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Exeter Flying Post



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Exeter Flying Post


... I BATH AND WEST OF ENGLAND .: . AGRIOULTURAL ASSOCIATION. The second exbibition of tbisassociatiop, which e this (Wednesday) afternoon at Pennycomequick, a sio'G. distance from Plymouth, promises to be, both in extent and importance, one which cannot fail to be of great interest to those engaged in agricultural pursuits. The number of implements which have arrived is large, and comprises many ...


... a- Books, Prints, Mfusic, 4w., for review, are requested to be left ol at Mr. C. 31ilchell'g, Red Lion Court, Fleet-sireet, London, l addressed To the Editor of the EXETER FLNVGe POST. These will be duly forivarded, and receive an early notice. L, The Poetry of Home, by Goodwyn Barmby. London; Wm. in Tweedie, 337, Strand. lo A poem in three parts, in which the writer gives utterance to the ...


... TnE Ex~mrrIoN.--oods are being daily received at tbe Dublin Exhibition building, which is rapidly approaoh- ing completion. There is now no doubt of' itsbeing ready for the publicopening on the ]Otb of May. The articles contributed by Holland consist of 93 cases of pictures, and'25 6ases of' Jpanese productions. They are in charge of Mii Van 'de Casteeli, thq director of the Royal Museum at ...


... -. THE SPIRiT OF . BEAUTY. The Spirit of Beauty unfurls ber light And wheels hor course in ?? flight! } kneowbher track through the bnlm airr -By the blossoms that c luster and whiten there! She leaves tho tops of the mountainagreen, And gems the valley with crystal sheen. . At mom I know whore she rested at night, For the roses are gushing with dewy deigrht*; Then she mounts again, and around ...


... MAY MORNING. V with the morning, and up with the sun; Night, with its dreaus and its shadows, is done; The lilac's small stais in their thousands arise, While the garden is filled with their languishing sighs, I must awna' with the earliest hours, To gather the blay-desv that lies in the flowers. The yellow laburminm, the spendthrift of spring, How lavish the wealth wh-ich its bright branches ...


... rW Books, Prints, Music, ?? for review, are requested to be kit at Mrr. C. Mitchell's, Red Lion Court, Fest-street, London, addressed To tile Editor of the ExEER FLYING POSa. These will be duly forwarded, and receive an early notice. Elackwos's MAlgazine. Thlie April numsiber opens with a sensible article on ?? Tempsrauece and Teetotal Societies,' in which the bigotry jvd-bsurdity of ...


... THE ANGELS' BRIDGE. Whene'er a rainbow slept along, the sky, The thoughtful child expected angel bands W'.Iilld glide upon its goegeous path of light, With half-furled wings alid uaeekly-folded bands. For he had dreamed thc rainbow was a bridge, On which caine bright ones from the far-off shore A strange and pleasant dream; but lio believed, And his yousrg heart with love's sweet faith ran ...


... : . . PRAYER. to when the morning shineth, Or if 't e'esr denoid thee Go when' the moon is bright, ?? t pray, . _ the o when the svc declineth, Should holy thoughts come.o'er * ' Go in the hush of night; When friends are ronodthyway; (lo with pure mind andt feeling, E'on then the silent breathing, Fling earthly thoughts awray, Tbe spirit raised above,; ?? And in thy chamber kneeling, Will ...


... EXETER LITE1BARY SOCIETY. - al- A1.A{~-1 A--- T nlr. k-A On Wednesday last, at the Atheneum, XMrR. Balfour de- liverel a lecture on The study of biography as an aid to self oulture and the formation of character. Mr. A. P. Jarvis in the chair. Mrs. Ralfour referred to the veaious classes of those persons who read biography. Among.these it is evident that the. mechanical, the indolent, the ...


... POFTRY. THE FORSAKEN HEARTH. And still the greeit is bright with flowers; And dncing tbrough the sunny .ourM Like blossoma from the erichanted bowers On a sudden wafted by, Obedient to the changeful air, AndgDoudly feeling they are fair, ?? bird arid butterfy t But where is the tiny hunter-rout That revelled on with dance and shout, Against their airy preyP'y-WisNow. The Hearth,-the Hearth ...


... ?? Books, Prints, Music, 4c.,for review, are requested to be hurl .at Mr. C. Mitchell's, Red Lion Court, Fleet-street, London, addressed To the Editor of the ExETr FIsyLNG POST.' :Tne8e will be duly forwarded, and receive an early notice. l7'he lt-vwrtey NFoeUr, Vol. 0. Icauohe. Edibtu-h: Adam asnd Charles Black. TUE getting up of this volume of the Library Edition is, as ausual, excellent, ...


... MAY. Walcome May! welcome May! Every thing kept holiday Save the human heart alone. Mirthful May! gladsome May! We bad cares and thou hadst none When thou camest last this way? When thou camest last this way Blossoms bloomed on every spray, Buds on barren boughs were born- Fertile May! fruitful May: Like the rose upon the thorn Cannot grief awhile be gay? 'Tis not for the golden ray, Or the ...