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Advertisements & Notices

... LOST, Veecla, ?? and Dr. Wardlaw's Church, Ijtlt IlOOCCI, wsith Miniature and Ihair. Any person u rc~r''git to Messrs. Muirhiead & Arthur, 80 Argyll Street, N0111 lie uitably rewarded. re( IEN:,, £);5000, in one or more sumis onl Land. Also, J '2010 0i otecpioa ous Property, in sumis to Apl ?? &' Brownlie, Writers, Poilolcsliaws andl Barrhttiltl. oi(tLE Ito eritable Security, various Sumis ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ir 1the GENTLEMAN A who vats initrusted by a Lady with a 1 PA RC EL,, from tho Ietfolld Station on the Great Northern Rlaflwav, by t'he -diown Express Train on Wednesday, Januaty 12th, ';ill fulfil his promise cf forwcarding it from tlasgoW to LAIRGS, be swill relieve hor from great annoyance, as it con- lained important MISS. of ?? to the ownrer' 'OTICE. 11iD Sale, by Pable hoolp, of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - . led FOR SALE, so A N EATING HIOUSE, ?? ait excellent Business, and Ihtt A lhas been ill tbce same trade for tho last 30 years. are Apply at 97 Candleriggs Strett, ind Glasgow, AprIl 0, 18'3. itl, _ nc. POlL SALE, Atg. llOfJ'I' sold SHOE S11ll' d(oing a good bosincs in a first- On A. iate locality. Satislactory reason will be given for onl- leaVin' Apply by letter, addressed E. DB, Herald ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO LET, lFURI~S1113, Onl thle Coast, during, Winter, \- Ver C,,;nfOrtiable COTTAGE, of 5 Apartmeonts~, near Runwt, £2 per montth. .Alll'lv toJ. Ii. Smtithi, 1 29 North Street, CGlasgow. JIOUSE AT ST IRLING TO LET. 'uTO ' Fnfurlshed, uvith intmedlato entry, if rcquired, andl Gt-.rilDct terii-A as maly be agreed upon, i:VILLA RIESIDENCE,, hi Southflield, Stirling, which beb~pillto lie ate illam ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FIVE POUNDS REWARD. Lost or Stolen, a few days ago, A LARGE BOOK with Shades of Dyed Yarns enclosed in - JA a leather cover, and wrapped in brown paper. The 'l'r finder will receive the above Reward by returning it to the pe owner, whose name is marked inside of the Book, or to tle e Herald Office. If traced to any person after this notice, they will be prose- cuted and exposed. lith Feb., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... just Published, Pric Is., or sent by Post, Is. Gd. lIE 1) E M A N D of thie COUNN'I'Y for SHElRIFF l COURT R FOTlM, attested by the Resolutions ob lb- lic Bodies, and the Voice of tile Press, published by and for wil the Glasgow and West ?? Scotland Lavw Ainendinent ISoicity. dft.o Glasgow:g JOIIN SlI& MITh1 & SON. Edinburgbl William W Blackwood & Sons. THE GOLD DIGGINUS. it * THE MOST RECENT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -iOR SALE, sin O)d-Estssljlislesl WI NE, SPIRIlT, and 1A Co' FEUITI 1N ANY BiS I N E ,S, situated itone 05555 tisti lest ?? ill thle 'i'Owss. i'lis above llssoinleoss tss- get'iir withs tile 'l~ssrv hassies es isees ClArried oil '51~ In iy fssr masssy ysoirss bilu tilt! polirsstes are. x'0r3' li-ii ?? fsir cither of tilose braliscils separately-.--A ppiy ait 48 Csisidle~riggs SALIE' DALAS SAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BOOKBINDERS AND OTHERS. -1 Alr BOOKBINDER'S STANDING PrrESS, PATENT PASTEIBOARD) CUTTING MIIACIIINE, LITHOGRAPHIC PRESS AND STON ES, AI STATION LRY, BOOKiS, BlII LS, &C., &c. r rHE Subscriber will Sell, by Auctioni, as above, in the - Crown Satle ltooms, No. 1 Virgiia Street, , To-Day( hlonday) the 20th J ulne current, coinmeneinu. at Twelve o'clock exact, tV e Press, &c., to be Sold at One ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COUNTRY HOUSES FOR SALE, UPSET PRICE REDULeD. Tli The~re will be exposed to Public Roup, withinl thle Royal Ex- I chanjge Sale Roomns, Glasgow, onl Wednesday tihe 2,5th Iay r of MayI) current, at '1'wo o'clock Afternoon, unless previoulsly .1 ilisliosed uf by Private Bargain, A, rrllE E 'TWO Elegant VILLAS, situated at lbroxholin, Ai I Paisley Road, a1bout too unles finin Glasgow. Tho flu( ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Iim 1WTANTED, for a 'Wine and Spirit Establishment, a C VV YOUNG MAN, thoroughly acquainted with the - business. To a competent person, a liberal wage will be- given. Apppiy persona]ly, at Yr. Janies M,'Ewen's, 21' Oswald Street, Glasgow, between the hours of 7 and 9 this Evening.. FURNISHED APARTMENTS TO LET. C A WELL-FURNISHED SITTING 110GM, andl One or A more BED ROOMSl6, situated in a good ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SCOTTI11 WIDOWS' FUND AND LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. TBlE 'rInnTY-NINrT1t ANNUAL GENERAL COUi~R of the TSOCIETY wvit be held withlin Gibb's Royail HoItel, Prince's Street, onl Friday the 27th dlay, of Mlay liext, ait Two o'clock rsi., in terms of', and for the purposes specified] in, thle Articles of (Constitution of the Society. Thle BoNus AlurriONS to thle eXiSting1, Policies for the Fifth ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MASONS' STRIKE. To t71C Elitor of t7te Glasgow lIerald. IR,-Believing that there is much misapprehensioll exist- - d ing as to the question in dispute, betscen the Builders at and Opierative Masons, the following may be relied on as a et statement of facts in this ?? to list Splrhig, the standard time of labour in Summer had been 60 tours per _ week, but for several y cars past, thie 3asters ...