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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... Irbe X~atlp eCWi0 HAYMARKET. Lurls EvBoN, MONEY. Mewrs. SoBarry sullivan Ben. Webster, L. Murray, Buckstone, and Howe; Mrs. FlietawiniDiv r. Stirlivg, ir. Buckinghan.-Auld the Dew EzitrasVA90fle Of LEOTHT uTEiA lUIILCE. Messrs. Ifeeloy, BucskoeOn, Bland, H. Bedford, Caullield, Rogers, Claik, and Braid.-Doors open at 64. PRINCESS'S. 1~S r .Ha. LtS trAN TRTES WO.M. e C. en. s tomiaelof HAELEL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NTOTICE to PASSENGERS and: SHIPPERS to 15SYDNEY. -n The perier fgat-salln Bretiab-hutib unare. 1.iLnlAM, & 1, 500 tenaburttan, H. F. AiNilREGNX eomadr, who has just returned from lthe colnny. will finish loading teli! wrek, and proceed disect to Sydney. Preeteab a deseabteo pir. t mi; fo sacie~adwil t feafw cabin passengers at a o .mo& te ?? ~ ~ ~ St Gouad~N8Xreocenhurdil.,tet *FOR SYDNEY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UTC H, SPANISRad AUSTRIAN COUPONS, D3 The respective Coupone of thh Steci, due the 81st December, 1852, and let Janunry, 155', rate nows beisg Pl'li), an preseptallcon, at tthe highest rate of Exchange, at the 8ullio3nd Fnrse!go'Banking. mlcc. l0. Lombard-etreat. ADAM S'PIELMANN, an( Co. 10, Lombard.street, corner of Petofleeteou'ootrt. OXFORD UNIVERSITY ELECTION. The following. gentlemen, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 13GNERAL SCREW STEAM SHIfPPNGCOOMPANt1. Tfhe General ScreWSeaM Shi)ping~OMpany. (II VI ,NT1CBjths±1 their serew steam chip IIARtBINGRA Captain LAN%:.~bwxjtft; j~ Hrblgerwillbe ollwed y te creysteamers Jaeon. Golen leeeandCresa, c th hrthu a 2500 tans. Their dates G-'ENERAL SC~REW I STA SHIPPING4 =TAM to CALCUTTA ?? de Vordsl .Aeession, IVCmPt, GulHope, NJacnitias.Ceylon, And 5Xadrao; y' the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I Ma me ?? ?? the :~tibtse t:S111L4 SmS fmo nu1=.,a I Ib~tezoremleytthelupnorerr, or, thf i 'estf aerie ,frp, t~pilp land-,,a q Cty!, l 0~e t;etM a'fi 4 a~se*t aaI th ?? ds I 1bS ,so toL Ce ,g 3iie ?? P WLAID, CaMeo. ^,e, $ wO.. thO Pby fmtomnBfrR ~Pts~ntL81tt1Nai' XAIejt en Iaa hs ESWIO zegaii bt@&h XWDBAOA8'f edothe e wi erraeoodvod by .RWAD and OND, 1O listo D~otoand uxii~~n hemit aidw w ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Irbe 3aailp pcbm HAYMARKET, TYDs EvrsNso, MASKS AND FACES; or, Before asd Behind the Curtain. Messrs. B. Webster, L. Murray, Stuart, and Pareello; Mm BIrling, Mr. L. Murray, Mies F. Maslkell, andMissal.Bennet. -Toionew ixtrvagsanzl oLEO THE TRRIUBLE. Mesare. I(eeley, Muckstone, Blind, H. Bedford, Cauldeld, Rogers, Clask, and Braid.- And BOX ANP COX MARRIED AND SETTLgDI Meesrs. Buck- stone and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rbe - ?? Bests HAYMARKET. Tim Evurno, MASKS AND FACES; or, Before and Beiblnd te Curtain. Messrs. IL Webster, L. Murray, Stuart, and Parasite; Mrs. Stirling, Mirc. L. Murray, Miss i?. Maakell, ?? R. Bennett. -The new Extravagza ofLEO THE TERRIBLE. Mesr. Keelay, :Buckstone, Bland,- H. Bedford, Cnnlfeld, lingerii, Clark, and Braid.- And BOX ANP COX MARRIED AND SETILED I Messrs Buck. stone and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I I - = ?? URANU'S SPECIFIC CAPSULES.-A Yery eaetual peaint, ad oventent emed* for those astien for whhohcoal and oubb Fe ugo all = adfletd. ?? slabeingesoeedlntinfoi4 maybe d in thepocketad ed ntum to ysona tiavelngXitlsg, nr engaged inbuslooe Prepared ry by DZOitGH F&NIS, sgeont b laba , Blaek. dasod, where they may be ha, was Nel ofS repeatable drgti end medicinetend, In bo at 2s. N9d 4L ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIEto ASSENGERS and, SHinPES o I -SYDNEY. The supexioz~st Itllz u I Th ~, SHIPPERS, tons bthien, .~ IEIOcmene, teg i tnoth Lndon DocIGe, and. iol broee the Quegnningth South, am uxvionoly announced. The flydasped will leaft goetaniwao 1fai the 23rd instant, touehlug ?? o itw e te mais TEAM to INDIk vi& MAIIMEILES ,is S .~ EGYPT'. The PEISLRand OSIENTAL $TEAM :NAVIGATION, OolaPAY will comrmence ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UTCH, SPANISH, and AUSTRIAN COUPONS. The respective COUpOe oS this 8tck14 due the $lst Dremter, ?? nobePn-AID, on prerSeOtetiE,I the bigheet rate of Exchange, at tho Sullen sad Forelgn BankaIg olfice, 10, Lombardstreet. ADAiM SI'IEMAJIAN, and Co. 10, be iard-stroee, coraer of Poet-oflseocoart. (XFORD UNIVERSITY ELECTION. V.3 OXFOnD Coamnitz. tev. I. GBESW EL, B.D., Worce ter, Chairmen 1'ev. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? AUSTRIAN COUPONS. I 31 ThIbe reodpeeslee Coupon' ot th~e Stock, ite the Hlst December, 1552, sod let January, 1S5 4, rre now tilarPD1V, on presentation. it thnehlgbeotiate of tohange, at the Bnullin and Foreign Banisag- effioe, 10,Lombard.street. ADAMt StIELVAlNN. oad Co. 10i, Ionbard-sreet, corner of Ponlsoftiereoort. AXFORD UNIVERSITY ELECTION. 0 OXEODD Co111=21. Rev. t. ORESWELL, B.D., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CDC zadh *0000 HAYMARKXET. T=r Evri o, MASKS AND FACES; or, Before and Behind the Curtain. Mesor. n. Webster, L. Murray, btuart. and Parsello; Mrs. Stirling, Mro. L Mua ray, Mi's F. Maskell, and Miss B. Bennett. -The new Ertravaganza of LO THE TERRIBLE. Mssrs. Keeley, Busakstore, Bland, H. Bedford, Caulfield, Bogets, Clark, and Braid.- Aid BOX ANrT COX MARRIED AND SETTLED ! Messrs. Buck. stone ...