... THE GRIEAT EXHIBITION. Tim oflicial catalogue has at length made its appear- ance to the delight of all wvhio have bieet and are likely to become, visitors to our Great Exhibition. The motto is- Thounart worthy, 0 Lord, to receive glory and hionour and power, for Thlou bast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created.- Rev. i v., 14. An improvement has been made in the ...


... k.AkiLIjss 11'V at.! U ft. From Le Fo/lNl. oft It is nawe surmiised : pelisses are already obliged to give place to hb the ieharpes oantr?/?trs at silks, embroidered in open patterns, trim- I. h- eed with a fine and close net, upon u ihich are appltou5 leave of silk. xi ice The patterns are fa.stened on the net with thorn-stitch. This style 7. n is very pretty. It is also expected that white ...


... THE OLD wV_&SirRU'OX1AN. 1f REV, CIIARLcS T. BROOKS, OF SEWPORT, RIHODE ISLAND. BEHlOLD her busy with her linen, You ancient dame with silver hair, The briskest of the washerwomen, Though six-and-sevelity years are there So she has followed, year by year, The honest toil at which you find her, Filling with diligence the sphere Of useful labour God assigned her, In her young days, (for she is ...


... FASHINABLE INTELLIGENCE. pD BETROTHAL OF THE PRINCESS 7TIC. fTORIA. F y nn3' correspondent, writing at Vienna under date ot ' n The .. -According to a runmour in circulation here, il iesy 25, Seym Frederick of Prussia, the King's neph w and prduce \iheir, is ?? to be affianced to Princess Victoria of u preiundt, lhe tender sge of the Princess (18 next Noveun- er)raders this somewhat improbable ...


... RIV? NOT THE POOR MA*N' LOVE. Ran -a is $s dlage, but a poor s n has Christ's aiu?p to oot.- . ferlwrt. ýSorn not the Poor Man's love! Y y know not where its strength doth lie, A se beneath a sky, Ye cannot fathom cares so deep, Whose eye.s are. yet unus'd to weep. ileart bound to heart through trials keen, That ease and wealth have never seen, Soul knit to soul,-taught by distress ...


... . THE DUBLIN EXEJIBITION. 'I- ~ '.Sjg88X' .Ce ~f survey, the more h and lets satisfactory'does B'. thPiyo a ;iona usiitry appear, A; gloss hiss.bpen-pit 2r over the real state of tde case by shopkeepers arnd retail 'dealers; ad who exhibit, under their own i-in's, large a'd beautiful assort- bfy mens of ggoods mannfartured in England or Scotland or On the of' Ceotirient; but the ...

Fashion and Varieties

... ItaM)ijon anb Flarictirs. THE COURT. Tim Hlereditary Grand Dukeo and Grand Duchess of' 1h'cllenhurIghrStreli [Z and tlr2)ii Duchess Cairoline of' Mee ?? r'gh Stroelitz visitcd thep Queen ard Priinrce Alhitit oiI ~Sattiridav alfternoonc~ at BIckiiinighiaiio Palace.'. Thre Queen arid Prince Albert honoiuredt thue per- foirmnarce of' IPrortch Playvs ?? St. Jam es's T[het ar'o wvit i Iiheir ...

Literary Extracts

... Y, MAD; I~sesonTAL;-When I conaider the boundless activity sl te of our minds, the remembrance we have of things pest, our it foresight of what is to come-when I reflect on the noble 8 ty discoveries and vast improvements hy wlhich those minds w fhave advanced arts and sciences, I am entirely pecsoaded, q and nout of all doubt, that a nature which has in itself a fund Is ohof so many excellent ...


... -W-e are little disposed to intermeddle with the distine- prr 3 hive doctrines end frequent controversies of relig~iousm ;sects. These matters come under our notice as journal- det jeits only when they seem to us to he detrimental to the Itahe ;interests of civil freedom. Wve bave but rarely adverted -to the strife which has long prevailed in 'the Old Metho- Tise tdist denomination, and we ...


... I The number of visitors yesterday amounted to 4,8.0. The official catalogue has met with a very rapid sale, the numbers of it having been bought up as fast as they were issued. Tbe public grumbled a good deal at the delay which- occurred in the publication of this indispensable guide to the treasures of the Exhibition; but it should be remembered that the task of preparing such a work was ...


... 0ortru. A MAN OF IlIS WORD. You may sing of the heroes of yore, You may speak of the deeds they have done, Of the foes they have slain by the score, Of the glorious battles theyve won; You may seek to eternize their fume, And it may be with goodly success- But it is not the warrior s name That this heart alnd this spirit woeld bless; Though oft at their mention my soul hath been stirred, ...


... LITERATU-RE. 7 Ing, ,p Boors FoR REvrrw.--Books, Musc, New Engravings' no, &c.,'intended for review, le t at ?? establishment of Mr. run C. MIrTCHE-s.LL, Red Lion-court, Fieet-street, London addressed to the Editor of the Derby Mercury, will be ytoa forwarded and receive attention. by I vari The Irish Quarterly Review. No. X. June, l,,M, p.P. Iil 303. Dublin: W. B. Kety, Grafton-etreet; ...