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... LITERA TUBR. Ride through the Argyenine Provi c a. By WIIAM M,'CANx. Smith, Elder, and Co. . The title of this work has a fault very popular with authors of the present day. It promises more thban the book itself fulfils. . M IE 'lCan 'snrdes were ?? l~were not oft t eei- ?? : hlsui surely, -I O'u bg 1nvestgigtti character which gtveinfsrllationa worthv of digestion and 'nblica- tion ; but ...


... ENTE1RTAlAWENT AT THE MANSION. HOUSE. The Lord and Lady Mayoress yesterday entertained her Majesty's Ministers and a distinguished circle in the Egyp- tian Hall of the Mansion House. The banquet, which was given in compliance with immemorial usage at Easter, was of the most magnificent description. The fo'lowing distinguished guests attended :-The Earl of Aberdeen, Earl Granville, Sir James ...


... LITBRATURBB the present Speae of New, SuthW*le, i4i' lette' addressed by hiw, as itiirins of the i o3rIeV44ndig. GCommittee of the Legislative CouncilA to their prha ' .mentary agent, Mr. Francia Scott, soP., retkrring mr to a despatcl of Lord:Qt5ei y dstted-'-29th November,. he 1846, observes, ix The corresponding committee direct me to point your at- tf eation to the many fatal consequences ...


... DRURY-LANE. The holiday visitors to Drury-lane, who we ?? glad 1s old acquaintance sake to see pretty well filled the house, had an abundant bill of fare served up to them, the management being evidently determined to give the public their money's worth as regarded quantity, and, so far as the resources of thetthestre and the state of the troupe permitted, quality also. The entertainments ...


... HA YMA RKET THEA TRE. Jr. BUCiKSTONE-probably for the sake of one or two howd characters-revived last evening TIC Sheriff of the ?? 0riW of the latest of Mr. PEAxE's dramatic pieces. Thtork is antirely conceived irt the spirit and the style o! what it was once thle fashion to call the good old Eogihl colmedy, consisting from the first scene to the last tfh wixture of artificial sentiment ...


... LITERATUBE. The Ccooneial Folief of i.ord J. Russaes Admninssioni. I By Ear GIRY. London: Bentley. (Second Notice.) I Next to the price of land, the grievance of which the 4 colonists of Australia most complained was that the x proceeds of the sale were not placed at the disposal of their lorallegislature, but divided into two moieties, of ; which one was handed over for emigration purposes I ...


... At the last meeting of the society, on the 23d instant, Sir John Doratt, V.P., in the chair, a paper was read from Mr. Finlay, of Athens, .On the Causes of the Iapid Conquests of the Ottoman Turks in Europe. Mr. Finlay remarked Ithat the establishment of the Turks in Europe was the Isst example of the colonisation and subjugation of a civilised country by a ruder race, and considered that ...


... I ?, Si ?? ID O ?? -? li W. , IC . -1 .. Stf' ? !, I.- M±-T --The return of 4tb1MOU ,, * A ?? a e, gw eian U ong-t ib lftudef.s-ca air y g; igsiispue i O ela,p'rjq1,,t4 t rarn: C ~ ab ii8' Lti tet att~ , t ' f ' , se. Ltiuoam~oug amateun3 o the otherr ~er; .Izieour . bue M* likqiedld b ?? disor: gaf xiene a~o a)J ateat ~ r Is ' pianoib' t~ afiib dmt I -t} ?? older meetera are'btgztirng to ...


... IT'dBDEPARTENTofPRAfCTlIAL ART. The First Report fronm the Department of Practical Art, embracing a summary of its proceedings from the com- mencement of the department, in February, 1852, to the close of that year, has just issued from the printer's hands, As the department has been formed only a few months, Mr. Henry Cole, on whom, as the general superintendent, has fallen the task of ...