Advertisements & Notices

... FRENCH PLAYS.-Mons. RAVEL will appear J'IO.IORtIOW I uthe Two New File'o, of UN MONSIEUR GUI SUIT LFS FEMMES, and YORCE, et produoed on Mondq with the greatest siootesm.-oxes and Stalls at Mr. Mitchell's Itoy Library, S8, Old Bond-street, end at the Box-.ocfle. G ALLERY of ILLUSTRATION, 14, Regent- Gstreet-WALMER CASTLE Witt the DUKE'S CHAMBER are exhibite4 iosmediately preceding the DIORAMA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W' NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. A* TO BOSTON AND HALIFAX. Clixal CAIRN PASSAGE ?? POUNDS. SicOND CABIN PASSAGE ?? FIFTEEN POUNDS. RATE OF FaelonTr:22to THREE POUNDS maR TON MuiwiUoREH . 2to Calut CABIN TO NEW YORKl. opportf ?? POUNDS. urlt 11COUND CABIN ?? POUNDS. RATH OF FREIGHT:___ FOUR POUNDS PER TON MEASURlEMENT. Freight on all Parcelo Five ShillIngs each, and upwards, Y according to size.iL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE.-Lessee .and Manager, Mr. E. T. SMITH,.-TIS UVYE-!ING Will. b pee. aented the new drama entitled GOLD. principal characters bvyMessrsDavefport, E. Stirlung, 11. Wallack, Seity, Lee, and Mocrhbouoe; Mies F. Vining, Mlss St-Claro, and Mrs. Griffith. To concludo with the grand comic pantomime, entitled HARIE QUIN HiUDIBRAS. By Meeers. T. Mattbows, Veroni, Devani, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR SHANGHAE DIRECT.-The following first-class clipper ahims 'built expressly for the China trade, wfsall, asunder - HINOSTN (ne) 828tons, (I. Calthuess, Feb. 12; West IndisDocikd. tc COUNTESS OF SEAFIED, 520 toiN, George Irmes, Feb. 25 ; St. L Katharine' DAtw JOHN KNOX, $55 toneJ. Munro. West India Doc ks.Pr These ships are well known in the trade for their uniorm quick L j~wssees sail their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHAMBERLON'S OFFICE, DUBLIN CASTL'E, 8th January, 1858. UfIS. EXCELLENOCTU LORD LIEUTE _a NANT vwill hold a LEEs DUBLIN CASTLE on MONDAY, the 7th FEBRIl&RY, ASSO, ?? o'Clock. - It is requested that e o*sntle an attending the Levee will bring two Cards, with his uie and placo of residence legibly written or printed theree one to be delivered to the person appointed to receive inthe Corridor, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. On THIS EVENING (Tuesday), Feb. 1st, 1853, th s ?? will commence with the Comedy of THE JEALOUS WIFE. Mr Oakley. hr TO C KW; Lord Trinket, Mr G J Vining; Sir Harry Beagle, Mr llobson; Mrs Oakley, Mrs Hudson Kiirboy; Harristi, MissJenny Marston. To boe followed bye New Ballet entitled LA STATUE BLANCHE. f Pierot, Mr W Seymour; Vertigen Spatcb, M D Johnson; Caroline, MiGS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ATURDAY EVENING.40ONQERTS, CONVERT*HALL, LORD NELSON-STREET. OD SATURDAY NEXT, February 5, MR.S. SUNDERLAND, MISS WHITNALL, MRt. MIRANDA, MR. SAQUI, And MR. H. V. LEWIS. Body, 3d. ; Side Galellries, (Id.; Resarved Seats, 1s. To comn- mence at Eight O'clock. The ARTISAN'S PSCIZE ESSAYS, On the Influence of Rational and Elevating Amuseneatst upon the Working Classes, may be had at the Concert ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO MARINERS. WRECK, MILFORD HAVE9N. TRINITY-HOUSE, LONDON, 31st JANUiRY, 1853. NOTICE is hereby given, that a GRES1N BUOYmarke withthe wrd Weck,' has been placed al,,tt 10 fathoms W.N.W. from a vessel sunk in the Fairway, into ,The Buoy his in 15 fatholls, low wiater spring tides, with the AW. by N. Y4 N. Entrane of te Stuc Rock.. N. E. Y4 E. o ly Sfo'r~der, J. HERBERT, Secretary. TEAN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... III eCornbtUl. Com Cne!tt trip ft.a yone go Upon theelight fantastic toe, nd In thy right hamd bring with thee Mirth a youthfljoltle. iMUM. D)ALL SUPPERS PROVIDED entire n Town or ) Contry by Xessrn. PUlS8ELLU CorohilL near the Elehange, inluding wines and the hire ofebinau glaslinen, plat and attend. anoc et, tables, tenta, Awnings, lamps, and daotng Holland. Mueienaeof talent, and ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LYCEU3I THEATRE - Mr. ALLCROFTS GR4ND CONCERT, WEDNESDAY neit, February Oth, at which the following Eminent Artidts will ?? Fioren- tild, Favanti, Shns Reeves, Mesoent, Rebecca Isaacm, lland, Or. mond, Alleyne, Stabbach, Fitgwrillam, M'Alplne, Marie Doris, La. blache, and Dolby; Megsrs. Sims Reeves, Baumannt King, Brandt, Corrd, Tedger, Manley, Alleroft, Lhffler, and F. Lablchb; ?? the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NiOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. Al Communications, and articles of Intelligence, intended for publication, require to be authenticated by the name aud address of the vriter, Unless this is attended to, Corres- pondents may rest assured that no attention wvill be paid to their communications. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MESSRS. MOODY AND NEWBOLD. SALE THIS DAY. TIMBER AT DUFFIELD, NEAR DERBY. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Messrs. MOODY and NEWBOLD, At the WHITE HART INN, Duffield, on WEDNESDAY, the 2nd February, IS53, at Three o'clock, suflbect to conditions to be ?? produced; THE Following A'aluable LOTS of OAK, ASH', and LELXM TIMBER (somevery large), now standing On the Duffield Hall Estate. LOT I-Contains 31 ...