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Advertisements & Notices

... E UREKA.'-In FORD'S EUREKA SHIRTS r1 Jj areunltedthe best material and first rate worhmohlpa tq. ltber with teat epeeial ?? fit, wbhehs their dlagnls g al haracteritie. Theirseperority to all others is stllliadlatd; as a 5l gentlexen wbc desre tbo lux otyo a ?? ftln shirt, srevth d to trv them. The pTIe, aRe, I.R the.DEStqauDAty es foz-.* ernd quality,i% x for8 of . ColouredH hrtsfor oatui.g, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... irbe 3Dat'lp_ pcwo* Titrs Evwzrryo, GOLD. Mei~s Daveport. Moorhe'use, Hlugbee Stirling, and IL. Wallack; Mliss F. Vinilrg.-And HARLEQUIN EuDIBRAS; or, Dame Durdan and the Droll Days of the Merry Monarch. Meisrs. T. Matthews, Herr Donlin, Devani, ~md the brothers Siegrist; Mesdames Louise Blanche and Tunrer. HAYMARtKET. Tws BEv-roo, MASKS AND FACES; or, Before ant Bebind the Curtain. Messrs. B. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OR HONG aKONG and WHAMPOA.-TheI splendid now Absrdeqn clipper ship HANNIBAL, A. Ihieenb Years. A. WALIIER commander, 576 tons regilater, odling hath Mest India Dockt, will be deepatcbed on the 23th Jatnury. All gpods muet be alongside and cleared on the 32nd Hil apoop and etcnest accommodatlons for ?? to tne Commander e board- Mr. THOS. WILSON, DInetisb I ofg Manmester.; or to W 0. iOUNG, 4, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OXFORD UNIVERSITY. ELECTION. d Xr. GLADSTONE'S COMMITTEE in Osfhod slt daily at h1, b Broadsltreet, Oxford and earnestly beg tbeir Mrinds tohabtso tothbe Poll, as Mr. Perceval's Commnittee have announoed their intention of keeping the Poll open till Thursday next. RtICHARD GRSWSELT, C hairr man. Rev. B. C. WOOLCOABE AlI Rev. A. W. HADDAN, Triatty, Seeretsrl t Rev. O. EXT,C STATE OF TiHE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TTNESSREALiLY OOOD, NOTIUI IS NICLS elknwlPAZO Ew@* W~ e Guiass, lyo Ttli NlEl SPRINGk TROUSERS,~ ?? ,Guin5,ndf yESTB; 2f a.una WEtIDiDEJ ix s nd D. N!COL{3, iu1ile 1111 1,1 ltow prices. - - 115,ffl wdClSP, and, 29g. e, BrltIighetonad| 1Kzret ORIAIe*pr t aarerso vsarlios growth, 167 a.,f 45ce., B~ta p~atented 6oz Ssk wtrpront. coat. An uniy ?? dun Thi chic brnd s strnl ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O~XFORD TTNI-VERSITY ELECTION.7- ~.fMr. GLADSTONE'S COMMITTEE lil OXF~ORtD sit daily t 5 rod. Gstet Oxford, and earistly beg their friends to atH51ASTEN to the POL L'as Mr. PercVal's Committee have an- nouumed their iltentiofn of kepisn the Poll OPen until Thursday nlext. RICHARD OntESWELL, Chairnnan. RItev.E C.WOOLLCO BE, Balliol, Re%-: A WV. HIADDAN, Trinity, Secretaries. Rev. G. IiEXT, C. C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Q tFORD UNIVERSITY ELEC:TION. Md-AforZ~iQni'SCd i TE~Oafoe.t- daily at hi, ?? nd arnetbhetthdir fritends tolsasln to the Poll, as .Ur. Peroevat's Committee ha C 5iinOuOOad their ItntaIton oll keerjilg the Poll OPeD till Thursdiay next. . ItICHAiU) ORRSWViL1., Chairman. Rev. ?? C. WOOLCOMfUE; Bld~, Rev. A. W. HIlDA~E, Trliity, ScretarieS. Rev. 0. utxr, o. . , ST.ATE Ot' TUiB POLL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fiioltowl4 eltreetsfrorn * The Plillesophyo H ealth;' a wok of rataNlally, ftomthe pen of on brmo~nldened an phI. les~opias pbyltnayefh uet~ p ira~ will etink, bo read w«th qicet bynasO wiohr Man 'tOS lfll th Im? ehoonn thJ Xiiaht~c~damcaasdrate, ?? that Jamues ?? was rlght Swl e ud* 4I Jt h b to'the blood sloa~ths ihi'.! , lajsnshMB d~drh himslffor the ofeetlseitn, oetalof dU ?? frost ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,.Mto INDIA vii MARSEILLES and FG(ypT.'-The PENINSULAR andl OR110TAL STEAM .ZVGT10N COMPANY will Commience in Jaituary next to 01 PAi~SSfNGERS fromt MARSEILLES tooMALTA., Alex- I i11I ai C ab &C., by their steamers, to leave Marsoilles oodr tile loth Slid1 26th of every month, in correspondence f>iMaltapsny5 acets leaving Southamopton on the 4th and tj,~ of tile 01101s ?? tvill be despatched ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OPAHINE MEGE.-Copaibia and Culiehsari\ C doubtless, the best remedies for thc CUtE oi fi'l RHmEA; butt these drugs are, in their natural state rf . r. sive taste and odour, and occasion, after ingcstion cah. i ! 1 nausea, and gastric disturbanceC Useless attempts hare less s-i both iii France and England, to conceal theso dfc %.t- :iloi: Itaquin enveloped the substances in ap ulesefgelatice ...

Advertisements & Notices

... >TEAM? tci ?HS BY THE HA).BIN?BB. GENERAL SCREW STEAM' SHhElRING'COM?? NOTICE that the above ship, J.?W. ujazq? U leave Southampton for FQRT ?III ME1?Y1GIVE the 15th of Febrdaryr ?ii?'17??n THURSDAY, ? I Bet ineitiostsuprior deacs'iptlon-tbe'eeblnsare then tI? gooey cOnvesijenee, anr? she will prey a? expapleocg4 aorgeoq? sates of ossoage money t At ter eabi; ?tJ; fore cabin ?55; % ...