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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... CDC zadh *0000 HAYMARKXET. T=r Evri o, MASKS AND FACES; or, Before and Behind the Curtain. Mesor. n. Webster, L. Murray, btuart. and Parsello; Mrs. Stirling, Mro. L Mua ray, Mi's F. Maskell, and Miss B. Bennett. -The new Ertravaganza of LO THE TERRIBLE. Mssrs. Keeley, Busakstore, Bland, H. Bedford, Caulfield, Bogets, Clark, and Braid.- Aid BOX ANrT COX MARRIED AND SETTLED ! Messrs. Buck. stone ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RDIMMEL'S-PERFUMED ALMANACX, beautiflbly plinted inol colours, impart a delghtful aeoat to pocktoboo, cards, cases, decks, &*c. and tormo a moot aeoptable pent to friends at home or abroad. rrice d, or sent tro by poet fo sleven samps. RIMMHL' TOILET VINEGAR as far preferable to Eu de Co. loee as a touos and refreshing lotion for the toilet, a reviving scent, and a powerful dlainfeotant for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D RI ZE M ED A L,-WATHERSTON and JIIIROGD8N`S GOLD M~AINS, b7TROY WEIGHT andI WORKMANSH2IP. at MAUATUE PRICES.'; Tke paid in the Chains gharanteed, and reucale tthete I harged lee'stenote; Hlow much your chain weighs to the utmost carat; - The fineness of the gold, and charge for fashion. WATHERSTON and BROGDEN, Goldsmiths.. Masufootory: 16, Henrietta-street, cbvent-garden, London. c I NE ART ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OXFORD UNIVERSITY ELECTION. ? Oxroav Cot3ssvar Rev. R. GRESWiELI B.D., Worcester, Chtira. Rev. the Provost of Oriel. Rev. the Principal of Brasenooe. *The Rev. W. Jacobson, D.D., Regiua Professor of Dlyinity. Rev. R. Hnlsey, B.D., late Student of Cb. Ob., Regiua Professor of Eccleeiralil Hiiistory. Rev. I. Wall, M.A., Fellow of 13a'll1, Praileetor of Logic. Rev. JaeobLey, B.D., Senior Student ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rte )13Dadi feto. HAYMARKET. Tmis EvENinG, MONEY. Messrs. Barry Sullivan, Ben. Webster, L. Murray, Buckstone, Howe; Mlrs. Fftrilllin, Air. Stirlhng.-.And The new Extravaganzi of LEO THE TERRIBLE. Messrs. Keeley, Ducisstone, Bland, H. Bedford, Caulfield, Rogers, Clark, and Braid.- Doors open at 61. PRINCESS'S. TE;I EveniNm, H;INO JOHN. Messre. C. Hean, W. Lney Ryder, Addison, Meadows, and J. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G ENERAL SCREW STEAM SHIPPING COMVANY.-NOHlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN to PAM8EN- GhHS and SlIPPPERS. that the MAILS for this month will he taken to CALCUTTA by this Company's ecrew ateareabhlp, the HYDASrES. 1,8to tons, CaptainGREIG, andnotby the Quen of the South, as 1i erviously announced- The SElydaspe8 veill Iev Southampton for IOUdia o 2 Instant, toulig at Plymouth on the 25thito a take thdO mci ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [ADVERTISUXBNT.] OXFOAD UNIRSITY ELECTION. The opposition to Mr. Gladstone' re-election the 1I having resulted in an obstinate, and, probably, a protracted I q eontast, the following members of Coayocation, in and 18th within ieachof London, have formed themselves into a a litt committee for promoting his return. take, 1 The suddenness of the occasion has rendered it imposa | sible to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -V, XETER-HALL.-Mr. ALLCROFT'S ANNUAL JD FESTIVAL CONCERT, MONDAY EVENING, Jan. 24, tor whi hisefollowing eminentartistes have aeepted engsgeuents:- Vooalists: Mesdames Fiotentiml, Favantl, Sims lteeive, Rebecca Issars, Emily Ormond, Alleyne. Agnes Walker, Xathleen Fitr.william, Meire Doria, F. Lablaobe, and Dolby; Measrs. Sims Reeves (first ap. cenrarce this season), Brandt, H. Corl, 0. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sOR CALCUTTA Direct.-The splendid niem ?? ship ALLIANCE, A 12 Iears, otenS rlater, CAPBELL commandar, new loing IxbteLa;don having the greater portion o' her togo engaged, wili onue to roecive goods all Tbursday, l3th. Has a itu pop with excelent accormodatlon for ?? freight or pasosge apply to Mr. T.WtvILSON, Duaflebaldings, Manchester; ortoW. 0 XOUNO, iun.oourt, CorWWill. F OR HONG KOING and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... toottk er MP4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ iV~ m W0RTAXT-fp~~tF asuft.e th Wu pr&AW a4pil, &set e , bT het at id nodth of ad 1sPBpr wDfl5 gos lf n ~ , 126OTA27 to8' 2AR tne;;a a ! tei new,0F rnihittnga7W gtz a.l Cls thei eatab, and o kstors o Lintdoan. to i raakW, 4~ .1r qs . it b 06 e d;, ax an ree yarod;tes h fahr _ CAVEE8' SERA OADL FUhTtGW4U dB.i'ALBO ?? UtS. per127 G2, ermabn -iOWs nd. ezt'n.; veiat-i olck ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AJsHALL andaEDRPZ~~IS ?? snp' ?? orthirIbt.4 *50 ,,~e ieati~ fr o on4elon hir. b J ShipS tenesge Osnmaieo Coina~s.: D.ieii. -. PE II N W. Tbot . . ?? 1 F.G G1AE4I .90 - sne ABB~RO.~~Sih.~ OI FANT'ALOK .. 40D XI. .. 4GOlm a i. Immone 20 i rpIISIDENT RAN.. c00 J a Lao. 2. MU;I0VA *900 3. V;en ava Gwg t,. 15- ML ?? 60 1' nj n Genid 4 ]XON,4ING WiLLts 2 1005 pts- F* ., LADY MAC. AUGH. e . PortT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PAThRON-J.ttIL .'11=09C ALBERT. RD OYAL POLXIECHNIC INSTITUTION.-~ ft EtN IEYNW AWHIB1TlN- ?? oki llutetono A MidsumeNight a D an'the Words from: To ShakespearteMsi buy HefnoStevens. Bishop, H. Ruckland,aid oil 'Dr. CokMornilg an &vnns Lectures by J. H. Pepper,Eq enth Edless Anaseetao hmityaad to a JuVen1le] Audience; by Dr. Baehhpffner. osthlA =l of. Sceisltifie iRe. creation; by Mr. Wepe On ...