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Reynolds's Newspaper


... REVIEWS OF BOORS. SAUNTRqINGS IN AND ABOUT LoDoNo. By' MAX CGHLESINGEr. Cooke, Straned. -Perhaps no one is more suited to write a descriptive work on London and its inhabitants than an inquiring, impartial, axd edu- cated foreigner. He will ferret out peculiarities in our -wstoms and manners which we ourselves do not notice; hr, will visit places that, although containing curious and ...


... REVIEWI OF ?? soolks. My Nov-a. By SIR E. BULWEI LYTTON. Black- wood, Edinburysg. This, the last and certainly not the best of Sir Lytton Bulwer'o productions, has already appeared in the pages of Blackwood's Magazine. It is Low issued to the public in the more orthodox style of a four-volume novel. Tile tale is so disjointed that it fails to rivet our attention, and the persons introduced ...


... . EVIEws OF 300S. TEm OLD Foxas'T RANGERm. dA^oJR CAMPESDML. HaU, 'Virtue, asd Jo, ernoster'.soso -The third edition'- of the Indian adiventures of an old forest rangerthas jjn'ti made its appearance, ai 'will 4e heartily welsed that portion-oflthe readrg publre which delights in th recital of 8augui gary encounters betwiixt man affdibeast, hair-:breadth eibapegs by land and flood, and, in ...


... TEE DRAMEA. NUSIC, &a. DaUaY L&N1E.-On Wednesday night Mr. Brooke terral- natcd a suceasful.l and brilliant eegagemrent at th,. house, which his talent has filled for more than tb.hryasix perform- ances. The entertainments were for the benefit of tbe worthy and enterprising lessee, M ir. Smith, whose liberality and I oacurable fulfiment of every engagement has acquired for him the esteem and ...


... (MGOM Tax rSOlCEf.] For Indoor, or hnlsf 1gtie toiletle, smell velvet basdou*es will be much worn this winter: they are extremely pretty, sad made in various 3tyles ; some of cachmere, others of velvet wadded, with wide eleevos, and the body allowed to fy epen. They are intended to be worn over dieeses on very cold winter-days. Or the ame style may be made into eatzawoeeks, intended to be wo' ...


... WEITE RanD BLACt. - By FiBsAsNC and TnEnBsA PULSZny. 7l'eTrbner, Paternostes.row.-.This is a three- volume work, somewhat ?? elaborated; by M. and Madame PUlszky, the intimat; -friends of M. lossuth, and companions of his American excursion. It is cxdtiously written, and much care has evidently been taken that neither the sentiments nor sympathies of slaveholders or their opponeuts,,the ...


... LITIAbRY WISGELLAIA. ?? RUESICA AMEuMvcOri-Napoleon, at St. Helena, is reported bY O'Meara to have said, In the ?? of a few years Russia will have Constantinople, the greatest part ef Terke, and all Greece. This I hold to be as certain as if it had already taken place. The only hypothesis that Franee and England may ever be allied with sinoerity will be to prevent this. But even this ...


... THE FASUZONS. [zRox THE TREsIcr] Although the dresses at the State Ball of the Tuileries rere, as mlght beoxpected, of the most costly description, still seine havo untdergone very severe criticism. One lady was considered rather too thetrical-another had-the gold on her dress tarnished-and a third was Considered too short and stout for a dress with three skirts edged with wreaths embroidered ...


... WT1H FASIIONS. THE FRIONCOL] Lent has been closed by the old and absurd Puppet show ealled Lengciampe. This fashion is evidently declining; ftr after all that was anticipated as to the grand displays of fashions to take piaee at the above exhibitisn, it turned out to be ths moet miserable failure that ean be conceived. Owing to the intense cold, the few ladies who were to be seen at this ...


... THE DRAMA, USIG &ao. DaRurY Lu -On Menday Drary Lane Theatre opened foci short season; ballet being the principal feature of i2 entertaInments. A new ave.actn play, byigr. Wilkins, the author of Civilikationr,. was prbdueod. The Idgubrieacf character of the prior portion of the performances wss cer- tainly a striking contrast to the ligrt, agreeable, and .thoroaghly French stile, provided for ...


... JounRNLFY EOUND THE[Wo'RLD. By F. G~iII5TArcKmB. Huerst aned Blackett, Zeskhoroe~~tethsi most :etertainiug land well-told narrativeof avoyage round-the world' by anadventurous Germnan. The do- kariptions are _graphic, the anegdotes amlnsing,' and, on the whole, it may be considered as one of the most attractive books of travel that has fora long time issued from tho press. Five years was the ...


... THE DRAIA. SUSIE. &e. DRUaY LANZ.-On Wednesday, Mrs. Mowatt's somaewhat mawkish five-aot play of Armand; or, the Peer and the Peasant, was revived at this house. The subjeot of the plot turns on Louis XIV's amorous propensities; his attempted seduction of Blanche,jdaughter to the profligate Duke of Riehi. lieu; her rescue by Armand, a peasant, whose courage has raised him to high military ...