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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, Third VIition. Illustrated with ColoUreN Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Diseases, Price Is., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. HF EALTH AND HAPPINESS, Tim xnANS BY WICH TES wStAY 5r5 oDTAIrED, a Medical Work on the Infirmities of Youth and Maturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with observations on the treatment of Nervous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rTEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.' On THIS EVENING (Saturdav). Feb. 6th, 1853, the performances will commence witl, the New Comedy entitled ST. CUtPID. .-ir Valentire May, Mr Vining;-Doctor Bndd, Mr Granby; Dorothy Budd, Mrs Kirby; Juno, Miss C Saunders; Queen Bee, Mr F Robson. After which the Scene of the LILLIPUTIAN OURT and Inspection of the LILLIPUTIAN IMPERL 9GTARD, from the Pantomime. A Pas Seul by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AtNUAL MEETI1iMENDICITY 'ASSOCIATION. T IlE Annual Meeting of the Friends and Sub. I Scribers ot the M endicity Institution will be held in the MANSIOX-HOUSE, on THIS DAY (Thursday), the 10th day of February, 18S3, when the Report and Accounts of the past year will be submitted to the Meetig. t The Chair will be taken by the Right Hen. the/lJORD MAOn at Two ?? precieely. / DANIEL KINAH AN,, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I TATRPROOF MANUFACTURERS. EL VERY AND CO., ELEPHANT HOUSS, 46, LOWER SACKVILLE-STREET, 1 i.# ! -(Post-Office aide.) Cf A Large Stock now ro ey ,9y1 For . Wholesale and Retel. BETTER AND CHEAPtR THA AN - T O*ER HOUSE. Waterproof Black Alpaca Coats and Capes. Waterproof Grey Alpaca Coata and Capes. Waterproof Reversible Coats and Capes. Waterproof Zephyr Coats and Capes. Waterproof Bwanedown ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE ROAD TO HEALTIH. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS.- CUlB OF A DISORDERED LIVER AND BAD D1GESeON.- Copy of a Letter from Mr. B. W. Kirkus, Chemist, 7, Prescot. street, Liverpool, dated 6th June, 1851:- To PRoFEsSOR HOLaLOWAY-Snt-Yonr Pilalsuda Oint ment have stood the highest on our sale list of Proprietary Me. dio Ua2 for some years. A customer, to whom I can refer for any inquiries, desires me to let ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RUMNONDRA HOU O E, D tipen for tbe Reception and Treatment of Gentlemen labouring under Medical and Surgical Diseases. The De- partment for the Reception of Cutaneous Diseaseasis fitted up with all the convenience, peculiar to the Parisian imititutious fur similar purpos. Terms from £1 1s. to £22. or for Internal patients; External patients are treat ch terms as may be agreed o2.' For ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I MISH respectfully to draw the Atten- . tion of those who study true Economy to my rlan. f mcinneolne unineasA. My rule is, to a large Stock; while, from my Livery trade, Gentlemen will fin mical nad satisfactory to order Clothes at my Eatebliesment. RICHARD ALL] 28, LOWER SACKV!LLd S STOCK EXCHANGE-YjcRDAT- .- GOVb'tNMsNTi FUNDS. Three per Cent. Consols 99 Three per Cent. Console for Acount, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jest Published, Third Edition. Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Diseases, Price is., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. H EALTH IDH NEI B1Y H WHICH THEY Y ij s, a Medical Wor ea the infirmities of Youth arl Maturity, and Diseases of tbe Generative System, with observations on the treatment of Nervous Debility and Indigestion, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PARENT BOARD OF IRISH 1wUFAC- . TUBE AND INDUSTRY, COUNCIL ROO3S, 2, ESSEX-BR1DGE, DUBLIN. The usual WEEKLY MEETING of this Society wvill be held on THIS (Mlonday) EVENING. Chair to be taken at EIGHT o °clouk P.M. GT.HAYDEN, I Hlon. JOHN RYAN, S ees. HUGH C4 RMICHAEL, egistrar. KOE 0Xriy'SU'1IBSE l;xtract from Report of p: d g Monday Evening: Mr. Coyne handed in the fol win 6ume:-From Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. On THIS EVENING (Monday), Feb. 7th, 1858, the performances will commence with Shakepeare's Play of AS YOU LIKE IT. Jacques, Mr King; Orlando, Mr Vining; Amiejs, Mr Haigh; Touchstone, Mr Robson; Rosalind, Mrs Kirby; Audrey, Miss Saunders. To conclude with Sheridan's Dramatic Piece of THE CRITIC. Sir Fretful PlAiary, Mr Granby; Puff ,, rIJ e f'Ining; Mrs Dangle, Miss ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E M I G R A T I 0 N 129 TO AUSTRALIA, &c. WEBB AND COIP3 f'7 TAILORS, 10 L 0 T I 1 E AWD OUTFITTEBS, / 10, 11, and 12, COBR-MAR^T, Are prepared to farnish to all ee of EMIGRANTS the most Economic and the most Suitable OUTFITS To all parts of the World. Their extensive experience in the OUTFITTING BUSINESS, And theirlarge trade, Enable them to offer Peculiar Advantages To all who favour them ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE OF MESSRS. R.& L. PERHY &Co's REMOVAL From 19. Bernees-street, Oxford-street, London. To CLAYPIT HOUSE. LEEDS, YORESHiIRE. In Six Languages, Fiftieth Editioneo g the edy for the Prevention of Dieease, iial a d ne Hundred Anatomical and ExplanatoryA 1(grf1 ugravings on steel. On Physical Disqualidoatione,,Jfe tive Incapacity, and Impediments to Marriage, new and improved edition, ...