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Yorkshire and the Humber, England


Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... [ADVIERTISMIlEN'lS.1 FL1AMPTO.NS PILL OF HEALTr.- For upwards of nine years writes AIr. 'fllomas Province, of Winchmore hill. rliddlesex). I bave experienced the efficacy of this excellent medicine. I had long previously bel afflictedwitis headache and indigestion bat a friend having induced me to make a trial ot Frampton;'s Pills, I now inform you that a few doses ?? me great relif*; and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0,,t Mtondly aind TIunolay next. Hut stle tf ,illeru and WvoolleI Drapery', Bats, Caps, Irish Litetto4 IDaunask Tel le CMlstl,. I luankoacks, Diatters, I lottondg, Prints, witi, de Micett1ot5Stock of Gooads appertainitig ito thle Drapery '-leaO, t 11teers.I Ei'EI and BARKR tt re instnicted to offer for Sa tle by public Au~ctionl no 2110eIelo a tit 1'oa-Muth ext, tile 101/, (Od ith S c ,lyo od ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TF EEDS AND LIVERPOOL CANAL AND .14 DDUGLAS NAVIGATION -INOTICI~, is hereby given., that thle 01011 GEkN Ol AL, AS6LMAWLY of the Company of 1Oro- eV' Voteors of the Oarrel Navigation from Leedls to Liverpool and fin Donlas NaVigatioO. will be hlvd at the Taibot Ins, in lorad' Pr ford, ale I'r-ia , the E.'ghtil day of April Ilent, at elovi n o'clock PO! in tht forenoun, Whon: and whore thu said ...

Advertisements & Notices

... girt allb ¶Afif Mm~ E EDS AND YORKSHIRE FIRE AND LIFE. L~ ~~ASSITRtANCE, C011PANTY. tetacrer,, are leccjcctfuliy iciforcied that the itc'Ivc., t iwcc'ip'c fatr 1colicies fallixiv kice at Cliristuivc:, or December 12th, are now codklY fir F FIRE INSURTANC1E. 'irhe three ordiccary of ?? crc ric ed after the re- alpectise tot,l cf Is, &It., 2~. Wi., or 4;. 6ft., 1'vmrvaccci vl-c' lellt, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~alc% by Qu11ciion. Th'le Vieneritat Safe Mtaia.i iiA-i; ?? VurniUVc, ?? 1 S-ieI-aiik:l LE 1t~f., t, it Ii: I ?? ?? I, ?? 'fiiael'ela Itar',nirfvi, I liaiek, Fltriiit 'icc, Kiccie l Itetijiiila ic &c. D~tr.111? lE ftI & 15.\ If If i-f H t amli uciaic that tlity xvill rater farl S~ale 1I., iiicttun. ?? ?? ?? MkiI'lo-N ti II(l' I-i Q 1, E'Ii L 1) coiiatrisihi. ?? ?? ahe-tilt c-ai-c- iii hair A' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *,AILDON.-The Local Board of Health for the J)District of BRlaldon, in thle p~arish of otile, ?? the county of yok hereby give NOTICE4, that they have pribpared Mye, yWs. a ttpiof ir c is now open for insttectipss by the Rate- twliand three o'clock. Nr~r1l~ i horey futher iven lron 'the Ticekfth C)O, d~rr5t' t'l, heywsl Isusit ?? Bye Laws to ~ie )liCtY' Pincpa Sere:;t o Sttefor the Hoe Il e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sal br -tn To Ware Grinders, Manufacturers, &Cc. MrHIOLGA.TD will SELL by AUCTION, onl Thursday. theI .Senepith doype! July, 1853. at eleven o'cloc~ in the forenoon, on the pireuises lately occupied by MS John Archer, in Tlsorrnes Lanea, Wakeiteld, d' `NE CONDLENSIN~G ENGI#7, ,of fifteen horse V. power, 'with its boiler and fittirffs.: Also, ONE RASP and CLIii, wlih their Gearing arid Fittings ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lEDS_ &CAL)M OF AW1S~1S N. ANUAL EXH[IEOPEO ~Nsit~ ?? f6 works of Art, IVl CONTit O .SN''rLFRH DjOIICE. \N ~~M. IlhL, }Seos.| _C)TICE. H OVARn N-OTICE1.-'ThieCommlittee ?? ra1nddt'theEx- hjbitioen more available to the working elasHO add others,have ,,teuded tho hours of admission until ten 'clock in the even- h101 Vf MondayS, Wednesdatys. and Saturda S. Admission onil Mondays, fron five ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '~-iics bhi, ul - h I f,)i at Is''.s sIt; I, N It- sail i;'i'v . WtV1teli'A Le i I- ?? !e. I 'islrls ?? I y fix *. ?? . K!L X AL it 1 k ?? ?? I'I It s '. ''iC L I ?? t, L ?? I .. . 'WI Al ?? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ?? . 1 i 5 l L'FI! i : r 1 . l'I tit! I It TA ?? Ii'] 1,1)4 Ls t ~ ~ ~ ~ u . . , 51 i t [ i al. o: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 15',)ls',se o 5 jt i s. S 0511 (1. spil l ti .C 'IIejD to I( C i i ?? ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DANCING AND DEPORLTMEN-r.1 WILLIS beo s to announce that his Wint.erI M Quarter viii conlynni,e,et CWi (limltiamie, Ceeci'b'ernirh, FOJI .Juvnile('lss lver Weinesny ad Sturday Afternoon, ltiat clsast t Weliewo.itidl Ti `Senior ?? ~Tviesaey and 'ihuroday evening, at e-ight O'clock. Iinn5 .Ladlies' Class atlhalfl-pool tsix. bhel. Woodit~oe-o~iImri, ees. - - thi SCit00il FOiR YOUNGI GEiNTBLF'` ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? Commissioners for 'England and T '..Wales hereby give NOTICE, that a Copy of the Re.i lot of the valuer actingl ina the matter Of thb InclosiTre of 55 TLIOIINTON MOOR or Common, sit toII the township ofEB Thornton Rust, in the p~arish ofi 'A =gatlh in the county of fI York. together with an estimate of t expen-sebs in the matter 0 of the aid inclosore, has been depited at the George and t] ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TUITrION IN MUSIC. ISS II LIY ARD 1 will reg.~ime giving .LJ E Si N'S on hriS PINO Oi 1K ott. 017eTndayt, Aul/r'st s First. 1 'Itru tlsisicl)rtiesilnrs maiy lkilkowni Sthr roseact! Mro II, Qiteen-,qitare. Lossds, aiid of Air. MlELLOR, Mllsic of Seller, 1ii, CotncierclWs-streCt. rot- ?? UtS. FI{EDEKIlCK J. SIONES' LADIES fist M ~~SCUOtOiL. I ARsKtI sic, hVL8 i The dtiots of the0 cbltrVO Es8ttb ...