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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... RE-OPENING OF 18, DAME-STREET. M ARK AMr COMPANY, in accordance with l the annual custom of th Es hent leave to inform the old co.nexion, ?? eraly that they will sell their 4. Od, TEA 3 d. On THIS DAY ONLY, e 8TH INSTANT, in any quantities not exceedi lOlbs. to each purchaser. Coffee Roasters and Tea Dealers, 18, DAMESTREET, DUBLIN. MARK AND COMPANY. First month, 1858. JMPORTANT COLLECTION OF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATER E ROYA L,D ?? On THIS EVENING (Satnrday), January 8, 1853, the erfornl1n~ejs 'ill comusence with the PIhy ofDY FAINTtI~tB NEVE WON AIR, L&DY. Charles II., King of Spain, Miss C Saunders; Ruy GoNez, Mr G J Vining; Dac is de Torreuneva, Miss Castletofl. To be followed by tbe usical Farce of' s NO . Frederick, Mr Haigh; Ma, Miss Lansn. To conclude with Pantousime, entitled HARLEQUIN G ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FsENTS SoLD TO RE TRADE AT if .tJOB E y b Wholesale Cap, Shoe, d a Warehouse, e 13, LOWER BRIDGE TREI, Dublin. e M Remnants of White, G yj an inted Calicoes seld e by the Pound. ; r PA&TCHWORK,. &c. 13, LOWER BRID STREET e(0l Merehrnt -quay.) a MAXIOUNALASbURANCE COMPANY OF a IRELAND. I The Directors hereby give Notice t th alf yesrly s stated Gerneral Aembly o the m , reeably to Charter, will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. On THIS EVENING (Monday), Tannary 10, 1858, the performances wili commence with the Plty of A NEW WAY TO PAY OLD DEBTS. Sir Giles Overreach, Mr T C King; Justice Greeiy, Mr Granby; Lady Allworth, Mrs H Kir y; Margaret, Miss Jenny Maraton. 5 To cenclude with a Grand Christina6Pantomiime, entitled HARLEQUIN GULLf ER; OR, LILI.PUT AND BR D IGNAG. In which win be introduced ...

Advertisements & Notices

... vEHEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. on THIS EVENING (Tuesday), January ii, 1853, the performances will commence with the Comedyy entitled TiTE JEALOUS VI[FEM Mr Oakley, Mr T C Eini; Lor M ?? r Sir I arry Beagle, Mr FltoPthio; Mrs krs Mrs Hudson Krirby Hherriet, MissJenny Mi i'n j on To csnclude with a GGrM Christt! Pantomime, entitled HARH EUINL G9 ER; OR, LLLP.IU ANDAND ]BOIGAAG. Ia which will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ea XTENSIVE ALTERATIONS. BROWNE AND PAYNE 'i-pecdfully inform the Public that, from the great increase In their business, they are obliged to make extensive altera- tions in their Warerooms for the hppraching season; and in consequence of the above Browie and Payne have gone ver every Garment IN THE READY -M4E DEPA' MENT, cnd marked tbem 10 per cent. der th or inal price, so aa to cause an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE3ATRE: ROYAL, DUBLIN.' IUVENILE NIGHT. 4 ! On THIS EVENING (Wednesday), Jtp. P t,5or tbe accommodation of parties residing Zt diseCe, and the Juvenile branches of families, liO Srfermafi will Commence at Seven o'Clock, and the lannohnb tobinate at a Quarter-pstt. &- -. To commence with tbe Cyletta of NAVAL ENGAGE Admiral Kingston, Mr Granby; ieute~io6'Ki~etnn, mr vining; MijS Mortimer, Miss ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0AUTION TO TH PULICB I hereby Caution the Public iagy Credit to my Wife, ELIZA EAGAN, as ot ge Oteoutable for any debts contracted by her after td Half Carton. January 11th, 1853. F17 U E L. F~ We respectfully bec to inform the Public bat we have ou Sale a large supply of the beat COM iZR wjth the Slack of Newcastle Coalj which we will s/bseI very mode- rate termus. / / Housekeepers would ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE ROAD TO HEALTH. FT O LL OWAY 'S P I L L S.- CURE OF A DiSOtDE~rRD LrvEn AND BAD DIGESTION.- Copy of a Letter from Mr. R. W. Kirkus, Chemist 7., Presectt street, Liverpool, dated 6th June, 1861: 1 To PROFESSOR HOLLowAy-S&R-Your Pills and Olat ment have stood the highest on our sale list of Proprietary Me- dica;ee for some years. A customer, to whom I can refer for any inquiries, desires ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T I{EATR E ROYAL, DUB LIN.1 On THIS EVENING (Thursday), January 18, 1858, the erformnncea will commence with the Come y of THE POOR GENTLEN. Liestefant Worhhiogtnu. Mr T C KinCh Dr Ollapod, Tir F RobSOf ; Emily Wortbiugton, Miss MHacstou; Miss Lacretla BTab, Mirs Parker. ~^ cort with a Grand Christmas lbantostnie, entitled Tococld HARLEQUIN GULLI ER; On, LILLIPUT AND BRO ADIGNA. In which will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R00t-PAPER MANUFTORY, 6, 5, 25, 26, and 27, COLERAINE-STREET, DUBLJNJ (Off North King-lee&t.) PAUL P3ERI Has an immense Stock of g6 iPAPER, READY FOR A E, On the moet reasonable terms. WITZ1ER, BEATOY, AD COMPANY, 1 WOOLLEN DBAPERS AN TAILORS, 91, GRAFTOX-ST T BEADY ADE W B COATS. 1£ 8. d. Marble and CloudedPagetef 1 1 0 The New Arctic Wrappe 1 1 O Irish Frieze Over Coats ,, O 18 6 The New ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S L *A . S -THOMAS LEARY has rt. re quantity of Welsh Slates of every desenhiJ h , willaS of ?? Terms for Cash. Offices, 44,k CLARENDON NE nd 11, WIND- MlILl-LANYE 9I OHN S QUAY. STOCK EXCEIANGE-YEsTERODA. GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Three per Cent. Conol . Thres per Cent. Cosnol for Account, 9Wb Feb. .. 0 .C~aQWter yier Ceant. Staock 108. Three.and.a.Quarter per Caent. Stock for Acceunt, 5th ...