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... . The Shgfteld Indce~cndent of Saturday last says- We have the fact, on authority upon which we can place the utmost reliance, that, in the first instance, flarbour made a statement that the murder was commit-. ted by another man, in company with a female, and that though he (Barbour) had no direct share in it, he was fully cogmisant.of the foul deed, and in the imme- diate neeghbourhood of ...


... vNORTHuMBEALA!ImD SESSIONS. . TEURSDAY; Jf ?? ?? (Bfor . A. Monad, Eoq., OChirman, and a B&sw of I Xagistrates.) On the Chairman taking his seat on the bench, the following gentlemen were sworn oi the grand jury-:- Hugh Taylor, Esq., Earsdon, (foreman); B. B. Sanderson, jun. Esq., East Brunton; C. F. Shaw, Esq., Prestwick; M. Popplewell, Esq., Fosell,-plao; Alex. Bartleman, Es., ,Tynemouth; A. ...


... MEAiT&G RESPECTING XW TILCE.CRIM. - dthe Mgor, in compliance 'with a requisition, to cofiidkr 'the iabove importuset subject, was held yesterday afternoon, in the Royal Assembly RoonngsmeGrainger: Street, in' this town, N{.G.'Lambart,?Esq.,'the lmayor presided, and was nepported by an: infuential body of his fellow-towns- men; eanong whom vwexs' the Revs. Dr. Davies, R. Clayton, J. D. Heisted, ...


... IDUM 4V W 1SN i..R MESIONS. ?? DoFe;rsldss} Es2.(fq, satffhjL6'7.70. The court met at ten o'clockl, and tbe fol-ovasig, gon. tloemenweresworft of the L7 end jc'Y :--.__Ai7ony PP;rV- er Esq., Gate3head (foreman) ; Messrs T. A newoa;', Stockton; N. PsdnLews, Gat eaheac; A. Erady took7 ton; J. Hay; B;%hopweaine; vt7b S. W. UodtfcoR Oateshead; ?? 4Auray. jti, ?? J lMleyiBiokopQuoKbtud; T. Michoa ...


... CORONERS' INQUBSTS., On Saturday last, an iuuest was 0held bypT. C. May- nard Esq ,at the Britannia Hotel Msain'Birig, Sunder- land, on the body of Thomas Gibbons, plilot, aged 50 years. It appeared tkat the deceased had shown symp- toms of partial mental derangement during the last two eare, and at certain periods he had been extremely vio- 1ent0t1o his wife and family, which consisted of two ...


... INxWCAs.'.LE SESSIONS. 'WjM3'DNS-q DAY, JANUARy CH.., The pctrder havisug talren hi, seat Oa the S1inoh, ab- oampaaiiad byl he Shefri and Under-sherff, to fo'w.. ing gentlemen wrer swo~rn of thoe,grand Jury . W Fr' ed.' GlenltonX Eq., foremen 20 d 1BI7 ire ?? Ifawth'orn, lobr Litt'iewood, Is~ad5 Qfrhw j1~ W i m4a Ishnter, J. Tr.-W. Bell, Josephi Fairi 3ear| ,Barl $e, |'feorge Ei~nftlm, ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENCE NEWCASTLE,-MONDAY, January 8.-Before the Mayor, end Mr Alderman Hodgioon.-Elconor Timmonds, an elderly woan caed with stealing a bladder of lord from Mr Soutar's shp T'yretBidge, was committed for one month. -Jam s PttionJohn Watson, John Davidson, John Mac- iay-, bet Elitt, Clement Fawcctt, and John Thorsby were charged with treating a disturbance in a beor shop in the ...


... ?? 'AEXECUTIONS' . WADDINGTON, at York.-The execution of Alfred Waddington, for the murder of his, illegitimate child at Sheffield, by cutting off its head, took place on Satur- day, at twelve o'clock, in the presence of one of the most orde'rly' andn well-behaved crowds eve7 assembled on a similar occasiod.' The spectators did not begin to meet till ashort time before the period appointed for ...


... CORONERS' INQUESTS&i On Friday, the 7th inst., an inquest was held at Ashington Colliery, in the parish of Bothal, near Mor- peth, before Thomas Adams Russell, Esq., coroner, on the bodyof Robert Brown, aged 38 years. Deceased was overman at the colliery, and on the preceding day, about eleven o'clock in the forenoon, vhile coming down the gangway towards the engine-bouse, he fell from it and ...


... SHERIFF'S COURT, NEWCASTLE.-4aJ. 10. (Before J. C. HEATs, Esq., ?? Assessor for the Sheriff.) ASSESSMENT OF DAMAGES.-BLACRWELL V. HIODGSON. This was a writ of enquiry from the Court of Queen's Bench, arising from an action of assault, in which the defendant allowed judgment to go by default, diretowd eo the sheriff of thes town (Henry aeglydow, ?? re- quiring him to summon a jury to a -ss ...


... FI TER CHARGES AGAINST THE REPRIEVED CONVICT KIRWAN. ., , .. I Much excitement was occasioned last week in Dub- .lio. by statements imputing to Kirwan that he had been concerned in the robbery and death of a man named Boyer,' besides tob eoaes bf seduetion; and an investiga- ton was entered into by the authorities. - The following is from the Daily .Express of Wed- neS~day:. 7t v -.I - ' ...


... NORTHUMBERLAND SESSIONS Comm=. FRIDAY, JAN. 7. Before C. A. MONCK, Esq., chairman. The court Bat this morning at ten o'clook, when THOMAS HIBBUT was charged with stealing gas, the property of the North Shields Gas Company. Ir HELrTH appeared for the prosecution. The defendant was a worlcing'cutler, carrying on business in the Low. street, North Shields, and was a customer of the com- pany, who ...