... a- Books, Prints, Mfusic, 4w., for review, are requested to be left ol at Mr. C. 31ilchell'g, Red Lion Court, Fleet-sireet, London, l addressed To the Editor of the EXETER FLNVGe POST. These will be duly forivarded, and receive an early notice. L, The Poetry of Home, by Goodwyn Barmby. London; Wm. in Tweedie, 337, Strand. lo A poem in three parts, in which the writer gives utterance to the ...


... TnE Ex~mrrIoN.--oods are being daily received at tbe Dublin Exhibition building, which is rapidly approaoh- ing completion. There is now no doubt of' itsbeing ready for the publicopening on the ]Otb of May. The articles contributed by Holland consist of 93 cases of pictures, and'25 6ases of' Jpanese productions. They are in charge of Mii Van 'de Casteeli, thq director of the Royal Museum at ...


... TEE DRAMEA. NUSIC, &a. DaUaY L&N1E.-On Wednesday night Mr. Brooke terral- natcd a suceasful.l and brilliant eegagemrent at th,. house, which his talent has filled for more than tb.hryasix perform- ances. The entertainments were for the benefit of tbe worthy and enterprising lessee, M ir. Smith, whose liberality and I oacurable fulfiment of every engagement has acquired for him the esteem and ...


... (MGOM Tax rSOlCEf.] For Indoor, or hnlsf 1gtie toiletle, smell velvet basdou*es will be much worn this winter: they are extremely pretty, sad made in various 3tyles ; some of cachmere, others of velvet wadded, with wide eleevos, and the body allowed to fy epen. They are intended to be worn over dieeses on very cold winter-days. Or the ame style may be made into eatzawoeeks, intended to be wo' ...


... (prom the Dablie Univereity Magazine.) See the shadows now are stealing Slowly down the mountain'a breast- Hark the turret belle are pealing Cheerily the hour of rest. Now the mellow daylight closes, All the world from toil reposes; Every breeze has sunk' and died- 'Tis the peaceful eventide. O'er the vale the mists are creeping Chanting hive-ward wends the bee; Ono by one the stars are ...


... The War,'iors of our Wooden Watts, and their Victories. London: Aylott and Co. Now that the public mind is excited on the subject of war, we anticipate a rapid sale for this cheap record of the deeds of valour, and victories gained by men who have rendered the wooden walls of England famous throughout the world. Davidson's Illustrated Oratorios A series of works under this title are in course ...


... TO A WITHERED FLONVER. FRO)M THE DUTCH OF TOLLENS. LOVELY flow'ret, what a doom ! Who bath stript you of your bloom, Thus despoiling and rejecting? Mark its hues, decay reflecting Lovely maiden, made them well; Thou art but a flower they tell. Every charm, ah ! whither gone, Bloom the morning smiled upon, Velvet buds and leaflets crowning; Now the driving tempest, frowning, Beats upon thy ...


... THE LOVING STARS. Beautiful are ye, stars of night! Shining above on your tlhrones of light Over a world of sorrow ! Hera1ds of peace and love to those Wearied and said with their weight of woes, Into a sunnier morrow ! No marvel that men, in times of old lBany a destiny should unfold N Within your gentle beaming. The 'ftio0elitful spirit can wing its way I'ar in tlie region of each brihot ray ...

Fashion and Varieties

... ifasbion antr Yarictico. 'I'TIE COURT. I aVINI)soe, THURSIAY.-Thi Roval linner party ves-- teiday iniclulded the Royal visitors of her Majesty, the Belgian and Auisti'ian Ministers, the Earl and Countess of Clarendon, Count de Lamnoy, Colonel de Moerlerke, Baron Prisse, M. Ricken, &c. The Queen and Prince, with the Roval visitors, went to London this morning by a special t'rain of the Great ...


... I I '11111, Pe'iqlllit/tliOS Illljli'el', of tile 22und Novembriw., conitains a, gloWinlg~ ;IitIotlt of thle ill1101' eill.' Cure- nosonies ccmituoted with tile ijvjing ao' till co'ner lS' to ll' of tile nosy Masonici Temlple illI Ji'iIj:lIl~iphili, oil 2Joii- tiltS, the 21cr Novembflerl' a~t. h 'Isi@ 5( 1st the building is, IIl Clmellilt Street. Ns'mt Oci Serentil, hul tilitiher oili eilte ...


... l3outrU. A IJ T U AI N. TrIE bud of Spring is softly seen Full bursting through the icy sheen That Winter left upon the green- Its last departing tear; But, oh! the bough of russet brown, Unbent to Winter's coming frown, Where gentle airs blow leaflets down, To me is far more denil. I love the shadow onl the path, The moonbeams on the olden rtath; To me the Auituimin ever hath A magic of its ...


... 1' WE have just visited this admirable, and what we a may call tidqtue, effort of mental exemplary vigour as c manitesteti bv our friends in Enniscorthiv. We saw four rooms li'ghted brilliantly with gas. The walls ofI b all were completely covered with oil and water colour t paintings, original and copied; first rate engravings, a drawings in crayon and pencil, and framied Berlin c wool work, ...