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... B3ELF'AST POLICE COURT. V;:-ox:.:sA.Xw J'flef'orC J. UtAMUwe Esq-, 4 . ASc)A2.21.T AIND TrlZEl*ATI2NliNIN!A' 2 .7,ricsi lco 1rlhio was cimr:-&dl ?? a 11121 Ii, 22011100 Cemllpiaiiient, exant'ined hy Alr', s~tud hoit im L Vwls 2 lepelliliker, ill thle (t~IliplI 122 lL. lii J'I' i''1 Abbtilt., with whoml lie had ''In fo Iiil 1W Ii.0.2 2 Vn2il'5 th whel~in. al lie 20d iii' of'iL1 i ill' ...


... COUNTY OF DOWN PIRESENTMENT SESSIONS. TnE Presentment Sessions for the County at Large ?? held on 'l'Tesda y in Dolnipalrick. T'ho inais- trates presiding witre John S. Crawford, Esq., chair- mlin, Ani(ldrew N ugen t, William Keuiio , W. R1. Ankletell, and D. Harrel, Esqrs. The applications approved at the different Baronial Sessions wvere gone through. 'T'he SEltCUTAlYV said there Nvas an ...


... TH11E ASSIZES. IT Will bO ?? that Lthe Crown business of thre Antiim Assizes termiairstedl on Situlo(ra v. lbe Nisi Plrilis business will, hl :vvorw, in all pri babilit v, oc- uplly the greater part, if not the whole, of the preseiut wook, not more than ?? of tire Records having been, for so Fill, disposed of. It is wvith painl we observe that oite of thie rimil trials has resulteid ill a ...


... BELFAST POLICE COURT.-IlVl)EDNEDAY. lel'rore the MAYOR, and V. S. FAkcv, Esq., ]tMJ] '[iiTa list of ofierices to-day was untisially short, and few of' the cases u orithlv of being recorrded. Ali IM [ret) CllitjiiuiI. Betefs Sales, alias Kstemala, a fiolorn-loonlg' crea- turey, albout six-andI -t:irYiv yea's of a ige, Was ?? with having trown lhers el5f into i pit in a brii ohfield, svitib the ...

The Press

... E. bc Tjcm5. THE CHAJIGE AG'AINST TIhE_ FOREIG-N (IFroni tA- Press.) Jx Out' hLaS number we made a serions ebar'gcagainstI Lord Clarentdon. It was one which, whatever die w-ian of its communnication, could scarcely be left, Ln- 110tijedr, or- UlIefu.ted, Wex'Ci it un1true0. It attratctd consith'rable attention, and the 11itt..icUS friends; or tile 6civerniiietit ma;12 Ii ii-otivenon et ...


... BELFAST POLICE COURT[ DiuttNG last week the cases at this court were few, and of little importance. The custody charges were all of a niheor character, and the Assizes engaging the soli- citors, little or nothing was done in the summons do- partinent till F R I DA Y, when the following case was disposed of:- 11'O1ITA\T TO P'ARMOIEIIS. John Murdochl, of laganvIale, faLrnmer, brought a complaint ...


... BELFAST POLICE COURT._FRnAVY. [lBefore the .11AYOyi, and ?? S. TRACY, Esq., R..J CHIILI) DCSI IITION. Allexanzde Ii Ruston, an appiaientlv care-worn maii ol' middle age, Ias cha-ged b' Mr. A Gordon. relieviin officer, with hilavi ng d'esorted his three Cliil'dreni, ail theieby ?? left thel IL ?? ?? tie Union Mr. Gordon slated that tile clhildren had been admni tier under a feign( d nane. ...


... BELFAST POLICE COUJRT.-TIIUIESDAY. [Before NY. S. TnACy, Esq., R.3. j TiIE custody cases were nrot nirlioerus, nor wvas the other busijiess of the court of much ilIpOrtalcce. CASI OF STAIIiING. A man, named ,Jo/ Chapmrran, was charged with stabbing a complainant, named John li3rlrCde, on Sa- turday night last, in College Street Souli. From' the statelmlent of ?? complainant, it appeared that ...


... i COMMISSION OF OYER AND TERMINER, l ORb LoD) Cii ?? of the Common Pleas and the lion. Mr. Justice JACI;sON took their seats oi1 thi bench at ten o'clock ?? Thliris day morning, and re- suined the trial of cr itninal cases. la-ci;NT Sit ii'WRiE.CiC AT' ?? Thomaois DOvis, a ntiddlle-agod man of rf'sptectiable appeaallnce, the chief mate of the l'icto)ia stealnel, wvhici was lately wrecked onl ...


... BEJFXAIST PO1LICE, COURT.-MOXD.Y. Belflore the .11tvoli.1 Wi. vhave scidorn seen a Monday at the Police Court pl''seintilg SO fewv cases ?? intelest as this. Crime ?? Iitoxication apI)i)rs! I late, to be ?? t on tih,? Nv ne, ald the(! evii itscif to have! assuimed n much nijider forcn tian it presentedi a few weeks since. CA UTION 'i10 CARnM.N. A ?? nall, nlallmelld ?? Meit, was ci-aged by ...


... COURT OF BANKRUPTCY.-DyLIrzN, FnlDAY. (Before Mcr. Commissioner PUUNKTET.) In re Win. PorteC. The bankrupt was a traderi 13ielfast, and the meet- ing was for the examninatioll of a, gentlelm1111a named XVallace, who had got into his possession a policy of insurance on the lif( oF the bankrupt for £600, as se- curity For money advanced. Mr. Levy appeared for the assignees, and Mr. Fitz- gibhon, ...


... BELFAST POLICE COURT-MIONDAY. [Bcfore IV. S. TRIACY, Esq., RM.Nl] TH~tEI AVOHTHII~iS WORTI1 II S1il LVDi. Three feltialets, namiei Alta Lltru, iI'QCv- miek, and Biddy Haci1i)o, of rilther de,,.vti. working- class exteiior, and eaci Suritisjhed wvit a ?? bas- ket, perainbulatetl North Street durin, ?? great falir- like throng which always takes place tbil e on &ttuv- day evening. They enteied ...