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Examiner, The



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The Examiner

Advertisements & Notices

... r'j'HE GORGET PATENT SELF-ADJUST- 1 ING SHiRT, with ELLITTIO WBIITBAND, Six for 4z. is ac- knowledged by all to be the best and most easy fitting shirt yet made. The ELLIPTIC TuaE IFOLD COLLAR, to open back or front, With Potent ELASTIC FASTENING, 12s. the Dozen. Illustrate. Price List, with directions for Seif-measurement, forwarded fre . Patentees, Cooran and FRYER, next door to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rpoPSY'S SONG, I'M BUT A LITTLE NIGGER GIRL -Wercls by JEPZe.ays IdIusic by SnFrOxs Gi.Lovcr.-This pretty song is daily increasing in popu- larity. TPhe arrival of lifts Beetcher Stosee too given an imnpetus 1 to the demand for all Stephen (Gtoaer'o compositiotns connected with U Tncle Tecm.' ' The Sea of Glanss,' Duet-Eliots's Song-1I 'Sleep. our Child.' and 'Eve's Parting Woerds:' deserve ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NE W W O`WK S. TO BE PUBLISHE-D9 N JUNET NARRATIVE of a JOURNEY ROUND the DEAD SEA and inthBIBLE ANDS ?? 185it to Apr ISSI. ByM DB Sacv, Member of the French InstAt 2 vols. 8vo, with MaP and Illuetrations. [Next week. MEMOIRS of MARY, DUCHESS of BURGUNDY, and her TIMES and CONTEMPORARIES. By LouiSA STuAaT COSTELLo, Author of 'A Summer amongst ?? and the Vines' EminentEnglishwomen,' &c. Post ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T OPSY'S SONG, I'M BUT A LITTLE 11 sIGGER GIRL.-Words by JFFrERYS. Music by STEPrrsi GLOvxR.-This pretty song is daily inereasing in popu- larity. The arrival of Mrs Beecher Stowe has given an impetus to the demand for all Stephen Glover's compositions connected with ' Uncle Tom.' 'The Sea of Glass,' Duet-Eliza's Song- ' Sleep, our Child,' and 'Eva's Parting Words,' deserve their great ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MPR BENTLEY'S LIST OF NEW WORKS, TO BE PUBLISHED IN JUNE. I. NARRATIVE of a JOURNEY ROUND teD DSEadinthe BIBLE LANDS, f rom. December 1850 to April is51. By F. nr SuSLcY, Memnber of the French Institute. 2 vols. svo, with Map and Illustrations. II. CASTILE and ANDALUSIA. By Lady LouisA Tmslov. Imperial Svo, with numerous highly- fdnished Engravings and Illustrations on wood. Ill. The LIFE and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... aIRE ANNIIHILATOR.-2t F There isoreason to believr that the fire~whieh destroyed I00,0001. or 30,tO Ol. worst' of properly, last Monday, at London bridge, and which was ontov ?? of what had ecured in the same vicinity a few msoi tlzs before, might very probably have teen am- midcelately eatingul~tisd at the previous coot of 41. or 1. for a machine which has long bean made knawn and tested.-' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NICOLL'S PATETOT, TWO GUINEAS, GUINEA TROUSERS, end BALF-GfINEAW COATS. The best materials,taeanwok nsifm France. Germany, and England,emlydbH. an NZICOLE, Merebant TailorO, Palotot Patentees, 114 1 REGENT STREET, and d2 CORNHLL. London. 0 SLER'S CRYSTAL GLASS CHANDE- LIERS, or GAS aad CAkNDLES.-A groat variety of the newest designs amasts on view at 44 Oxford street. Alsoe a large assortment ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MAY MORNING, a brilliant Cavatina, written by CHARLES JEFFERYS, the Music by STEPHEN GLOVER. So sparkling and effective a composition as lay Morning (has not for manny years issued from the pen of ?? composer: like the subject it treats of, it is full of beauties. Stephen Gloverlts .composer, io well known as the popular author of the Blind Girl to her Harp, Merry is the Green- woeod, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... POETICAL WORKS. WORDSWORTH'S POETICAL ] WORKS. In six volumes, 24mo, price lSs. seWed. II. WORDSWORTH'S POETICAL WORKS. In one volume, medium Svo, price 20s. cloth. III. COLERIDGE'S POEMS. In one volume, foolscap 8vo, price 6s. cloth. IV. COLERIDGE'S DRAMATIC WORKS. In one volume, foolsoap Svo, price Co. cloth. V. HARTLEY COLERIDGE'S POEMS. In tweo volumes, foolsoap evo, price 12s. cloth. VI. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Office of Ordnaaance, w 16th June, 555. 3. T TIE Principal Officers of Her Majesty's TOr~dnance do hereby give notice, that a quantity, 0of Old Har' ness, Tools, Junk. Cook MeTn Led Ashes. Artltnery Clothing, d ooots, Old Beroy Le'Ather Ionic, S Wtdoeiilts, GammaltTower old Files. Spades, Oldtb' Wood.ys Tre., Zinch , Plank Sillves, Wheels, Barrcls, &c. k le j~ocd. Trees, Bitesh , Scretary. : ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE QUARTERLY REVIEW, T No. CLXXXV.-ADVERTISEItENTS for the forthcoming Number must be forssrded to the Publisher by the 25th, and h3ILLS for insertion by tbe '4th instant. John 0lurray. Albemarle ctt~t. q'IiE PRESS. This day SATURDAY, JUNE IS, No. VII, price 6d. of PHE PRESS, the new Weekly Conservative IT Paper Pablisbed every Saturday.-Office, No. 110 Strand. Money orders for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE QUARTERLY REVIEW, T o. CXXX V.-AD VERTtSSBXES'S for the forthcominR Numaber most he forwarded to the Publisher by the 26th, and bILLS for insertion by the 27th instant. John Murray, Alboemarle street. rn~H XILLUSTRATED LONDON MAGA- si Zllf, price ed,, Edited by R. B. KNOWLEo. Esq. Author of' The Maiden A unt,' wll appear on the 1st of July, superbly illrairated. ArtEIOlS by the Hon. Ars ...