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Daily News (London)

Law Intelligence

... --ot777-? - I I II effigence, . i NO'TUICES.-THIS D.AY. Mr The turds Justices will not attend court co-day.Al ROLLS COURT, CHAINCERY-LANE. AT 10.-For Jtigmneot: In re Barrow. Consent petitions (17)* m Cau'os: Yorketind Niorth Midland Railway Company v. Hadgon~~part U beard. Short causes: Thom ns v. Thomas; De Mladred v. Caie;' fer Levrit v, Roebuck. Short claims: 2&Coy v. Nicholson; Andrews v ...

Law Intelligence

... 'h am - Kiltelftyllm INOTICES.-THIS DAY. COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S INN. AT l n.-lrek: u Lunt; CoRANCILU -App'11te Ridgway V. Wharton, part heard; Bythesea v. Bythe-ea. BXVRoac TuE Losos Jusricas.-Por judgment: In re Gloucester, -Abcrystirith, and Central Wales Railway; Ex parte Mairland; Bry- son v. Warwick and Bixniingh-um Canal Company; Lord v. Wight. wick. Lunatic petition: Ex pai to ...


... .ASSIZE INTELLIGENCB LANCASTER WINTER ASSIZES. LivmtP0oo, Dxc. 7. CRowN CounT.-3YeFOae MS. Bdnox ALDERSON. STAfBBING. TVomas Clayon vwas placed at the bar, charged with stabbing William Gallasby, at Orrell, near Wigan, on the 22nd Sept. last, with intent to do him grievous bodily harm. On evidence it appeared, on the day in question, the parties together had been drinking in a public-house in ...

Law Intelligence

... Raw flitcuteellec+ NOTICES.-TIIIS DAY. U COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S INN. fa ArTl8.-BXFOILE TIlLE Iee CHtANCELLtOR AOINDTaE Lortan~s 3 ircza.- th Appeals Hiaks v. Sallitt, part beard; WaLlington v. Waldron, spc- T! oial ease; Bally v, Erasns, appeal on claim. ROLLS COURT, CHANCERY-LANE. hf AT JO.-To be mentioned Pemnbertoa v. Reid. Causes, &c. Thornber v. Sheard (2), part heard; AgwiO~z v. ...


... TO THiE EDITOR Or TEE DAILY NOEWS. SIR,-A report having appeared in your paper of to-day of a case of unjust interference by the police, heard before Mr. Bingham, at M31arlborough-street police court, which does not embrace the points of the case, I beg to ?? you a statement of the actual cireumastanCes, in the hope that you wvill have the kindness to give it insertion in your valuable ;ournal ...


... ASSIZE INTELLIGENCB. NORTHERN CIRCUIT.-LIVIRPO0L0,AUe0 22. CROWN COURT. Mr. Justice Wightman concluded the criminal portion of the business by passing sentence on the following prisoners: Wim. Boyle and Wmn. Hill, found guilty of unlawfully and maliciously wounding Mr.- James Crompton, at Pen- dIcton, with intent to do him some grievous bodily harm, 7 years' transportation. Win. Dosnegon, who ...


... ,iSSIZE INTELLTIGCENUC. HOM-IE CIRCUIT.-CROYSDON, AUGuST 5. QJvit SIT/.-BrILoaE Tilm LOIRD CEl TSBAtION AND A SPECIAL. JURY. ATKINSOir v. BALD)I.N. The abore case was resumed this morning at nine o'clock. ,,aow -Adaood for ti-a ?? MIL.. ?? S. Tomlin said-I reside at Peterborough, and ani the father of plaintiff's wife. She is now about 31 or I'2 years of age. Mrs. Atkinson was married in 1810, ...

Law Intelligence

... LaCd) i tlXJH£ if;$Z ,OI~ S.-THIS DAY. Rlai COURT 01F APPEALS, LINCOLN'S ININ. 'Jr iel AT ?? otimu Lsorusi Jus-ricti.-AppeoC5iI ,Marlin v. Iar. liec Ohs, p,,rt healr ; Davies T. Davits, part heard; IleWart v. N)loratley; ; e \Orthiiv. Lvsnas 0t. C~ S I T~r~S, eINCOLN'S-Li-. of VCICEci.LANCELLOU'' a AL ?? :VicrCnauCOl.LtOO t ~KN)~uLY-Ce O ollpo(I eit ac aoe.con-tier v.,Iraylor, ...


... 'I | Oa the 30th of September last, at about four o'clockin the morning, as ?? de Dampmartin, a man of large property, mayor of the town of Uzes, and one of the most zealous defenders of the cause of order, was leaving his house, preceded by a servant, carrying his trunk with The intention of proceeding to Nismes, where the Pre- sident of the Republic was to arrive that day, he was fired at, ...

Law Intelligence

... I X4*11tnttelefty . NOTICES.-THIS DAY. COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S INN. AT 10h-BsBFoaE TIlE LoRD CiANCaLOR AND LORD SJusrticEs.- Appeals: Hicks v. Sallitt, part hoard; Heaton v. Dearden (4). If the Lord Chancellor should be prevented from attending, the Lords Justices vwill proceed with Heaton v. Dearden. ROLLS COURT, CHANCERY-LANE. .AT 10.-For judgment: Patter v. Baker. To be mentioned ...


... TRIAL FOR MUBD.ER AND -ARSON AZ G UE:B'NSEY. tnt 4- The trial of John Carkes Topner, a clerk in the Le, Ordnance-office, for the murder of Mrs. Saujon, and for the subsequent attern t to burn the body, by setting fire to the house, came en before the Royal Court at Guernsey on the ad. 2th inst. The proceedings lave already lasted seven days and are not yet concluded. ut Tapner, who was dressed ...


... .A$$IE INTBZ LI yes. HOME CIRCUIT.-KiNGSTON, MUaibl 21. : awi : ;W Sm R.-'8reau Mml.' Jtean COLiSJUDOL THEIE E AM D'IEL. This moraing having been appointed for the trial of the four Frenchmen who were charged witih nmafder, arising' out of4 duel that took place in Octoberlast at Bgham, eon. i siderable interest appeared to beicreated, ad .the court was ,crowd¶liong before the 4uaal ,hour for ...