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... THE IRON TRADE. The satisfaction with which the late advance of 20s. per ton upon manufactured iron has been received, and the absence of any consequent re-action in the demand, has led to speculation whether the prices declared at this time last year might not again be more successfully attempted. That they were then only prematurely determined upon, and that the successive reductions of the ...


... THE ABERGAVENNY CYMREIGYDDION. The great dramatist of his day pertinently asked— What is a man, If his chief good and market of his time Ad' J°0 s^eeP and feed ? iu this age of material progress, the spirit of the ques- ces^ 1S- °UC ^ieh *s vcry desirable to cherish. The ne- our ari°S We mus^ obtain but having done this, all remaining energies should not be devoted to the mere he S° Mea^k> ...


... BLAINA- INQUEST.—An inquest was held by W. Brewer, Esq., coroner, at the Castle Inn, Blaina, on Saturday last, to in- quire inte the death of Mrs. Cecelia Davies, with regard to whose case considerable interest has been excited in the neighbourhood. It appears that for some time previously deceased had been under medical treatment, but her com- plaint was not considered of a dangerous ...


... BLAENDARE BY XIGHT. Watchman! What of the night? The answer will depend upon where the watchman stands. If on some high church tower, in a city, overlooking the heaving seas of hu- manity beneath, he will say that the night is a curious med- ley for it sends upward on the wings of the same breeze, groans from the wretched, laughter from the gay, prayers from the devout, blasphemy from the ...


... THE IMPROVEMENT OF ABERGAVENNY. AMONG the communities which are awakening to the propriety of paying more attention to their condition, as regards health and cleanliness, the people of Abergavenny are taking a prominent position. There, as at many other places, the loveliness of the district has impressed strangers all the more forcibly with the neglect of sanitary measures for the comfort and ...

[No title]

... ■J. C'LiiM. Alex Strain, vit., p. #87; Kd. Oxuu; cited by |) J. AT II ANAS, II JIU. tie S 'tneute, G 1, op. N)IN u p. CO EL Belied. 4. Em m?). Horn, de Resurrect., op. Tom. r„, pp. -77-8 E l. Patav. •>. Atig. tie Civ. D. i, lib. xxii., c. 30. C. Ibid. Epist. ad Januar. iv. c. 13, s. 23; op. Tom. ii. p. 1 H6, Ed. liened. 7. Cod. Theod., lib. ii., Tit. 5, de exactionibus, Leg. 13. ...


... THE TREDEGAR HOUNDS WILL MEET ON ;\IotJlJay :\Iarc.h i at Tredegar !louse. Wednesday.. n 9 at Llanrumney Lodge. Friday II. atttinhCtcss. At half-pas' eleven. TAFF VALE RAILWAY. Traffic Account for the Week euding Feb. 2G, 1853: — TO,;JL £ 2565 9 4 Corresponding week last year £ 2187 13 9 ...


... LONDON M ARRETS. CORN-KXCH ANGE, MONDAY. At this morning's market there was an exceedingly small «how ot Wheit on the Essex and Kent stands, and the offers from Lincolnshire and that neighbourhood were by no means numerous. The condition of the samples was indifferent, and the quality ordinary factors were conse- quently obliged to submit to a decline of per qr. on last Monday's rates, and the ...


... INFIRMARY AND DISPENSARY. Abstract of House Surgeon's Report to the Weekly Board for the Week ending March 15, 1853. Remained by last Report. 20 I y .S Discharged j j* I Cured and Relieved 0; 0 \Died 0) Remaining —20 „ /Remained by last Report .528 ^gg I Admitted since 40 I Q .2 ...


... GLAMORGANSHIRE. SCHEDULE of FINES, FORFEITURES, or PENALTIES, Paid or Payable to the TREA- SURER, of the COUNTY of GLAMORGAN, from EPIPHANY 1853, to EASTER QUARTER SES- SIONS, 1853. Sums — Sums payable °m Names- paid. but not r paid Bemarki. Caerphilly. s. d. i; s. d. OCommitted John Hopkins 1 0 V do. 0 0 71, Thomas James 1 0 0 William Price. 0 5 0 William Jones 0 2 6 William Williams 2 0 0 ...