... Y it] (Froitt Le Flelte.) rto The Spanish style is the order of the day; and this is loeno evil, for it has a grace-peculuiur to itself, deed is an agree- L anable innovation. It is affirmed that couch taste is being ?? displayed ia the manufacture of passemeceteries, to orna- elrment our spring costumes. Cliantilly and Cacnbray laces herf~ ivlbigreatd(emand for trimuming enantelets. WVelhave ...


... - I I' it' 'A mr$%ji ,i 5J llbiliku~i4:D *I3 ?? J dhTi£ *rg P414 tuF if a ?? the p Mloi gav pqc-o ?? ?? .pilOy.yAise, n4, w p 1Jy. cc in ?? r authr1kap RaUioqektt0 ehti Sfid*.hers! -e#met~atL prpolr migo j4 q d~ihI> cfotie ahir srs bi waembchl an *ilv~ith the refnementof the hi emy. de ftbh1rie was an exceleit bi the old ha. iba~ek uncle, worrid- vvo~ o)e~o Ft atro, underthe title Cif we ...


... MONr L'ITO uEcGLlSU FROMX T1lE GERMAN BY JIlIN OXENFORiD. (POMCebua' New 3eUlI Magazime wad 116tmoriat) (omThey lov'd *ech other doarly,, The prinG9 and princess fairr But lne'er could comne together So deep the wrater.9 wore. - Oh, eaast thou sirlm, my dearest? Then swimn across to lue To guide thee as thou conest I'll kindle tapers three. A wickod nnn o'erhearing, Who soundly seemed to ...


... R I . V I EW,. I ?? _ _ 11111111- . ?? . icattle l'oraejs. ]ly 1t,;bi't WV. Ttioin, author of The Icotn Epoths, &e. 1the h I emiail volumne, conitainling~, t0t) pegeS Of mi1scellane0ns 'toas poems printed by our, neighlbour, Mr. Charles Willuler, roein ?? Jnlhn-,troe' fir tl~e author, who, having chlosenl Steps for hhimself ''oaIc habitation'' in tisiinyhas this already earned 'a name, ...


... FASHIONABLE2 INTEUIGRENCE. I COURT CntCuLAB.-Her Majisty had a dinuner party on Saturday at Buekingham Palace. The company included her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent, htr Serene Highness the Princess Adelaide of Hohenlohe, the Duehess of Sutherland, the Mrquis d'Azeglio, the Turkish Minister and madame Musurus, Lady Fanny Howard, the Baroneas de Speth. the Earl and Countess of Clarendon, ...


... I THE GREAT INDUSTRIAL EXHIIBITION OF 1853- PROGRESS OF THE BUILDING. I - . . .. n Ise Every advance made towards the completion of this great national undertaking must present no small amount of inte- rest for the public. It is with great pleasure that we are enabled to state that this magnificent edilice is progressing most favourably, and that nothing has been lest undone to ensure its ...


... ortru. SCORN NOT:THE HUM1BLEST. SAMUttE DANTEL-ASNO 1649. Wnnus right is weaek, and wrong encountering strong; When mightier do assault than can defend, The feeble oft endures enforced wrong, And silent sees what 'plaints-cannot amend; Yet power must think-in pain though it repine- Its sun may set, for little stars to shine. While pike are out, the silly tenhs must fly; Crouching in nooks are ...


... LlTERATU RE. nocI s'os Nrvixvtx.-Boonks, Musnic, New Engravizsln &.,inten;!ed for revit:w, leit at thle est~ti ii'. neit of \ir C. MITCr or; It, ed, Lion-court, Fleet-street, Ion ii,11nI usldres-e' to thle Editor' of the Derbo, .Wrcsr~,- willb forwarded and cecvei' attv.itioai. The Life of' Tossasn st I) Ozz vo ture, Vhe Ngro Ptrioi t ot Hayti ?? COMri sinig anl Zueco nt of tho struggiC for ...


... EUI: 'fl'u l *nr. I Ai.5t.fI AIt. SA'.YhihJuI So I the' say, the French are eoming! tf ts friends, xhy let 'enm eoIn!i,:-' If as Ife. I think they'd better Change their minds and stay at home. loijoille. he who was a l'rilmc one.I Talk'd of coining some fine doy, lit to pollur a broadsilte in us. Th n to cot MOl run away: M-ell. it 'lvhIlt over civil. Veaps. he only spoke in) fun: - W'henI ...

Fashion and Varieties

... jfr?-15bion -(]lb Fariotim;, ;, - .: 1 Z ? THE COURT, _ T is 'saird thit her Mejesty jsndhis Rojall Highness. Prince A~hertswitls tlte.~yiouth'fiil mlembers of ?? Pajnili;'Iprp'r'iose i;eairiinrng in town until tlie 2d pi-ox.; and theu most likely pay a visit to Osborne; -Prince Albert will hold the first levee (for fthe Queen) thitj season, on Woednesdaiy, (this day,).,at St. James', Palace ...


... (From l.e Folet.) The Spanish style is the order of the day; aind this is no evil, for lt it has a grace peculiar to itself, anid is an agreeable innovation. w- Chantilly and Cattlicay tices will be in great demanid for trinm ing ek ,oooet'ts. We have already seen at the Opera some mansiletg .I, 4rg aonltt'5s and Stihlalci,t of (aliet, encircled with two or three id narrow frills of lace. N ...


... PO ETRY. * - ~ FAME_ FROM SCHILLER. What shall I do lest life in silence pass ? And if it do, And itever prompt the bray of noisy bras;.; What need'st thn rue ? Remember aye the Ocean deeps are mute, The shallows roar; Worth is the Ocean-Fame is but the bruit Along the shore. What shall I do to be for ever known ? Thy duty ever. This did. full many who yet sleep unknown- Qh.! never! never! ...