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Original Poetry

... Original Poetp. are On the dismal and extraordinary weather throughout ]th the late winter and spring, addressed with kind feel. 8th ing to wt lbs. 0. W., of Thwaste, heir shewiug the utter fallacy of all calculation of co ming westher, in this changeable climate, at the same time admitting the great usefulness of recording data. The scene is changed; spring buds have shot; My doerel rhymes ...


... LITERAIRY NOTICES. Cccii Dean dy Bessie C. A. London: MASTERS. a pp, 206.-W'e might bespeak our readers' favourable r reception of this little volumne upon the double plea that I it is the writer's first Storv for Children' and that she publishes it in the hope ofthereby assisting to hqitu- st. date a partly-defraved debt incurred by the Rector in enlarging her parish Church. But the book ...


... No. 3. A Leaf an Railways. Railways are sot only a novelty in Progression, but they have introduced a great variety of novelty in various other branches of the Arts and Sciences. We have a Railway Literature consisting of cheap and amusing works--a RailwayArchitectureas much ius- tinct from all others as the Grecian is from the Gothic. Railway Towns, Villages, and even a Railway Phraseo- Idgy ...


... rP1SWIaH 3BSEUM. Th ajornd annual metl1eblg of the friends and f iis Institution, was held in the Committee roomodn W dnsday last. Owing to the extreme seve- rity of the weather. the attendance was not large. It Was, however, Most select and respe'table. iR. D. ALKIAxDER, Esq., on being called to the chair, observed he was sorry to hear, that Professor Haenso~w was ?? tobe present. He had, how ...

FOURTH EXHIBITION OF The Suffolk Fine Arts' Association

... FOURTH EXHKITION OF I The Suffolk Fine tsf AsiationI Last week we gave a slight general account Of the works of art conte bind in this interesting collection, and we now proceed to lay before our readers a move de- tailed description of the most commendable produc- tionsi. No. 2. A picture of still life, by E. Ladell, an artist, of Colchester, entitled A Study from. Nature, is well painted, ...


... At this Fair, which was held on Monday last, the supply was somewhat short of the usual average, but the quality of the sheep and lambs exhibited was equal to that of former years. The trade opened very heavily, but still the parties who sold out at an early period of the day made the best bargains, those who held becom- ing completely in a 1 fix before the close of business. The half-bred ...


... No. 8. A BRIEF LADY'S LEAF. And her name was called woman-(lsha in the Hebrew)-because she was taken out of man. (Ish:) It is remarkable that the English is the only language in which this fact holds good as well as in the Hebrew. Womb-man, so called because proceeding from man- womb or wame appertaining in the Saxon as now in the Scottish form of speech; both to the male and female ; not ...


... XPSWIOE MUSEUM. The adjourned meet & of muembers and friends was held at the Museum on, *ednesdaY last. ?? Rev, the Professor HssLOe i, on taking the charsaitd* e sbovdnoto deti a do bayprlnhl read the report-TW~ t Mr. ~nsicRaccrdinlY eadthefollowing docu- ment:- At the meeting of site 2nd tharch, it was the unanimous opinion that the only mode to be ad pted to free the Museum from debt was by ...


... LITE;RARiY NOTICE. The Maid of Floreace; or, Niccoel de' Laii. Trans- fated frogs the Italian of the Marquis Massimo D'Aze- glio by Win. Feiaatep, 2A., in 3 tools. BSNTLEY, 1853. -A very iuteresting tale, albeit interwosen with a great amount of the civil and religious history of Italy at that period, when the emperor Charles 5th, and the pope Clement 7th sought to establish the power of the ...


... THE GREAT METROPOLITAN POULTRYSHOW. I The first show of the Society for establishing in the metropolis an annual Exhibition of Poultry, Pigeons, and Rabbits, was opened to the public on Tuesday. The society enjoys the patronage of many noblemen and gentlemen of distin ction, including the Duke of Rutland, the Marquis of Salisbury, the Earls of Derby, Stanhope, Cottenham, Stradbroke, ...


... No. Al. A Psszzling Leaf. At this season of the year, the cracking literary nuts or riddles forms a favourite amusement especially when combined with a cheerful party, a good fire, and suita- ble creature comforts. The following riddles are not actually new, but many of them will be novel in most parties, and as it spoils an enigma to be informed ofthe answer, those who are acquainted before ...