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... (From the Dublin Evening M1ail.) Notwithstanding the unfavourable state of the weather the number of viitors to the Exhibition on Thursday reached nearly 6,000. But t s is a good way below the fgure to which the admiseio s should arrive, in order to extend the circle of usefulness of this-great enterprise to its Proper dimensions. The splendid munificence of Mr. Dargan has provided the ...


... THE GRIEAT EXHIBITION. Tim oflicial catalogue has at length made its appear- ance to the delight of all wvhio have bieet and are likely to become, visitors to our Great Exhibition. The motto is- Thounart worthy, 0 Lord, to receive glory and hionour and power, for Thlou bast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created.- Rev. i v., 14. An improvement has been made in the ...


... I TaE PFOTUoE GALtERY-BuIT5EE sCHOOL (CoNTINUED.) to The Rent Day, by Wilkie (No. 88), is the most re-li mnarkable, possibly the most original, picture in this gallery. w' It bears date 1807, and was painted for his great friend, mi Lord Mulgrave. Although Wilkie had distinguished him- an self previously by his Village Festival and his - Blind de Fiddler,iboth remarkable works for ...


... I I * --The numbr of visitors to the Exhibition on Saturday amounted to 7,873. The attendance swas very fashionable. The performance of Dr. Stuart on Telford's organ was highly appreciated. An Ave Maria, from Schubert, elicited the warmest praise -and the effect of 0 rest in the Lord (Mendelssohn), was triumphant. The receipts at the doors exceeded those of any previous 2s. 6d. day by ...


... I PICTURE GALLERY-BRITISH SCHOOL CONCLODEID. Although early in the fifteenth century landsecape began to be introduced and painted with much care as background to historical or portrait subjeets, it was not until very late in the sixteenth century it was treated independently, and assumed the imlportance of a distinct branch of art. From that period it has taken a high rank in all schools, and ...


... cb igrtle. No. 89. 'Tlrt: EARNEsT MIINISTERi; exemplitieid in the Li~e and L.ahours of till! Rev. Fussey Tackahutrir. Bv tile R1ev. ube-rt I lustoen. BeIlfas I t: .1 G /i. s' ogidonU: Mutiot. 1)Dubli n: lreit' ott PrilIted bV J.fe~s Alex.. IIcidersont. THE menmoriaks or one so emittent in the Wlesleyan Methodist Conielxion as the late Mr. Tackabvery, car- not fall to possess a deer inlterest ...


... I be hE9NRY SusD's LITTLE Boost or ETRecesAL WISnoor. all Translated from the O'riginal Nedicaval German by Richard Pr Resy., (London and Dio'lia : Richardsoon and Son.)ti DEc PONTE'S BMEDITATIONS. Insixitosok., Vol. iii. (Lon- go don. and Dublin : Richardson and Son.) m The aboviinamsed pubhlications are valuable and interesting th add itiona to the Catholic spiritual literature with which ...

Fashion and Varieties

... Syaslitoa aub naricticS. TiHE COURT. THE QUEEiN'S STATE BALL,. 'Itnr Queen gave, on Wednesday evening, at Bucking- hlain Pa lace, a state ball, whicih was very tliotserously :1ndi brilliaitly atteinded, tihe ?? aitountittg to ahout l1,900, a Hid coalplrising teie Royal family and loral isirci'sI the clinol of die diplomatic corps, and ceiginers ozt (listiilctionl staying, ill this cOtlitliW, ...


... 'THEE GREAT' I NIT)STR L'RI EI ilIT''ION. Tui I: aittotdattee on Satut'11day ?? most, f-oshdotiable, tiid [lie p0'lr'faluaiice of' Di-. Stewatrt Onl ithe organi iiti itid tittibet's to wait untitil [lie bell tolled lot departture, ?? tinply were?ii Il tottipenisallteli 0h ?? to hear hiis detvellopmen~tt of[hit ntoblie itisi'titmeni t Vl itl its ?? ?? Ie teiiess. 'The rinle Arts; ?? tfal ot [t ...


... I r' E GREAT 1NKSITRIAL X10B1TIO1. ?? - visitors to the Exhibition on Sattuday were more ntmo'ie, thanon any occasion since ijts opening, the num ber ?? 5,662. The price of admsisioa to-day will be roa 'ducedc to Is; 'Mlssic in great variety was added to the otber attractiona of tije Exhibition on Saturday.: fn the cour-e of the cay Miess Elliot ?? with brilliant effect on one of the splendid ...


... The number of persons who visited the Exhibition yester- day was 6,812. The additional picture gallery is fast advancing to corn- pletion, anid in a short time we hope to be able to annource that it has been finally arreoged and tbrown open to the pubiic. Works of art still continue to arrive, and amongst tho-s recently received were several valuable pictuesa from dc Lord Ward, who possesses ...


... TIHE GREAT INDUS'T'RIAL EXHIBITION. IThe nimboer ofr visitors to tile Exhibition on Th'hrs- tiny %vas ?? IThe itumber of visitors to tile Exhibition on Frirlay Nvat 4.122, leiing a colisiderablo increase Otl that of the pr'eviouls (lay. Onl M'olhIy (this lay) the price of ad- mi. inlt will bie rleduced to one stilli ig. ?? Stet art perfornlied onl Fridaiy a Iternomii onl the genat origai, to ...