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Reynolds's Newspaper



London, London, England

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Reynolds's Newspaper

Advertisements & Notices

... .Trr.ANfl.E2_OWr fgod Cbildrcn'B 7den. Gocdivageegigven. WY VNOOO baO ?? bande needf apply, st~ J. H. Glows ,; Cal. theorpe ptace, Gtt.3-mR srea4 lla CubitfCs. ?? O n5OBZ~LDS. L rLIINWG SOCIETIES ?? by the nev system of Loass,. _V extending over a petiod oh tenthree to twelve years, repay- ablk *by'quIarterly matasments, dthe Rlousekolders' and Ueneral Life Assurance Company, Nee. 15 anc i6, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DRURY LANE vTHEATz. 9Zesseeand Manager, Mr. E. T. SninlM Under the directlos of 1. Saint Leon fW Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and ;Saturdy, first re- presentation of M. Saint Leon, Mdlle. Plunkett, Milli. Nathan. WdIle. Lisereux, and M. Frappart. SPIRIT OF THE VALLEY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LITERARY ANNOUNCEMENTS. q-he attention of the public is requested to the following announce- ments:- 1. READING FOR THE R&tLWAYS. Now ready, in a nest coloured wrapper, Price 2s. ad., Volumo IX, of E Y N O L D 8 ' B S I 8 C E L L A NY. This volume, though the ninth of the series. i4 the first of that immense enlargement which rendered the Misoellany u- equalled in size by any of its cheep ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 6ZUATRES raswn at the ?? I,-4i-at the )r &O T reern, 4Teate EJeen-str et; osi ?? riii &l, 10, Z 2, ~3 17, 19, 121 k4d26-~40, -,Io ~ 43 aS. S11 A smabt de-irable estate reedy Icr di-tusbtion Share.' a40. mont~l ?? a. 'se l.n rence f~*(s us rule.), 1~. AdstscehyblosG rad onl .b hird if ea bh-ertalieal ottd , a3.'p 'sreriboidera. Mieroiger6 &ros ddi.W Cue' ' , a dily. Agents a*nted. . ?? Es ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICES TO CO RREtPQ'1DE?*Ts. Correspondents not f18ding their comr ?? ostiols answered may onesider we-are either unable or deoeluesto do so. We cawtuot undertake to return rejeeted mianuscripts. It is likewise requested that correspondents vwill distinctly address their letters to Reynolds's Newspaper, so that a distinction may be mtade frout those istended to be an- swered In Beynolds's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW PFIOVINCIAIL NEWS AND BOOE AGENCY. s IESSRS. HOLYOAKE and COMPANY are prepared to supply di TA news-agents in the provinces who9 exporiecc difficulty in 1 procuring newspapers, periodicals, or books on the side of free 0iI thought, and secular, democratic, and associative process. Messrs. B l7olyoake and Co. will supply on the usual terms, parcels, Including p every kind and description of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LITERART ANNOUNCEMENTS. he attentiol of the public il ?? to the following announce. ments:- I. READING TOER TE RAILWAYS. Now ready, in a neat colsured Wrapper, Price 2s. 6d., Voluame IX of D E Y N O 1s DS I S lhI S C E L L A N Y. 11) This volume, though the ninth of the series, is the first of that Immense enlargement which rendered the Maiscellaeny un- equalled hi size by any of Its cheap ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . a. GULVERWELI. ID THE PLEASURES OF HEALTH. A Seoris of popular works, ls., each, by poest Is. 6d. each 1. ENJOYMENT t3F LF. Health, recreatien, and rational use of time. Cot 'Is.-Early rising; Spring and Summer mernings' Exeer- ions about the Environs of London-the Parks, Lenas, MN111, Forests, Fields, High-roads, aud other pleasant places; Country Trips and Rambles ; the Sea ; London at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRINCESS'S THEATRE. Under the Management of Mr. Charles Rean. QARDANAPALUS will be tierformed every evening during the . week (Wednesdsy excepted), whets MACBETH Will be re. peated for the 491h tiase, wita other entertainments, azcording to the bills of the day. HAYMHARKiET TREATRE. Under the Management of Mr. Buckstone. N Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursdav, afd Friday, the Vi newv romantie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PaINCESS's TPMATRS. Under the Ma&agemlent of Mr. Charles Roan. CAIIDANAFALUS ?? be performed every evening during the i week, wita other entertainments, according to the bills of the day. MACBETH will be repeated for the 50th time on Wednes. day week, July 6. MAYMII aRRCKM TOE;&TRE. Under the Msanagement Of sir. Btuckstone. T AST. three we ks of the seaso. Monday (by desirt). Sir li Eriward ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LI TERARY ANNOUNCEUENTS. Ithe attention of the public Is requested to the following announce. ments:- READWG FOOR TiHE RAILWAYS, Niow, ready, in a neat coloured ..wrapper, Price 2e. 6d., Volume IX, of E Y O L D S S M I S e E L L A N Y r X This volume, though the ninth of the series. i 4 the first of that immense enlargement which rendered the Miscelany u1. equalled in size by any of Its cheap ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DR. GULVERWRLL QBgTHEe PLEASURES OF HRALTO 0 A gin ofpopualarWorke, is., sash, by pest Iafe A . L ENJOYMENT OF LIMeR Health, roereatien, andratienal use of time., CeaynMM-EarlY rising; Spring and Summer merniW E' . adons abouit thte Enviro1ns of London-them larks, LanaBl5 Forests, Fields, High-reads, end other pleasant places Trips and Rambles ; the Sea; London at Right; Evenings St Ei,m ...