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... ?? Books, Prints, Music, 4c.,for review, are requested to be hurl .at Mr. C. Mitchell's, Red Lion Court, Fleet-street, London, addressed To the Editor of the ExETr FIsyLNG POST.' :Tne8e will be duly forwarded, and receive an early notice. l7'he lt-vwrtey NFoeUr, Vol. 0. Icauohe. Edibtu-h: Adam asnd Charles Black. TUE getting up of this volume of the Library Edition is, as ausual, excellent, ...


... W- Books, Prints Music, 4c.,for review, are requceted to be left at Mr. C. Mitchell'8, Red Lion Court, Flee-street, London addressed To the kditor of the EXETER FLYING POST. These will be dult forwarded, and receive an carry notice. tla-ckwvood'8 Magazine, February. PIAGs, for this month, opens with a very charming paper on lthe (itlde, snsggestedby Al'Intosh's Book of the Garden. The ...


... -, On Friday last, at the Subscliption Rooms, R. Dymond,. Sun Esq. in the chair, Mr. Hearder -deiivered has second lecture-ons acomparison of the Bude, Drummond and Electric Lights. Mr. Hearder minutely described these differtunt lights, the mode in- which they are prepared, and various other facts connected therewith. Also the batteries employed for tle electric light, Smes's, Daniel's, ...


... I WOULD I WERE A CHILD AGAIN. I would .1 were a child again, for happiest were these hours, When every star a diamond seemed, and all the weeds were flowers; WVhen coronets were 'sg-rose wreaths, and daises chains of gold, Ah ! I would give al present good for those sweet days of old, I would I were a child again ! to hear, as then I heard, Of Rpbin red and Jenny-wren, believing every word; ...


... PO1,,- - - -~ IRY. THE LEAF. I saw one leaf upon a tree remaining, Whichsby a feeble trembling tenure hung i The cold chill winds of winter were complaming, And heaps of dead leaves, wet with constant raining, Were here and there in fitful eddies flung. Still, in the piercing blast, this lone leaf quivered s though each gust would force it I ions its hold; Or, us it dying were, and feebly ...


... On FridaY last, at the Subscriptilon-Rooms, Sir Stafford H. Northe~ote, Bart., 'delivered a lecture on The Relations of Theory and Practice. There was a very numerous attend- ance, and the Right Worshipful the Mayor, R. S. Cornish, Esq., was in the chair. Therewere also Present the respected President of the Society, John Sillifanrt, Esq., John Idilford, Esq., Mark Kennaway, E'sq., &'c. 'T ...


... RECLUSE. A fountain issuing into light. Before a marble palace, threw To heaven its column pure and bright, teturnine thence in showers of dew: But soon a humbler course it took, And glid away a nameless brook. Flowers on Its grassy margin'sprang, Flies o'er its eddying surface play3d, Birds midst the alderianraoches sang, Flocks through the verdant meadows stray'd The weary there lay down to ...


... -1-louzy- -- ODD LINES FOR ODD FELLOWS. #1TTEN EX2UESSLY FOB THE VNPEUNDEBT OSRDER OF ODD * FELLOWS. Obey tell us a story-perhaps you all know it?- Of a father, three sons, and a buidle of sticks; 1ut it carries a moral of use to the poet, And still more of use to Toms, Harrys, and Dicks. With your leave I'll relate it, and thus I may state it:-- An old man was dying who wished to bequeath ...


... iow Bookss Prints, Music, 4c.,for review, are requested to be left at Mr. C. Mitchell's, Red Lion Court, Fleet-street, London, addressed To the Editor of the EXETSR FLYING POST.' These tril be dufly forwarded, and receive an early notice. Tait'oEdinbasphMayazine. February. Edinburgh, Sutherland and Knox. The tale of Norman Hamilton has lost none of that deep interest which we have noticed in ...


... : .A~.J.J2JL JJi..fllXI~#vSW_. On: Friddy last, at the Subscription Rooms, Mlr; 'releaven- ifi the behair, Mr. George Dawson delivered a lecture on 'k.teWlington and Nspoleon-iaipsiaUel- and a contrast;? . -The attbidsnce was very~large. The lecturer treated his:subject withimugh abilityj nti (lisplayed.fully..tha.tterse asd epigram,- apotic sld:which hewrendered his,addresses. topeculiar and* ...


... , LITEUATtT9. or Books, Prinii, Music, 4c.,for eview, are'rquesi4 to be left a Mr. C. Mitchell's, Rvi L4ion Court, Fleet-dire4t, Losgon, 'adre ss To the Edilor 'of Ath EXZiThFi, 1'OST.xP fi T'ei w¢ill be ,ftlyj'ohwdrded, ond riceive an edi'lis uioice. A View of ?? of Nctions. *By H. Fraser.,-Ldhdos: :.r . Sherwood, Piper, and Co. Exeter: W.-Clifford.': There are few branches of art oC ...


... L: .; Bang T?; PL ?? Xrnm On Friday last at the Subscription Rooms, R. W. Fox, tsq;, in the chair, Mr. Hearder, Plymouth, gave his fiast lecture, the subject being a Comparison of the. Bude, D3rummond, and Electric Light. He alluded to the impor- tance of the subject on vbich hehad now to treat. From the earliest times man has been compelled to have recourse to some mode of obtaining light ...