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Glasgow Herald

Advertisements & Notices

... T ( LIET', FU RNISlEl), A II OUSE, coorntaing 3 Rooirs arnd Kitcheln, ?? irk a . healthly part of the city, onr the South side, with Water :loset arid other coFlveiicicecs, Concealed ?? in Parlour and Kitchen, French anid Tent letds irs front and back 13ei Ilooris, arid othlrrwise w ell furnished. Errtry immnciat ely. Terors moderate. T Address J. N. H ., Herald Office. TO J3E L ,T, I. Entry ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EsrAuALoliHo IN 1807. GLASGOW Tilrll;STL AND ROSE SOCIETY. T iM ASNlAI-AL IMiN N ER ,f this Society takes plaicill T tbe Tonitine IlItel oil Friday, 21st January current, at 5 o'clock i'ii. s A.,EiX ANI)ER II 11tELL, Esq., President, Chairman. ROIIER,1'I' LO,6CIIRE, 2ctriis, 1.1q., Tircasrer, Crou pier. Mlinler Ticket, including Dlrains, XVWlic, and Music, Gs. Gd., to be had at the ?? of thc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N O T I CE. SALE AT GBILSTON, CARDROSS. IIE SALE of FURNITURE anl EFFECTS advortised T to take place at Geilston House, Cardross, on ''llesdhly tbe 4Lb of January next, is hereby POSTPONE]D till further Notice. JNO. DEWAR, Auctioneer. Dumbarton, 31st December, 1S52. LOST, On Friday last, 31st December, in London Strect, A BLACK TANN'1 SPANIEL DOG, about 6 months A old. Whoever will return himn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VALUABLE Gltf)LND, Al,3.01ist'itt,'11it Nl ow ?? xri nI titllotlt. FOl S A1,El BY P1R IVA TE B1ARG A IN, ~,itil 8tt~lt 11 or0 tile Iii'el', 1111(1 exttendintg to 10,568 'li trti~llit~i~taedit thke West EitAd of tile extended Q I'I l't''l itlt i mm ' e' i atttiti . It Woillin l iitv T f rmlit lmso 10, il itlltipltitd th at boul lie feirei, ld to1 tite frolml' li '.ttlIl i~ t hal~iii itt N ill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE PATENT NAPIITIIALINE COMPANY are now T mrepardd to stil)l)ly tie following Articlos of their Mlialu- facture:- PATKrNT II ?? No. 1, as a Substitute for Tur- pentille. 1PATENI 'lI-tER13INTIIENE, No. 2, as a Substitute fur Tur- pentiInt, ?? IIY is Ia)ryer. P]ATIENT CAO(UTCl' I (1 CI(, Solvent. ?? U CII;'l~' A P I'l-AICIIA, ,1o. I'.A'rer II I.ES I N & ( .l 1:1 (lo. ]'srexTli NA&'l '1111 I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _ ?? i..JSI I THLE ]tICLI'AsT A NDVI) W OF IRI'ELAND JU ,CTlI IIN RA LNVA V COMPANV, CAP l'ITA 1L, X250,(00, thin I 10,000 .S'keres eflX2.5 riwci .m ?? 1h, la rpit ?? I 0s. cii ealih tim' Share, 0mm4 allotmmemm 1. Liallmfy limimtedl o thlle (Iuimmmt ?? thme I'IlO17181ONAT COCMM ITTIMiC L~ord RO.95MUOI I, Lorml-I~je~jutemmimt oif the Icounmty of Meo- , SAM :IT I. 1 GI EA'II,' Fl'ICNT'CmN, J.P. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STEEL PENS. WI lo0S. I low\ E hegs tora'itl Puntdie attelt ioll I o his CE L IE- I ItIITED) PEN S (liaped for allI kindis of, Writinlg), which miay bet had f, till a'l'r lczs:id l'cx IN DvAj.,*:es throughout ihe k indom.-STI, Ei' PElN &. W titm ) SC BE W WORItKS, 8 ANDi 1) iBOlRDEOLE SrTille,., ]tiRIsiNiO1l.01 TI'IE PA'IENTI NAPI'iITHIALl NE COMPAINY 'i cO to tall thle attoitisi or N., A P1i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i3UILDING GROUND IN LOW GREEN STRMEET. Ills11 PRIOMERTY having been Disposed of, by Private L agil ivill 24t be Eqiolled, to Pubici Bole onl thle 12th lust. as ettieil. A. & J~. GRAHAM. 42 George ?? ?? 5)th Janl., 1853. Onl Wedne10sday last, A LADY'S ISmall GOLD. LOC0KET, in the l'orrn of at heiart. Ani) person finditig the camec, and returning it to thle 0111cce of this Paper, will he ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GLASGOW M EEMO10RANDUM BOOK FOR 1853. K E SS.LUASDEN & SON &tavingpprintted a com mllete L ist of the New D itistry, W vill be glad to supply Pur- chasers of' their AlMrnoradluin Book vith the ame, oil a nppli- cation at 20 Queen Street. lasgow, 10th Jan., 1853., 1' 121,1.81: 'i E LUDNDEN & SON'S IIOUSEKRhEPER'S ACCOUNT BOO0K IF;oil. 1853, I'licE 'W O SHIILLINGS. L I ust Pul'isiseid l OuNINy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r it ]iIECl('ils oS f the l.AS(: M 'W ANG US ailid ii EIAIINS IIENIEli'. l I' ETSu lE'l'TY, havu resolved to apply a 1,1;tioll ot' tlir lFulid, tlviladi1 the l1:ileltdction of, the Childrell (i d pirtics ill indigent Cirilililstallecs, rc-ident iml r CGlasgoiiw, Clliiictuel with these t 'IOlllties. ApplicatiOII to bO iliade to Jobin I'aris, Scey., 2 Graftollo liace. f SIGIITIIILL CEMETERY. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TENEMMENT, NUMBERS 161, 163, 105, AND 167 SAUCHIIIRALL STREET. H1IS Property having been Disposed of, by Private Bar- T gain, the Public Sale will NO'I' tak-l Placc on lbs 12th I current, as Advertised. OETS OD A MEETING, of those prevented fr~om leaving Town by AEdinburgh and Glasgowy Railway, wvith Hlalf-past 5 o'clock i'M. Train, on Friday the 31rst ulthimo, will be held in Wood's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Aujouitatu SALE. VILLA IN IA'MILTON FOR SALE. Lpi'Te PrimiC RIEDUCED) TO £1300. The1re w$ill hoe ExprisecI to Sale, by 1'iiblic Roup), Withinl thle Iloyl Exchlia . tige le Rzoomis, Glflsgowl, onl TuAeSday thle 18t1 jaluaryttt ticxt, at Two o'clock Afturntooti, unless previousoly dispposed oiiliv Private Baurgain, ?? E VILLAI of BlITIINSID)E, situated inl Union Street, l1 ta Iton,; and about ...