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Advertisements & Notices

... XJMILTON'S MODERN INSTRUCTIONS JLL for theP1IANOCORTE. Fingered by Czanity. Forty-ccoral Edition. 4 . Thoe laie-cs attd gentlemen who are yet unacquainted with this uneeprallod instruction book will be surprised at the facilitios it affords xreiderint, the prog~ress of the pupil (as thousands will testify), easy curd rapid, %nd relieving the tacsehr of more- than half the ausial labour . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and ORIENTAL STEAM ~I~ NAVIGATION COMPANY. ,,R NAEMEN`SAND REDUCED FARES AND w AIII.ANGEM FREIGHTS DEPARTURES OUTWARDS. Ceylon, Madras, CU INA, via EGYPT.-For Aden, Cel, aas pk A s,gs ingapore, and Hong Kong, on the 4th and 20th ' Penta trmOTAMiPTON, and on the loth and 20th arseille viS SINGAPORE.-For Adelaide. Port Phillip, ,TBRi'uIching rat Bttavia), on the 4th July, and 4th of nonle ( th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 53 I of PACKET SHIP.-For t oail from Gravesend July 15, tbe river- tOns, belonging to Messrs. Green, of 'i SmO er; lying in tle East Intlia Docks. ?? TIC)Lt c fll poop idslolt 'tween decks, with very -Il D li'lasj ist secand, or third cabin passengers, F ~iiespvricitced ?? freight or passage ztgirt ~lurl, Shdn, andi Lowther, 2, Royal Exclsange- ~LP LINEi of PACKET SHIP.-For ?? Ilill LI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. A NOTICE. BURKE'S PEERAGE and BARO?ETAGE THE NEW AND IMPROVED EDITION TS NOW READY AT ALL THE EOOKSELLEIIS Published for Henry Colburn, by Ilis ?? blut i d Blackett, 13, Great Marlborough-street. ' d NEW WORK BY THIE AUTHOR OF SAM SLICI; Nowready at all the Libraries, in 2 vols., 21s-,, AM SLICK'S WISE SAWS SJ . AND MODERN INSTANCES; Or, What He Said, Did, or Invented, These ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -iziA-Y MORNING, a brilliant Cavatina, written itt it t~ahi i~t.\a.the nub ?? ?? So ~It ~~i Ii ?? tic', a conripo lsi.jl or Wa v Alorningt boo not for (o ?? I t Ica lo gj;,ec fo iact' coinprttr r like the 0 it.' ,i, itit rt io beutun-. S:a phen Gliover. its coot- iii . I loW %v zi ' ,ie, jiopular author if thle blitnd Girl to her ytt;,,M jll is lilaoraiwand; the LGarbo 'rem Cabinl S5ogA; the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11' )iMBAY D)irect, to sail punctually 0-th I~ Ir.l a'c ta''.r zintt: wt r-kno'wn clipper, built ship siiti, A~ I for Ii yeattrs , 63t tone tegister; T1. * . t .alrc; lot stnt in the London Docks, Thtis ship, sI, ''itt -til ogquu'i~ies, ingde the passage laet semaon ?? lit)d l cooonn cutluxation ftir acne I-F r eighto Or to ltO\r.OllliX lii and UIEo( URNI 11, en * to WV. 0. YOUNG, Sanl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Y40tho VO1RSHI1'FIJI tiac JUSI1CES of MIDDLESEX. NVY 1,0Ii510 A'Sii GiNTrLotitIt, a Vitir II: snitrz0i a tun homg ustbnilt tleciied upon adopting the xciotoeei1'.i'i 51 the ('inittee tl ttiv;ile theo Pai i-h of St. Mary, hoaii. i.. ci: ~e searii' e Ditrict Corrcciorships, I beg again re- -;1'lii'L'1 'a nci'ifc ithecon~iiettionl of inv eltorts as a Candidate for -cb,, lion.tair it' oett. ts n, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'TlHE NEW PUBLICATIONS. /~ESS RS. HIU.R ST d L BLACKEIrT, SUCCESSORIS TO AIR. COLBURN, :13, Great Mlarlborough-strect, Have i at puiblished the following New Wocrti: *BT bill ?? T1F SUKr8 of BUCK12SGHAM'3 .M4MftS or ?? COi b inid CABINIl,TS of GEORGE III. From Original 1iRally Docui- mensta. se,atond Edittion, ItterietIt. 2 vto., witht Portraits. 30e. 2. EIGHTEEN YEARS oan the GOLD COAST of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL ITALIAN OPERA, COVENT-GARDEN. LES HUGUENOTS.-TIIIS EVENING, Saturday, June 4, will be perfornmedl (for thc second time his scasva) Meverbeer's rand opera, LES HUGUENOTS. Valentina, Mine. Grisi; Margarita di Valois, Mine. Castellan; Damna d'Onore, Millie. Cotti; Urbano, Mdille. N. Didiee; Marce!lo, lerr Fermes; 11 Conte di San Bris, Sig. Becletti; 11 Coate di Nev'rq, Sig. Tagliafico; De ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUOTION. Shropshire.-The Manor and Estate of Aston Eyre. M ESSRS. NOKC and WILSON are instructed to SELL by AUCTION, at the Swan Hotel, Wolverhamp. i ton, on Wedneselay, June 16, at Four in the afternoon in one L~ot, avaluable FRE:EHIOLD ESTATE, situate at AstoEyre, in the parish of Morville, near Bridgtnorth, in the county oi taiep comprising the MANOR of ASTON EYRE, colitainiag ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ACELERATION of MOR'NING MAILS.-* AC In conr1sequnce of the, Alterttt, aiens Tule- by the Post~ofice c:,tue DAILY NI3VI snra be rrecivcu reeerni hours earlier O~ttir 1,I yr Towwtt' Ovd in tire neirahbourhoorl of the Metropolis. AIlfI;FNIE?,S untI nr,'i ,s of births, el,,ekh, ?? marriageS, ioi3.r~e In st A tha newrspaper, of ~the nistedr Kingdom. A list Of X~aodon revv'papers, ezc., nith ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rpoPSY'S SONG, I'M BUT A LITTLE NIGGER GIRL -Wercls by JEPZe.ays IdIusic by SnFrOxs Gi.Lovcr.-This pretty song is daily increasing in popu- larity. TPhe arrival of lifts Beetcher Stosee too given an imnpetus 1 to the demand for all Stephen (Gtoaer'o compositiotns connected with U Tncle Tecm.' ' The Sea of Glanss,' Duet-Eliots's Song-1I 'Sleep. our Child.' and 'Eve's Parting Woerds:' deserve ...