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Advertisements & Notices

... XVD RD-STREE ?? be LET, in the albove FkaN, N.1,27, Iligh ilovibro cr to 31c'ors lwtCJ;TH and itONVIE3. 14, se Lhamnptetn-etrect, Bloomosbury. IA IPO BE SOLD aenidtcdREIDENEmeo, i with loflg gard, batadeieetrnertut 4 Sfok treI'lingtan, near Acete'senlta £o n el o bu itO yei~Cr, at Lii graue rct hefladgnelltl os.pO Prce £33,250 of whc ut h a t5pe etrpaal yI instalmrnvit-4 if ~rvquirs.-Apyt i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N!1r1I30B. RN2E Pert Phillip (will leave' 1 a- 5S inst.1 the splendid Clide-bailt, flrst-j !,INA JOHN) 87d I'iltl, conatnandtr, 450 tonAPI p red nt co't'er 1f stened. loadintg at the ictty,: IIclt aice' -oodilioa left ior sxcbin paas ,f- i be, Foy'v, to remanin on board s~ee - alb ,tnc ie ne. cabin berth ~iisengagest, fare ?? ily to HIENRY BAKE and Co., 0], East' -I N. S. Ws (will leave Dook ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. To Ironniongers, Iuilderg, and ?? Messrs. FULLER and HORSEY, on the premises, 44, Farringdon-strcet, oil Monday, April 4, and following days, at Eleven, in Lots, without reserve, I s STOCK of BLACK and FURNISHING . IRONMONGERY, 150 bags wrought and cut nails, 60 ranges, register and roroford stoves, five tons sash weights, 200 gross screws, 10 cwt. hinges, 20 cwt. air bricks, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... §I7~NDIA7 c.-GENERAL SCREW -ITOIA~COPANY.-NOtice is hereby given to 1tl er that tile MAILS for April will be take fier 5d Siplre 'Cspc and Mauritiuso), by this Company's lN. 7,1, lAiNA, 1,800 tons, Captainr G. P. LAm- CA hp the lea Southampton for India on the 13th Ilina IC' 'IIer oil the 16th, to take the malls only. 09oi tcchetr atP0 tohe madeat the Company's offices, 2, ir;,.A tiior ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TNFANTS' NEW FEEDING BOTTLES.- L From the Lancet -- We have seldom seen anything so bean- tifula the nursing bottles introduced by Mlr Elam, of Oxford treet' They are adapted to milk, biscuits, and all kinds of food, are the mnoot perfect- astifleiat mother ever ssrcsted, have an elastic soft nipple, very lcanly andexceedingly durable, which no infat vlrefuse, and, whether for weaning, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - S AIDIVE11TISEXENT8 in LLOYIYS .=12W: . ?? ?? ?? ?? Ss 6d Os 8d Mmcxv ADDIU!rL Lin ?? 5t S A gouarntee is givea to evory daverer that the ?? oS la2t ?? ,4 ' Tocalculate the length of Advertisemene, allowsixwords or hds w ould madke threae lntes; . words, four lines. If the mast or head line make5nOtO than six wordo, then two lines snust be reckoned tor it. XB ECK LIFE ASSURANCE CO4WYANY9 8, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STRANID THEATtS!. LU,F, MR. W. ALLeCOFT, 15, NEW BONWD-STEXT. Directress, Miss Rebecca IsaacS. TOMO lJIOW (Mondey e duri the week, will be Pe. T.sented the operA'aP, L6'TIN -A V'LAGE. JUStCice ood- cock, Mr. Rogerson: Young Meadows, Mr IHenryMan ly; s'gYS- thorni lr. Laher4 Itosetto, hliss Rebecca IsaacS; MaMep, Miss Ieekbdl Featherstone -wMiuj the mnusical ilerce, ?? INVGNCIButS Characters ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE GOUT RELIEVED in TWO A HO1URS'-The excruciating pains of Gout or Rheumatism relieved in Two Hours, and core w Prs, byBWRp..OU and RHEUMATI PILLS 26 few ab 74W lU a ' iEUMAI S.. w$-ner .al to ss. _b p to soothe and comfr the efesj~prq dcugO 4d4d ceching sleepwithn a ew huro after toidnq, ?? the 'unhap ptient THE HUMA BOD)Y likie the vegetable T world, undergoes complete renovation im the ...

Published: Sunday 03 April 1853
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6225 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... DRURY LANE TREATIM. Zessee and Manager, Mr. E. T. Smith. ''ONDAY and Wednesday, April 4th and 6th, Sheridan Knowles's 41play of The LOVE CHASE. Messrs. Davenport, Selby, MoorhosoOe, Lee; Misese 5lining. Fiest, Saxon, si Mrs Griffiths. On Tuesday, The LADT OF LYONS. Mess Davefiport, Selby moorbouse, Lee; Misses F. 'Vinieg, Florence, and Mrs. Griffiths. on Thursday, Friday, nd Satarday, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOW PUBLIS.ING BY G. V*CKERS. L Now publishing weekly, in Penny Numbers, or in Monthly Parts, Eixpence, five numbers and wrapper, F NNY THE LITTLE MILLINER; or, the Rich and the Poor. X By Charles Powerojt, EsQ.,author of Tales of the Colonies, Adventures of an Emigrant, &c., &c. N.B.-A fine steel ilustration will be given with every second number, and each part will contain two or three ...

Advertisements & Notices

... maI. -G. W idW. REYNOLDS'Si PURICAT1oNS- The bloSeiagP ptpai Workn'ar6 jsabilshe every saturday mdirn- eg at Mr. RyOlds's EStabdlshhsont,' IO7, Wellti n ?? itrand:- L WeeklF One ?? ?arts, Price Siipence; a E Y O1 D S'S I SO E LL A - T ib Of Romance, General Literature, Science, and Art. L oNOTED By GEonun W M., REsireocq. This i£ thelargest, cheapest, and most beautifully Illustrated PO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EPSOM SUMMER MEETING, 1853. .324 The two following Races name and close to Messrs. Wea- therby, 6T Old Brlington-street, London, or to the Cleri of the C'ourn~ at Epoom, on or before THURSDAY, 7th of April. (The METROPOLITAN DAY.) DERBY DAY.-The GREAT EXHIBITION PLATE of 100 sovs (landicap) for al aces; one mile and a quarter; the winner of any race after the publication of the weights to ...

Published: Sunday 03 April 1853
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6068 | Page: Page 16 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices