... THE POLICE CO.UBTS. 'WESTMINSTER. James Dye, 'a driver in the service of Mr. Bennett, omnibus proprietor, Chelsea, was Summoned for admitting the complainant into his omnibus, and. for detaining the carriage contrary to law. Mr. Charles Aldberry, assistant vestry clerk to the parish of St. Luke, 'Old-street, said that'on the' 7th inst. he went to Cremorne-gardens As it rained violently he left ...


... ASSIZE INTELLIGENCBI. HOME CIRCUIT.-CROYDON, AUGUST 6. The Lord Chief Baron was engaged during the whole ofl the day in trying two special jury cases, Muddell v. Arden and another, and The Cordwaieiers' Company v. Richards and others, the particulars of which were of no public in- terest. In consequence of the sudden departure of Mr. Justice Cresswell, the whole business of the assizes ...


... I1MENCH POLIOB CASES. (From aatijnani's e Messenger.) A few days since a person residing at Strasburg, on returning home, was surprised to find that his wife was absent. Suspecting that hc had been betrayed by one of his friends, he immediately proceeded to his house. The wife and the lover were, in fact, together, and in the act of committing suicide by means of charcoal, when the hus- band ...

Law Intelligence

... 'o,aw F-2tTICES.-THIs DAY. I-tI *t II T.1 Itt CIW.'Ci'Lt.Os. -IIO r SOP !''ttn'.,t a ?? ?? itz T I hrp. lrintlie fietition, be order; oily. I ?? * n I tr v t, nmotion, by orde r. t 'ii m , \ il:;lutstt' 31eottsy V. E71raslto, part heard. VICt..CilIAN,.ELOlL't CoUrlT-S, LINCOLN'S-DIN. Ari, .~t rti TtIcLCltAsNoeTi~vtt SIt Bt. KINL00eAT, Y.F- ja0 n t-it Line .1 sro't iloe z.00 Ijorrand v. ...


... THEE POLICE COUBTS. jessca /drsen offiolywvell-stirret, Shoreditelh, buteher,,T and josoph Large, who is in tile employment of Mr. jel ll~uibvorth, hutcher, of IBrick-lane, Betlsnal-greea, up- Si p~earedupuin bail to abide the de isinn of the bench upon a w chrebrought against them to the effect that they had Stolen a oheck, and appropriated tile proceeds. Mr. Until- I! oheeappeared for the ...

Law Intelligence

... --ot777-? - I I II effigence, . i NO'TUICES.-THIS D.AY. Mr The turds Justices will not attend court co-day.Al ROLLS COURT, CHAINCERY-LANE. AT 10.-For Jtigmneot: In re Barrow. Consent petitions (17)* m Cau'os: Yorketind Niorth Midland Railway Company v. Hadgon~~part U beard. Short causes: Thom ns v. Thomas; De Mladred v. Caie;' fer Levrit v, Roebuck. Short claims: 2&Coy v. Nicholson; Andrews v ...

Law Intelligence

... 'h am - Kiltelftyllm INOTICES.-THIS DAY. COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S INN. AT l n.-lrek: u Lunt; CoRANCILU -App'11te Ridgway V. Wharton, part heard; Bythesea v. Bythe-ea. BXVRoac TuE Losos Jusricas.-Por judgment: In re Gloucester, -Abcrystirith, and Central Wales Railway; Ex parte Mairland; Bry- son v. Warwick and Bixniingh-um Canal Company; Lord v. Wight. wick. Lunatic petition: Ex pai to ...


... .ASSIZE INTELLIGENCB LANCASTER WINTER ASSIZES. LivmtP0oo, Dxc. 7. CRowN CounT.-3YeFOae MS. Bdnox ALDERSON. STAfBBING. TVomas Clayon vwas placed at the bar, charged with stabbing William Gallasby, at Orrell, near Wigan, on the 22nd Sept. last, with intent to do him grievous bodily harm. On evidence it appeared, on the day in question, the parties together had been drinking in a public-house in ...

Law Intelligence

... Raw flitcuteellec+ NOTICES.-TIIIS DAY. U COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S INN. fa ArTl8.-BXFOILE TIlLE Iee CHtANCELLtOR AOINDTaE Lortan~s 3 ircza.- th Appeals Hiaks v. Sallitt, part beard; WaLlington v. Waldron, spc- T! oial ease; Bally v, Erasns, appeal on claim. ROLLS COURT, CHANCERY-LANE. hf AT JO.-To be mentioned Pemnbertoa v. Reid. Causes, &c. Thornber v. Sheard (2), part heard; AgwiO~z v. ...


... TO THiE EDITOR Or TEE DAILY NOEWS. SIR,-A report having appeared in your paper of to-day of a case of unjust interference by the police, heard before Mr. Bingham, at M31arlborough-street police court, which does not embrace the points of the case, I beg to ?? you a statement of the actual cireumastanCes, in the hope that you wvill have the kindness to give it insertion in your valuable ;ournal ...


... A IP.-~ T-. ?? ---v I A FATAL LEGACY-&DuT1av FRON 1XCoESeUE DahKx- ?? John Eil ctt'Htundms;n', Eaq., city coroner, ?? an inquest at the house 80, Church-lstreet, on the body of Mary Anne Foster, aged 22 years. Mary Kirwan deposed that she (witor.s) lived In the room in which the inq4est iwas being then held; deceased was her sister-in lav,' and had resided at 28, Monck-place, Phibebo- rough; ...


... LAW NTEzLlGENCE. . 1. . .. II COURT OF CHANCERY-YESTERDMA. The Lord Chancellor, with Mr. Justice Ball and Mr. Jus- tice Moore, eat in this court yesterday to bear the argurieats of counsel in the cause of I - Circrry v. Cox. The question to be decided turned upon the construetion to be given to the residuary clause in the will of-Mr. Richard Keatinge, of Durgarvan, who appointed Mr. A. Cox his ...