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Devon, England

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... I BATH AND WEST OF ENGLAND .: . AGRIOULTURAL ASSOCIATION. The second exbibition of tbisassociatiop, which e this (Wednesday) afternoon at Pennycomequick, a sio'G. distance from Plymouth, promises to be, both in extent and importance, one which cannot fail to be of great interest to those engaged in agricultural pursuits. The number of implements which have arrived is large, and comprises many ...


... a- Books, Prints, Mfusic, 4w., for review, are requested to be left ol at Mr. C. 31ilchell'g, Red Lion Court, Fleet-sireet, London, l addressed To the Editor of the EXETER FLNVGe POST. These will be duly forivarded, and receive an early notice. L, The Poetry of Home, by Goodwyn Barmby. London; Wm. in Tweedie, 337, Strand. lo A poem in three parts, in which the writer gives utterance to the ...


... 'POETRY GOOI) NIGHT. Good night.! a word so often said, The heedless mind forgets its meaning; 'Tis only when some heart lies dead, Onl which our own was lcaning, We heas in maddening music roll The last good night along the soul. Good night -in tones that never die It peals along the quickening ear; And tender gales of memory For ever waft it near, When stilled the voice-O, crush of ...


... ,Bole8 Pin o, usc, -c. fr rvie, re requested to be let at M. C.Mitcells, Rd Lin CortFleet-street, London, addessd o te Rjto oftheEinrnnFLYING POST` Thes wil b duy frwaredandrecivean easly notice. Bllc oed's Magazine, June. fleeply11 interestinga indcstrflctive. The Paradise in the Pacific traces the formation of the primitive community at Pitcairn's Island, commnseicing weithi a succinct, ...


... IIMAGIARY CONVERSATIONS OF EMINENT I MEN.. I (From ?? Press.) THE BlSHiOP OF OXFORD AN]D Mr0. COBDEN. oil Saturday Sir Williamrand Lady Mfoleswvorth entertainedat dinner the French-Ambassador and Madame Walewski, the Duke and Duchess of Argyll, the Earl of Aberdeen, Mr. Delano, Sir Jaines and Lady Graham, ir. Cobden, and the Bishop of Oxford.-Mrlorrigs Post, June 20. Bishop of OxFonD: I ...


... ¶IHE PEASANTRY OF ENGLAND. Tle Peasantry of England, The mcrry hearts anid free; The sv old may boast a braver band- Blut give the scythe to mec Give mc the fame of industry, Worth all your classic tomies' God puard the English Peasantiy, And grant them happy homes! The sinews of old Enigland! The bulwarks of the soil! HoW much we owe each manly hand, Thus fearless of its toil! Oh ! he who ...


... r Bsolso, Printo, Music, 4se., for review, are requested to be left at Atr. C. Mitchell's, Red Lion Court, Fleet-street, London. addressed To the Editor of the EXETER FLrmNG POST. These will be duly forwarded, and receive an early notice. Thie Lfe qf Alred the Great, translated from the Uerman of Dr. E. Pauli, by B. Thorpe, Esq. London: H. G. - Bolm, York-street, Covent Garden. Any reference ...


... DYING VENICE. As oSE who comes from years of weary roving, To look on her who was his early love, And findeth for the end of all his loving Only a green grave and a stone above- Only hier silout grave: so shall it prove With him whose heart (full of her history) Leadeth his feet to Venice. Grief shall move His eves to tears as true as tears may be At sight of her who roigned, the sweetheart of ...


... THE HOME OF MY YOUTH. Tho boli of illy yoith was a calm, qujot spot, Where life's bIss' cares were ?? and unknovvn, Thc ivy's green leaf that encircled my cot Srecin'd all eubicl of years that had ovcr me flown. Unelouded by sorrow, ntichetioelrrd with pain, Tooe molents sped onl, onl the wings of delight- Bat the hoeue of myv voutb should I visit again E'en the ivy's green leaf would be ...


... ADMIRABLE THINGS. The hand outstretched to meet a brother's A life exposed in saving others. iodes preaclertseeking out distress, With will and power to mnak% it less. The soariug student-boy retired, With holy inspiration fired. Lvc's mission, overleaping reed, Teaching the deaf and ?? to read. The hand that wields the hammer, then With equalI skill takos up thc pen. The patriot toiling for ...