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London, England


London, London, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... USTlNA4LA.SPRED withouti STEAM.-To A AD IIIF11iEad PORT PiiILLIP, by the now nmagnificent A . ioANAiOO, A 1, 000 ltos burden. This splendid ~ ?? 0 p~~eoerss~dspecie. The esloon has been fitted d eit VerY eenvetdet cc she wilt take v~a S~ ~,isndcby a novel officer cf great experience, sseO0~ al h dspaehd fomthm London Docks about wert The tumbe of brthsbeing necessarily lunshed, ti- ~ol o., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... YOUR i'ER ~CE-NT coupOS due. SCi)%Vn 1121MG IlkI on preflnt~tl10, at the r.t r . e' .t dat', Flc ta orni tfl cip n, nk BO l ear,..S.t Igi. ,h 'lrie ?? tteoLrtcraS BiINisoll~ro ta. z 'Ct en, the Contro.1.,.o ptctli~it.-* ttn, to alpr ani Mono. nl rcd i largt Or' nalt and storeigf 'tel i Ic tnteiy a.IAlItI tuliljon ant ~tit S : : Ami~trie~ti -l, : ?? nawi)-,. iltn O tht Emit ltdia-hotiales ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ILLINOIS BOINDS.-Notice is heimby given, that A.the DIVIDEND arhin, out of ?? the MilleTax prior to the 81st December last will ho PAID hy M 3ssrs. MATHE ON 01~and CO., onl thc STERLING CANAL SONDS, in the follow- ing proportions, viz. : On £100 Pondl ?? 169. od. -oln £X25 Bonds ?? I ?? Big. 9d. Oil £S00 Bonds ?? 469 *d. The Overdue Coupons Of tho suaid Ponds, due January, IS4S4 or, where ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'N'jIAM tc, AUSTRAL.IA.-GENERAL SCREW' L i.'lSHIPPIN'G COMPANY.-INOTICE 1IS UEII'EBY' ?? auxiliary iron -Crew rteamsehip UHPl~3E' IIYDI, comrnandcr, will lecoel :c IVJ, HI'lLLlIP andi ~YD.NEY on incav- of Ma . The accontiodation ise of spermor~ i, i~ ..Q ~tuniaro full4 furnirthed. The ratte4 oif A re cal~n, grest close, £00 lare cubmn 1iio Ihk 'e )rates are eaclueive of wivee, beer, and ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T-rHE FAMILY LIVERY.--Arms and Crests evi t- Je orrectly ascertained, and in- any case a steel ril e opressly out ev, ?? the buttons, free of cost. In many instances the expense thus 01 incurred 'will exceed the eharee made for a footmen 's complete suit, to viz., £4 Jos., so that the quality, style, and gencral excellence of the ncanterials may be easily inferred, as it must he obvious to all ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. MRS. GORE'S NEW NOVEL. Now ready at all the Libraries, in 3 vols., ri HE DEAN'S DAUGHTER; 01 Or, The Days We Live In. By Mrs. GORE. One of the best of Mrs. Gore's stories. The volumes are strewed with senart and sparkling ?? Chronicle. Thie sparkeling and entertaining novel will be read with pleasure hy ?? Herald. A good a novel as we have seen from Mrs. Gore's pen. The story ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This day, in vos, cloth, price to. 04.Ted - JA HeS V. ~0wroonIai.D. ProfesS zr of Midwifery toothe UWaiver- SiyD dn utsatherland and Enor, Bdinbnscch. Simpkins, Malrshall and Co. ILondon. 3dB BEODE NIP'S IEW WORK. Pot Ovts. ad E EAVES from the NOTE-BOOK of a L2 NATuRALIST- By W. J, BRODaEIP, Elq. F.R.S. Authorof 'Zoological Beoreations. Reprinted from 'Frazer's 3Londone John W. Parker and Son, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL ITALIAN OPERA, COVENT-GAREN.~ The Directors of the Ioyal Italias Opera beg most resrectfilly teo informn the nobility, gentry. Rosbcriberg. and the public that the SEASON of 1853 wvill , CMMNCE THIS EVENING, Satuoay April 2, on which occasion will be performed Auber's opera, MASANIELLO. Elvira, Mime. Castellan; Emma, Mdlie. Cotti; Tenella, Mdile. hleliuilXarmet; Alphonso, Sig. Luigi Met; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fON T I{11A CT for 1,IG0-N U'M V I T E. C ~ ?? of the S.torekteeper General of Lhe ?? Soeottlce, March 31,1653. 'rte Coitrorit'orionoc for exeeutitg tire dfi~co of Lord Iligh Admiral o' the Ul'iute' Kincdrni of Geutn Eritain and Ireland, dlo HIEREBYI Gtb'E. ,riF E, that on 'LTUESDAY, tia 1tck ?? next, at one o'clock. the,, will be rew-tv to treut toith kouch peroilans '.tnAav ho will- ing leo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REDUCTION of the TEA 'DUTIES.-TThe J trong fealing on this subject induceu mary to delay tbtir urie rnr ill ?? of getting their ?? obeopenofier raster. ft is, hovcver, by no mcaus certain that the dluty will bo reduced, and even if itbe, people will net get tea at le-s than ts. lod. per lb. The East India 'T'ta Company ore still selling sound uneuld tea rt that pricc in any quantities of not ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N!1r1I30B. RN2E Pert Phillip (will leave' 1 a- 5S inst.1 the splendid Clide-bailt, flrst-j !,INA JOHN) 87d I'iltl, conatnandtr, 450 tonAPI p red nt co't'er 1f stened. loadintg at the ictty,: IIclt aice' -oodilioa left ior sxcbin paas ,f- i be, Foy'v, to remanin on board s~ee - alb ,tnc ie ne. cabin berth ~iisengagest, fare ?? ily to HIENRY BAKE and Co., 0], East' -I N. S. Ws (will leave Dook ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. To Ironniongers, Iuilderg, and ?? Messrs. FULLER and HORSEY, on the premises, 44, Farringdon-strcet, oil Monday, April 4, and following days, at Eleven, in Lots, without reserve, I s STOCK of BLACK and FURNISHING . IRONMONGERY, 150 bags wrought and cut nails, 60 ranges, register and roroford stoves, five tons sash weights, 200 gross screws, 10 cwt. hinges, 20 cwt. air bricks, ...