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... have ALLEGED ILL-TREATMENT OF A WIFE BY HER cha- iSUSBANDI. iur- On Saturday lost, an i nuest was held at the Ipswich ecial Uniona-house, before S. 19.Jackaman, Esq., coroner, .e of on the body of Mary Ann, wife of Daniel Joiner, late rs of mate on board the River Queen steamer. The deceased gtowas 42 years of age, and the inquiry took place agreea. r al by t te orderz of the Board of ...


... JTONES'S DI PORCE. It will be recollected that the petitioner in tbis case, Mr. Edward Jones, a commercial traveller, bad married during the year 1829 a lady named Elizabeth Willie, at Canton, in the county of Somerset. After their mar- riage, they removed to Bristol, and up to the year 1840 they Nived pn the happiest terms. The result of their mar- wag the issue of several children. During ...


... ., ?? U ' LT BY A BROTHEftR OnI EaS SSTER. At the Thames pellceiobdirt on ThurBsday, Themae Railield 4. master shipwright, residing at 281 igh.streeti Wappin was charged with assaulting his sister, IsabellaRafielda, b6 striking her on the head with a blunt Instrument, with In. tent to do her grievous hedily harm. Inspector Judge eo the river police, stated that abeut half-past twelve on tie ...

Law Intelligence

... FLAW NOTICES.-THIS DAY. COURIT OF CIIEEN'S DE.NCH, WESTMIINSTERI Ar 1O.-MMOUL~ex~ conniaornjurles: Brntlshia' v. Srimon; Fuith v. atnanu' cccs; itr~ers v. Great Nortl'srn Stailway Colnpocavt Whit- coimic and arothrer . Docoic 'anl another; Doe clem. Ainge, anld others v. Jaaetb, Dr b~bl and others ?? Smith; Erans ?? Gouailctt; Togit ?? ScalAh W alker ?? Unde:1ceMill Green v. Mathoron; Dares v. ...

Law Intelligence

... RAW, Ruttuigatteo P NOTICES.'- THIS DAY. e COURT OF.C1HANCER1`, WESTMINSTER. h The Lord Chancellor will attend the Hot 'if Lo-rdr; AT ?? nisa Loans JusTICSS.-Appeali, &o.: -Goodwin v. Fielding, part heard; KIey v. Key, part heard, In re Phillips, appeal petition; In re Finch and Shepherd, ditto. A VICE-CHANCELLORS' COURTS, WESTMINSTER., A 10.'-BsEoaa VIrCs.CANCLesLRa SIaBR. KiDEsraaLxy. ...


... NEWCASTLE. -FIimAY, May 13.--Bclore the Mayor, G. C. Atkinson, Esq., and It. P. Philipson, Esqs.-Jtiaet Marshall alias Dobsoet, ?? charged with occupying an unen- tered house in Oaks-place, Westgate, in which ain appar- atus for the manufacture of whisky had been ftuid. It appeareia from the evidence, that on thc previous night about eleven o'clock, Messrs Yaotng and Bucklow, officers of ...


... FRIDAY.-BO JPaeid Gibson, grocer, Newcastle-The COMMISSIONEa delivered judgment on the application of this bankrupt for a certificate, which had been so often ?? WATSON appeared for the assignees; Mr CHATEB for the bankrupt; and Mr BOWNAB for cer- tain ?? CommissioNEn, went at considerable length into the details of the bankrupt's transactions; remarking that he had begun with a small capital, ...


... COURT OF BANKRUPTCY-SATURDAY. I- [Before Mr. Commissioner GoULBUarN.] IS BE ALEXANDER BAIN. This was an adjourned certificate meeting. It will be recollected from a previous report of the case in The Mei-sriaq Ckronicle, that the bankrup's accounts com- menced with a deficiency of £4,375, and closed, after eleven months' trading, with debts to the amount of about £12,000, and assets £970 ...

Law Intelligence

... N'OTICES.-THIS DAY. C()URT OF CHANCiERY, WESTMINSTER AT ?? E LTHE Loan Cia ISNCEL.LOR.-Appuals: Tidd v. Lister, t part liecrd; in rc lirandie 'Patent, petidoln; Gooch v. Gooeh (2). A^ f Pi.-lh taos: on LOaims cs.-Appeale, &c.: In ro Finch s oirnd .Shrphri di, 1art fxrd; auyler v. Taylor, by order; Farnell c v. Cooke; IMiown v. Foster; ellath v. Lomvis; Tenart v. Lawson; n ?? v. ...


... THlE POLICE CO URTS. MARLBOROUGH-STREET. Feasny and Emily Herstall, two genteel young girls (sisters), were charged with stealing a watch from a gen- tleman. The owner of the watch, reported to be a person of dis- tinction, was understood to be sitting in court until the case, which was kept back as long as possible, was called on, but on receiving a whisper from the inspector, he suddenly ...


... THIE POLICE CO UTS. GUJILDHALL. Tliomas Ansdrewo Evans, described in the police sheet as a dealer in curiosities, a-id having no home, was charged with assaulting Mr. Delane, barrister-at-law, in Serjeant's- inn. A solicitor, who attended for the defence, said the defendant was willing to admit the assault, which arose out of an old grievance relative to the disputed Nelson t sword. . ...


... COURIT OF ALDERMEN. Yesterday a court was held for the despatch of business. 1- INYITATI.ON or MEtE DUBLIN INDUSTRIAtAL CO31MITTEE :y TO THIE CORPORATION. d After the Clerk of the Court had read the official account l- of the proceedings of the Court of Common Council on 'e Saturday last, or Alderman COPEILAND took the opportunity afforded by It the notice of the course pursued by that branch ...