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Advertisements & Notices

... flu I -1 41 6 .the )~tzlt Blgdem ace mneefti'd.l ton i'l iith lthe (nearlyu ve boundffrdtre ve*as o Gbld resent moh. For ?? lMltiliT A 1iievst sa ~ ~ ~ udrd 'nIshe~l!*tT'OTr provhled b'E. MOSES eaj~ 60N- the qualty, eqtbity, advery iooof arisleareoired Y by ENMIGRA , insures to L Ol dOS153 areops thon as OUJTITFIRS for LADIES GEnd GENTLBYIS ME iT8, TRADESM8%XlE0HAINlCS, FARMER% a 0WDII3GEBS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 62 . iMA PAY ' S A OtSP I T AI. S TNOTICF. ISMIEKRU GIVEN, -that the ANN~IVERSARY, t 12SNER in oldaol tbe Fuabsol th[ lle Uostalvvill lake pkaoe, InMay' nbt, 'Gentlemen deal oug ot ,bea;irlog SCevlds' aro' reulited te announce ther Ihtentibn to the Secretary. forthwitb. R.. ord-room, Mareh 5, 1858. ?? 185t3PH1Rp, 8ee. I OND.ON_ I5TRiS TJI'N.Ti A J4V ':i8 ii requuatra df thoee ?rjspkletsres wbo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -t70tHON K0'X andi IWIAMPOA (to sail JU Vnh 5, ast hipingdo ?? 3),theiplnei nw Aber. ?? bitshpo~AI~ IY AbodI,71t,' xLAsER mmmand0 tof% JOHNoala ROBT0 llof Sefihd; o loading in te Wet Idia hlsslpsa mtondate bu9dng, Mand eater;E thot the MAILS forNG Mar~ch wilb taknretoi CLCndTTAI via rqthe Cape tatd Mauppritiu~stby toi Ch~ompanyande 4~ hichpor ?? ?? destine wtnsn Cpalin&STdEWAT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PORT HUNTER anti MORETON BAY COAL 3. MINIYG aO0iPANY. Ms'trKIIA Capital £50,000, in areatf 41 each, to be praid I full Oa allotment. with power to increase the capital to £103, . ?? r 1la - The Rev. J. Bartist (Chairman of the Atbenesonl Lifo Asurallo *Company). Sackvili5.5trt5t. Chr; C Oqlelt s.(ietor of the City of Lundon LlfeAuuraaol | 'Cl aie'sor. Wlkenr, Erq., soett.IBcke.UsmurT Thew li ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PU)3LICATIONF. LONGFELLOW'S HYPERION ILLUSTRATED. 7 Crown 8vo., 21s. cloth, 30s. morocco, H~lr Y P B R I 0 N. A ROMANCE. ?? By R. W. LONGFELLOW. Illustrated with 02 Engravings on Wood, from Designs made by N Birket Foster, disring a recent tour through Germany and Switzer. land. [SPECTATOR.] A very Imndsome volume; rich externally, ets.tely elegant in its papcr aced letterpress, profuse sn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I3ENINSUL&E. and. ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. N7EW ARRANGEMENTS, AND REOUCED FARES AND FREIGHTS. DEPARTURES OUTWARDS. INDIA. and CHINA, vifi EGYPT.-For Aden, Ceylon, Ma~dras, Calcutta, Peniang, Singplore, and Hong Kong, on the 4th and 20th of every month from SOUTHAMPTON, and on the 10th and 26th from Marseilles. AUSTRALIA, vii SINGAPORE.-For Adelaide, Port Phillip, and Sydney (touching ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OR SYDNEY direct, a regular trader, under egagemnent with the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, itiimmediate despate'n, having great part of her eargo engaged ~ 1piig hefirt-las fst-aiingshpKINNEARI, 500 tons tv. . Nxex Comandr; yin inthe London Doesks. isa~onl~hainga wel-araned ?? ~ pg-y nd alvet Tolmn, 3, GeatSt.Helen's; orto Devitt -VjoR POR1T ADELAIDE direct, h-as room for .12 & fw ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IL011bllr ilb hltt HTSHAL SHA1 I PUT ON F A LIGHT id 0 VElW OATl-C41 and 5 te ~~jl ?? NEW PALL rOM. |14 Inall clolrs, price Tw Grhsebs,r~pre 1 (dj~5~.o~sn hu. street, taree doors trq s *ger.* (Souirthen 87er Lomard 1798.- OP YOE legal, a orbsr. , etr ought ever to be sn ihn eann capy'. or ift ?? 6reign actitonip houhld also b:e pet Indplsehtw enuveytrv.e, which can be best effeeted by the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E1FFICACIOUS CURE for COZINS, BUNIONS, CALLOSITIES, &c., WITHOUT CUTTING, or causing the slightest pain, by Mr. EISENBERG, Author of Practical Exposition on the Human Foot, and Discases of the Feet.' Mr. EISENBERG'S system is at once novel, and based upon long experielce; it has received the sanction of the Royal Families of Europe, and the ,irst of thie nobility aiid ge~try, he having, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? LNDONTRUSS SOCIETY. - DTat the Albion, eolock. The o Aldeesgate-Oeet. DrneC u ale, el0cir l Upards 017000 pat~i ents baVN be. rsIiOVeetod. t cl T ONDON HOSPITAL, March 8, 1853.- e JJ lon ?? having THIlS DAY Met (ogreeablyh Th HIead fr ' a Court) to receive AppSC Sa- b sr Om a Sdeod.b to repal t the! followieg gentlemen Is e- q t moat, viz.; Dr. Edward Bentley, 9 Dr. Septinius thibon, Dr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL PRINCESS'S THEIATRE, Oxford- ?? the Maimnement of Mr. CHARLES KEAN.- THIS EVENING will bo performied Shrikiipeare's tragedy of MACBETH (as acted at Windsor Castle by Royal Command). Principal characters by Mr. and Mrs. C. Keann. To conclude with A ROLAND FOR AN OLIVER. FRENCH PLAYS, ST. JAMES'S THEATRE.- * Last Night but Five of Mdllc. Amiondife Luther and M. Ravel's Engagemient.-THIS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S WART[ HMO RE, for PORT PHILLIP.- POSSENlGElS by this vesel sro trequetted So ?? a ectte INfG TO-MORAlOWs, the 0th instgut at i2 ch toek, a t qaeo'a Cofef-itooue. \Valbreot4 reoar the Mansion-boose, to c.ns'edr atb~ iS beteto b0 done for theur interest, obethe presef t emn atlafleat ty ?? of a pfairs, oaused by the prolonged detention at the shipe DOCBs. IiSa aex mmedatlons for a tew e ...