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... LIT E R AT U R. Ilaeny pillzi: rs Story of Scottish Life,. By the Author of 1 Passages in the Life of 'Mrs Mlargaret Maitland, Merk- ad Atlat Groom`, &e. in, three volumee. London: T Hurst and Blaekett, sueceesors to Honry Colburit. WetsE pI ae lii public favoeir occupied. by the aulthoress of this Spe novel seas 'von by a Single effort. The reputation obotained by T heor first work, her ...


... SOUTH SEA AND OTHER COMMUTA- | TION BILL—AS AMENDED IN COMMITTEF. This bill, as amended in committee, and ordered to be printed was issued on Friday morning The following is an analysis of its mumerons clauses > The annuities on the capital stock ef the South Sea Com- pany and certain L.5 per cent. stocks, viz., the Old and New South Sea Annuities, Bank Annuities 1726, and L.3 per cent. ...


... C1nARACrTSISTICt OF WELSH PRLACITIIN; alsb, Extracts from e a Letter written by the Rev. Calvin Cotton, at.A., oftAmerica, Y on the Character and Peculiarities of the Welsh People, &c. o Glasgow: Printed by W. G. Blackie & Co. 'flins is a little work giving some very interesting details on Y a subject which will be entirely nowcv to the great majority of s our readers. It appears that in these ...


... LI'T'ER;ARY NOTICE. 1,11[ xal~l W- n1W. flurry/ 3fotir-T/ thc A WIlor qf ,,ssages 7;1 the LifeqofMr. .illargorct ilfinith ' '-For shlar p anid ?? demiestion of Fcot tish chaaletr, ioi (l~ and s~li lul Cexpositioni of Scottish feelinigs, for grayibie and jlstly tonied description of Scottish lifc anid mannilers, this novl nisy rlahn tho as before any of thc former ?? of its gifted author. ...


... MONEY MARKET AND COMMERCIAL NEWS English funds opened with firmness this morning at the advanced quotations of yesterday, and remain- ed steady up to the termination of regular business. Subse- quently, however, the general complexion of the foreign intel- ligence received during the day scemed to be regurded as satisfactory, and there was a disposition to effect sales. Con- sols were first ...


... AR'T IN CHlINA. Mr. Sirr in his China and the Chinese gives the following account of a series of illustrations of the Progress of Ophutn Smoking, which he inspected in the atelier of bum-qua, a celeb'rated artist at Canton. If thie ide-a of these pictures were not ederivedi front E'uropeanu 0eu-rtvill~s imported into -Chinla, they ex- Ililbit at singuilar ide~ntity of design with tha of ...


... LIT E R AT UII E. Ua'cCLr Toar's CAnIN. By iaillriet Beecher Stolve. New illustrated Edition. Edinburgh: Adam & Charl]es Black. Oaall the varied foris in which tite celebrated story of Uncle Tom lias been premestted to the public, this is by far the most graceful and attractive c antd when wc consider ho1y cxtensively the art of the typographer aind the ptcneil of tin artist heave been) ...


... ruin IOI1t . Those who would wvish to see what, a great artist can do with ias a subject, whlen lie is iii earnest to do his best, Should visit the 5'l gallery of Messrs. .31 Cties & Son, Iluehanlan 'Street1 where nI), there is at Isresent 555 view peurhapts thue mjost remarkable Oil pi ctr ever exhiibited its this city, anid whtichl as filuislied Lin aibout itwo years age, by AL 1'otl ...


... ORDNANC SURVEY OF SCOTLAND Sm Joux M follows up the able test mony of Mr Griftiths, in favour of the six-‘nch as opposed to the one- inch scale map. From his experience in important engi- peering undertakings in Ireland, and in which he availed himself of the six-inch Ordnance map, he can speak both with contidence and authority on the subject. Sir J. M‘Neill states that this map enabled an ...


... DEPAlITAIBENT OF SCIENCE AND ART. Thle folhriugtz, importaint miinuto lhas just boen issuad by the Board Or Trtade:- M1tv 14rds laoe ittlo consideration Ilie estilnltes about to be sib-t moitted to Pasijiamenolt for atftiboding lid to local schools of art during the yerli eoldingkhe 31st of M1 arch, 18ft4. 'i At the establis'lbioet of tbie schools it was underdtood that a Go- vorolnmet g1n ...


... THE RIGHT HON. BENJAMIN DISRAELL Iw the present numbec cf the Laiablurgh Review, an article is devoted to the character and career of this celebrated per- sonage, for so we may weil call him, seeing that, as hinted by the Reviewer, he is unquestionably the individual “ who, from February 1852 to Janniry 1853, has most occupied the pens, tongues, and ears of Englishmen.” That one, who commenced ...