlotte Siquare, it limiited numbher of BOYS as BOARDERS. Edinburgh, 28th Nov., 1853. h , iAN GE SCHIOO~L, lBlSHOfP-WEARMOUTH-, con- G diuetud by F. 1IF F, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO SELLERS OF FURNITURE. CRtOW9N SA4 E ROOMIS2 No, 11 VIRGINIA STREET; )R the mateommodation of Sellers, this Sale Room will be open for the reception of HOUSEHOLD FUU&ITURlE, &c., &c., FronZ S'evC o'clock till Ten oclochp.n. during thci week. Or on communication Effects can be sent for. A Regular WEEKLY SALE of all HOUSE' PLENISI- ING forwarded takes place EVERY WEDNESDAY, com- mencing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tl'( SUtZIUEONS, &C. FOR 11MEDIr~lATIE DIlSl'OsAT, ?? A MED10 ALl ?? ih vinig reicteive on Appoint. Y ilietit hil Indiat, wi-hes, to ?? iii h5 ?? Ill)I tS1I1-11', vibvh is fleetly tilted up, iii iii excellent spot fir i ri l iv II IIli mIsL of Ih IC rIcliaiepI tltiorigl it res ofI thle toWIvIl.A Appily 11 Ilii. IP. S. Mairt, Corneir iof Loindiin Street.A 'lIE ~'Iiil FLESHIIERS,. I GiiO~ovhl~r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B AXTE, It, CIRUI KSIIAN K, & CO., AUWCIONEE1:c AslJI, '22 A ROY LL, ST1,t LET1 X PliESS their gratitude lor tit ;nei uraging suopport re- i E COMAd ?? tthey beoall bulleiics. llcd 1llo0t respectriflly solicit til cx eiosti *itf publie pitrotllago o11 thie groulid oi expet- tl rienced plrtf of I heir strict antltmittio to buisiness, mliarked punctuuality in setticmclits, and ...

13ROOCH1 LOST, vss '

... ttda orenoon, between Wo~odside Place, Sauelthieiall tit. ?? Sti'ett, and St. Vincent Street. A ili wtoc v'wth a Mosaic Pictuerofi the At' ?? havn g flotittil te samne, will lie remirded Oil rc- ttsl.,,i it to Mr. David Bryce, Blookselle'r, 129 Buchanan Street. __ _ DOG LOST. A ~ i~iwl'(IG, aswering to the name of Victor, lenpt sotilt ?? taile'r On TIhmI'Sday last, Whenl near' ptioluliba-. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... POSTPONED TILL IOTiK FEBRUARY. IIIGHILY IMPORTAN T SALE or PICTURES, I N F INE A R. T G A L L E RY Y R 7G QuetN STIII;I:I ON WEEDNESDAY, 9ri, ANx) TIHU'lRSDAY, ?? Vnn., (lhe I'rtq)erty of a 1CaIny in ; ottiltyhnlis.) A iclter has Just s ee11 reccibed Jios111 A. 7liallie to the stcetI That, previously to givily hisr ;ifirnaltCC, 1e1 should like to looh over the C'olleetio;n u19(lill, and/ ...