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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... T W E HAVE AN IMMENSE STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING in all Sizes-to suit all Classes. OUR PRICES Graduate thbJ-/ Walking Costs in various Fabrics , Al 20s to 409, M'r;nUg Coats ?? 178 25s to 40d, Frock Coats ?? ?? 20s 26 d 80s, to SOs, Dross Coats ?? ?? 80d 85e, 40s, to 5tb, VESTS and TROUSERS equally Cheap. CHILDREN'S Plain and Fancy DRESSES, in tbe Newest and Most beautiful Styles, at prices ...

Advertisements & Notices

... riiiAR E RlOYAL, DUB LIN. ,n THIS EVENING (Friday), April 22, 1853, the nces will commence with the Drama of perfrm THE LADY OF THE LAKE. ramf, Nr Vining; Sir Rhoderick Dhu, Mr King; 3lauchee, Miss C Saunders; Ellen. Mrs Hudson Kirby. After which the Fairy Extravaganza of THE GOOD WOMAN IN THE WOOD King Bruin, Mr R Webb; Prince Almond, MH Lanza; *riuce Svlvan, Mins Jenny Marston; Prncess flvia ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANNATR E ROYAL, DU13 LIN OD THIS EVENINtG (Tuesday), June 14th, 1853, the nces will commence with the Opera of eriern' ACIS AND GALATBA. A Mi3t Alr ltaig'h; Damon, ss F (Cruise; Polyphemus, d ,leGmat, Miss LSTIZSJ After which the Orchestra wil play The Dargan Galop. To be followed by tb New Comedy of THE LA ERS. Qaalitv Court, Esq,. Barrist at-Law, MrVining; Sex- el ;ondgrin, Mr il Webb Mrs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXHIBITORS. e V Sect D-ecttolDetalli £411 ~SOUTHERN GALLERY 0 (g~~~oevernz End) E X EHIBIITOR CLASS XXIII. EA C I N W A T C H E S . RACINE AND CO., GENEVA WATCH' MANUFACTURERS,, 88 NASSAU 1STIEEET (Corner of Grafton-street), Respectf cully solicit aen ispection of their present Stock of Gold Geneva Watches, being the tost extensive in Dublin. Anong bhich are comprised some tirtrtlases Duplex ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r~iEATE ROYA'L, DUBLIN. On THIS EVENING (Saturday), June 25, 1863, the periorinances will eosnmence jith the Opera of SON AND .STRkNGER. Hermann, Mr Haigh; Ka z, Mr Durand; Ursula, Miss F Cruise; Lisbeth, Miss Lan a. To be followe by the Farce of BOX A 'D COX. Box, SIr W*ebb Cox, Mr Vining. After whicls t Opera entitled ACIS AN GALATEA. Aci3, Mir Haigh; Damon Mis3 F Cruise; Polyphemus, ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXHIBITORS. 1 7I TATERPROOF , ; EVERSPBEVESIBLES, 1 .'Wp11 77PBoOFlaFIsnNG BOOTS, IWAATEP111OF FIE10STroON5A S, ..-?>-WA~PaBOOr j1si77t° SO Oroosnee, E X' B tTO R R AT1S IhOtF lBLACK ALPACA J COATS for Clergymen, And every other description of WATERPROOFS, AI APROOF Pottable Beds, Baths, Pillows, Cushions, and Pillows, Air Boats, And the e4o Patent Swimming Belts, 'AT THE ELEPHANT HOUSE, 46, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r H EATRE ROYAL, DUBLI N. On THIS EVENING (Saturihy), Ju| 2,1853, the per- performances will couiflelncO witl Inchhfd's Comedy of EVEilY ONE HAS HIS AULT I t Mr Solus. Mlr HI Webb; Mr Htir iyll, MSr Granmy; Mr t Placid, Mr G J Vining; ir Irwin, Jr T C King; Edward, Miqs C Saunders; Lady Eleanor /i , Mrs 1I Kirby; Mr. Placid, iliss Caistleton ; Miss Wo ibnrn, Miss J Morston. r After which a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYA~ ROYAL, DUB L11. 0DT cawi'l commence witb the Opera of pef' MABASIEtLtO.- ieo Mr Haigh; Alphurizo;:'Mr J W Manley; irsMr. DrCrand; Elvirrs, blis Lanza, Fenella, Mdlle. t Loic Gand Extibition March by the Oichestra. To he followed by the Farce of A HOUSE OUT OF WINDOWS. To conclude with the Farce of AN OBJECT OF INTEREST. B38ry O'DwYer, Mr Wigan; Fanny Gribbles, Miss C glandrs open at a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... READ THlE NEW EDITION I I ON NERVOUS AND ERNERATIVE DISEASES' Just Published, 20th Thousand, Illustrated with Coloured .Engravings, Price ls., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. i .BEALTH ANDs ZAPINESS, THE MEANS BY IL WilSon THEY MAY 8Z ORTAMED, a Medic Work on the Infirmities of Youth and Maturity, and Diseases of the ..Generative :Systeraf wvith observations on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... READ THE NEW EDITION!! ON NERVOUS AND GENERATIVE DISEASES. Just Published, 20th Thousand. Illustrated with CeOI1red Engravings, Price is., or in a sealed Envelore, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. H EALTH AND HAPPINESS, TH IEAXS BY W1IC1H THEY MAY BE OBTAINED, a Medical WIors oa the Infirmities of Youth and Maturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with observations on the treatment ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTIC' OF MESSRS. B. & L. PERRY & Co's REMOVAL 'From S9. Bernertss ?? Londrn To CLAYPIT HOUSE, LEEDS, YORKSHIRE. ID Six Languages, Fiftieth Edition, containing the Remedy for the Prevention of Disease, illustrated by One Hundred Anatomical and Explanatory coloured Engraiings on steel. On Physical Diequalifications, Generativd Iapaoity, and Impediments to Marriage. Ak new and ifmproved edition, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AtNUAL MEETI1iMENDICITY 'ASSOCIATION. T IlE Annual Meeting of the Friends and Sub. I Scribers ot the M endicity Institution will be held in the MANSIOX-HOUSE, on THIS DAY (Thursday), the 10th day of February, 18S3, when the Report and Accounts of the past year will be submitted to the Meetig. t The Chair will be taken by the Right Hen. the/lJORD MAOn at Two ?? precieely. / DANIEL KINAH AN,, ...