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Advertisements & Notices

... F-1--RE FASHIONS ALWA'YS AT H{OME, at' 1 I U' Rzk, lIAB, Di'AYSC)N, anal Co.'s. 272 and 1,74,Rent (a rta, d-'rce c-uvt traionc, 'on gold aind ,ilver, mora.Or5 brQ- C ta.1.0 ?? Jolapos tocorarrepolad, in satlin, gloaU', tulle, Z'a. oar. Rllbbouis, lnurpmasrd in Cloguarcc of aStyIo, quaortt'y.I Irpair'. 1'r'aa Frenc'h b iogs ill 'altclurj'.n octaltlteris, i 1. Lin' v - rl ihltl' priCO1 Shawl', ...

Advertisements & Notices

... xl(nix ?? thle ?? xxi ioxew erig xxtxxxiilt, 00il lxxi rx xitxer, A. ~'111,`WxAN', fx \xV I x 1)cxs~l'.. ixr.x 'hix , im ll M ?? i i ?? 11u xIII .A CIn , lxxa~ed Lastixd ?? N 'ac x' Cxxixeinxi. l apl~lil xx i,~ 1'LBV . Sing (ixor anh5ils tlil. t, ?? pea sr La0'x ?? 0 xiccxxx -x .x Buz .,xxx 1cxx xiixm xlr oil,~ure JxxxI ?? xx xxX Lon.o Y (7nvy. Sxx'xvxx I) U.TRA ?? AUSTRALIAN i.~~ lr-i: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Office of Ordnaaance, w 16th June, 555. 3. T TIE Principal Officers of Her Majesty's TOr~dnance do hereby give notice, that a quantity, 0of Old Har' ness, Tools, Junk. Cook MeTn Led Ashes. Artltnery Clothing, d ooots, Old Beroy Le'Ather Ionic, S Wtdoeiilts, GammaltTower old Files. Spades, Oldtb' Wood.ys Tre., Zinch , Plank Sillves, Wheels, Barrcls, &c. k le j~ocd. Trees, Bitesh , Scretary. : ...

Advertisements & Notices

... POETICAL WORKS. WORDSWORTH'S POETICAL ] WORKS. In six volumes, 24mo, price lSs. seWed. II. WORDSWORTH'S POETICAL WORKS. In one volume, medium Svo, price 20s. cloth. III. COLERIDGE'S POEMS. In one volume, foolscap 8vo, price 6s. cloth. IV. COLERIDGE'S DRAMATIC WORKS. In one volume, foolsoap Svo, price Co. cloth. V. HARTLEY COLERIDGE'S POEMS. In tweo volumes, foolsoap evo, price 12s. cloth. VI. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l(IiRD)GIH of' LAMBETH.-A PUBLIC DIN- N ti'iz fto t!he purpoase of presenting -a TElSTIMON4IAL lo thu C.T. ti'EYNCOttltT, 'will tabe place at tthe 11urr, Ken. a 001 1) .ONESDA, Jutto 22. ?? PUD LEtY C. STUJART, TM.P., in the Chair.t Ticl,'1 f't. 33. e inh (Including wine), may be bitt of ?? Rbl,7l- ~t t. I ert~ttir ; Lr . L. Green, 62, Paternostcr-rowt; at tlht 11''l ?? of tOC1 of thle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE QUARTERLY REVIEW, T No. CLXXXV.-ADVERTISEItENTS for the forthcoming Number must be forssrded to the Publisher by the 25th, and h3ILLS for insertion by tbe '4th instant. John 0lurray. Albemarle ctt~t. q'IiE PRESS. This day SATURDAY, JUNE IS, No. VII, price 6d. of PHE PRESS, the new Weekly Conservative IT Paper Pablisbed every Saturday.-Office, No. 110 Strand. Money orders for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MAY MORNING, a brilliant Cavatina, written by CHARLES JEFFERYS, the Music by STEPHEN GLOVER. So sparkling and effective a composition as lay Morning (has not for manny years issued from the pen of ?? composer: like the subject it treats of, it is full of beauties. Stephen Gloverlts .composer, io well known as the popular author of the Blind Girl to her Harp, Merry is the Green- woeod, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... yl.A \j'Ir MELBoOUBtNE, Port Phifl~ip.-I~ t * tO &2 Jt~. for ri in t by this vessoel must be at i I 1: la , cilearcted on ol: bcfote TO.?aOEROW'' * II. one p ,,Ip ,labin ditsei~gauc'd, 21n1 room for p ?? .c e~, far 'a hich immnedltojl application' ?? expereinced nirgeon, andl Eails from' 301on.F'tr freiglt~ or Pacsage. apply to ~ ~ ' C b'.21 or to W. O* YOUL5G San-court,1 BATXIIIAT, the ?? nw ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to AUSTRALIA.-The AUSTRALIAN iTYAL MAIL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY will ,Jh their magpniicelit IRON SCREW STEAMERS for ADE, ?? poRT PHILLIP, and SYDNEY, punctually as under:- Sp' Tena, ?? Commanders. Dooks. Salling, 1,400 500 Yorke Askey East India Aug. d 8ttr n, n 1,400 300 - ditto to follow ?? ?? of pas. age money and freight, or any further in- ihore *p at tpt e offdces of the Company, 69, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION, Freehold and Churchold Farms, Orsett, and Lamdondhill,, M ESSRS. SHUTTLE WORTH and SOBiR q M .t received instructions from the Executors tS ae AUCTION, at the Auction Mart. on Wednosday AoUlt LL by Twelve, in Lots, a FREEHOLD ESTATE A gust 3, at distinguished as GREY GOOSE FAFtl, in the parish of Orsett, in the county of Ess 1O4A. 3a. 15P., of arable and meadow land, inl Jlc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BENEFIT, M end Last Appelrince but ,our-d Bile.te, Ra ie BENCH PLAYS.-MORNING -R F ANCE.-Numerous 3PP ications having been ?? Day Performance during Mdlle. RACHEL'S eng mademn Mr Mitchell respectfullyf announces that a MATINEE DilAHnTIQMr will take place at the St. James's Theatre, on Tuesday Jul 2 two days preceding Mdlle-. Rchel's departure, and at which Md' RACHEL will declaim an Act of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ER M 1AJEESTY'S DRAWVING-ROOMS.-- biL .\IlifoJN fIzlth, andt( CATES, 4,N fn.tet Ia>rt of 1`1tIiGS SlUNSi, LA.'CE, il'SIJtG ,Sr, 0: V (tlceeitg ft oul theit igrtht in Paris the nme'. rccntt iiitIN, n gd ad Iver;i brocaded, floantied, and to Ifto, itl est qnafltyv; ttfo a taree Stank of 11rml-Ih oath Fet cigfl a'lF~ matil tit g- ntor 1i nit and Ealenn BIleoger, u',tuin, Court Lrtpl ,~ we & , at ...