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Advertisements & Notices

... =II. D ESTRUCTIV& VIRE in HAYDOW-SQUAP. . Y MWLNER'S ROLDFAST EAPESA-Fhe e t herdo ] extant against Are, robbery, in violence; of all -a at the depo, 47A, Moorao-s Ct. CIor -. 1, Wiaories, London, July 26,18L ; .Oaaumor -At the destruotive fire in HEydon-eiuiara, on the 151th instant, In wich our entire etoqk of oDi, turpentino cordage, canvas, &c, was destroyed, tbe books and papers In onr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? PSSNGERS and SHIPPERS of _ pw.For 'o~R ?? dtrect, the MDGS O1O t blonging to Messrs. Green, of Blackwall, P. IV. BUl It I ~sader icn in the East India Docks; ha~s a few for ?? brthts ;tiil disonotaged, and psreseuts a desirable Es! fa h ?? of specie. This ship will receive - ft~y.t ~ etil Tursday next, tke 24th inst., and sail ~ cot Gav~snd n Tu~esday, the Ist larch, calling at toPilps, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ; WEDISH PROVINCIAL MORTGAGE LOAN, I §negofitedby rAers.Palmer, Mackillop,Dent, andCo., and Messrs. C. Tottle and Sons. Iolders of thb Bonds of the above Loan are In- formed tbattheBONDS moist bePKESE:;TED atthe cuutinsg.houge of Stessra. Palmer, Slachillop, Dent, and Co., 11, Kling's Arnms-yard. Moorgate-street, upon the lat Mavoh next, between the hours of D and S. on which day the third ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G ENERAL SCREW STEAM . SHIPPING t N ? Y.-N6tICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to PASSEN. GM9 and S'IIPPERS, that the MAILS for March will be taken to CALCUlTA, via the Cape and Mauritltus by this Cornpany' screw 80 steast-ahipthe L.DY JOCELYN, 1,800 ton, Captain N. STE WART. pa The Lady Jocelyn will leava Southajoptoz for India on the 13th pr Tuh tonhiy g at Plymouth on the 15th, to take the mails only. A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'jffE O ARNRS-LYNNWE. mINIS -HOUSE, LO3DN F UeARY 22, 1653. ,Oj MATjON has been this dasy received that liNO(CK SAND BUOY has B3ROKEN ADRIFT. ?? be placed at that Station with all practicable tsr. ~~~By order, I Ii ~(Signod) J. HERBERT, Secretary. ~~vFitAL SCREW STEAM SHIPPING '1Ml, ot.~i~ce is hereby given to Passengers and tih1 tgibe MAI.LS for March will be taken to CALCUTTA 6 pie ,,,I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I a 1 &, ,TEA, dIE td ut an.] t esg , an ftehg I The Prince of Wales' Pattern, The Louis Quatora Pattern, 11 ?? 0 Sto- 81 4obig WIF m sh daped and engravald or Oichycas ed O 38tmo1ver TO, PotL 910 trn Ol si-ivleaPt-81 108 7~tt= =..1 1 .7 0' Ditto Sugar Baslng Ditto CemEegl 4 18 0 Ditto CreamPF,k? ilt 518 0 4 Ditto Coft. Pot la8 0 Ditto'Coffil'Ot ?? .17 170 0i ?? In tbhe Ghowi. montals'lie S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F OR SHANGHIAE DiresS (First Ship).-I NOTICE to 5Bl'i't ?? celabralca Aberdieen dippoiI tjUNTESS OF SEAFI~tlI) vili reeivte god in the St. Kaihrsrne' Docks tilt Friday, tbe 25th lu., when *ll musot he down ani cleared, HssroOm tor a jewv tons of light freight ?? freight or passage apply to W. 0. Y OUNG. Sun-court, CorhilL. tO.R NATAL Direct, warranted to cross the Bir, ['the fast-sailing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T USSIAN' and GRsEEK COUPONS. - The .RUESSAN Fioa per Cent. COUPONS3, due lit March, 18bS, reo now being PAJD With a premium; alan the G3REEI COUPO)NS, due same date, both payable on presentation, and all other coupvns of railway and foreign stocks, ate paid at the Bui~on and Fooreign Banking Ofice>, 10, Lombard-street, Cit.6pEwa ~n ADAM SPELMANNand Co. I, Lombard.street, corner ot Postwoide ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 FUNERAL EXTORTION AVOIDED -By I Executog-und berenved telathed ddeceased noblemengnt e 'xettradessner anudothers. sending Ia the first Instance to 84!L IuBBER'S BESTABLI8HMEN, MI;Y.-ROAD, near Flnaburyeuare, or No. 12, North-street, Q rnt, Brighton, Insteadof emopoying itheir upholsterer, o the nearest underter, who, notp the requren eata, resort to the funeral furnishers to hire them; and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E FFICACIOUS CURE for COR1Ns J CALLOSITIES, &o., WITIIOUT curs the slightest pain, by Mr. FISENIBERG AuIthOr Of,, Exposi tion on the HeumanFotadDii'e ?? Mr. EISENBERG'S systmi toc o h et'0 experience ; it has receivethsacinotelo ?? Europe, and the lirst ofth nbltyadgor lilite careful study and actual prcierededieoi branch of surgical art in wihh a ons well as made laost importatdsoeisi h raio ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR THE BENEFIT OF MR. IIULINE, THE CLOWN. 1ROYAL PRINCESS'S THEATRE, Oxford- ?? the Management of Mr. CHARLES KEAN.- THIS EVENING will be performed THE CORSICAN BROTHERS. Prlnclpal character by Mr. C. Roan. After which THE SPITALFIELDS WEAVER, in which Mr. Wright will appear. To conclude with the pantomime of HARLEQUIN CHERRY AND FAIR STAR; or, The Green Bird, the Dancing Waters, and the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P ORTUGUESI BONDS.-:Th HOLDERS of PORTUCUi3E BONDS are CAUTIONED not toeonvert or part with their present Bond,5 or the Coupoes In atretr., The rove. nutearit31ng from thtelibn and Opeorto C~uatoms baing speoiallY pledgbd 3br tthe ptoynient Dftfhe di diuto~ at thie extcbtlage of 55d f eit'r mitrel, the Comrmittee are ad'sied that thid apeel33itt places tbe flood. holders in a petti1ou ;o ...